- Identify long VGA cables (and others) we don’t use anymore in classrooms. Remove and /or coil up and tie off to building supports.
- Coil up old network cables in classrooms that aren’t in use, but one day we might
- Label camera cables and cameras with matching identifiers. – SHARPIE
- Verify audio works in room prior to tear down.
- Verify LRC at MIS is open for JH cleaning, etc.
- Need more 8 foot ladders
Things to do:
- Figure out a process for labeling/removing/relocating technology equipment from rooms.
- 8th grade chromebooks need to be moved to another building.
- Pile on pallets at LRC – move MIS
- Melendez will need to be moved to another building.
- Tear down cameras in hallways, tie the cables up in the ceiling
- Push copiers into LRC for imagetec pickup
- Phones need to be labeled and removed from rooms
- APs need to be labeled and removed from rooms
- Projectors/ w (bottom half) mounts need to be labeled and removed from rooms. We expect the plate, pole, and top of half of mount will stay
- Remove any cabling that teachers use (network, audio, VGA, etc)
- Extra devices (chromebooks, chargers, document cameras) need to be labeled and removed from rooms.