Log into PowerSchool admin side.
Click on the little popping out arrow near the term and school selection.
Alternatively, it's also under the Applications
Click on PS Enrollment
Your username is your full MIN201.org email address. Your password is self created.
If you have forgotten what that is, then use the forgot password.
Find the student’s record in the imported/added view of the rostering workspace by using the filters above the columns.
Check the checkbox to select the record.
Click on Tasks > Notify.
Select your delivery method. Generally, this is going to be ‘paper’ letters, and use School Messenger to email the parents, and choose the appropriate template.
Since you only want to send to those selected students who you have checked, choose “Selected only”.
The next screen (not pictured here) is a quick preview of what the message will look like. You’ll want to scroll down down and then choose “Send all” or “Print Letters” whichever is applicable.
Congratulations! You just ‘notified’ a parent in PS Registration, but its only half the process. Since we’re using School Messenger is only half of the process, so now you’ll need to compose an email to the parents and send it.
Log into PowerSchool account at https://min201.powerschool.com/public
If you need assistance with this, please email pshelp@min201.org.
Click on Returning Student Registration.
If the parents have already completed the returning student form for the student, swap to another student.
Confirm that the parent is at least 13 years of age by checking the checkbox.
Click the green “Begin Form” button.
Verify the student’s date of birth.
Log into your Parent PowerSchool account by going to https://min201.powerschool.com/public
If you need assistance with this, please email pshelp@min201.org.
You many need to expand the sidebar by clicking on the triangle.
Click on Returning Student Registration.
Confirm that the parent is at least 13 years of age by checking the checkbox.
Click the green “Begin Form” button.
Verify the student’s date of birth.
Log into the Unified Classroom portal
Click on Quick Links
Click on the Returning Student Registration button.
The parent might need to click ‘dashboard’ to resume a previously started form.
The parent filled out the form, no errors but the submit button won’t let me proceed on. What do I do?
Open the submission workspace from the project.
Find the record using either one of the already created filters (clicking on filters) or searching for the last name in a text box above the column.
Click on the pencil and paper icon (
) to view the record.On the left hand side you’ll see all the fields on the form. Some of these fields may not be filled in as they aren’t shown to the parent due to the grade logic (IE: a 3rd grader student will not see any of the Robert Crown questions as it doesn’t apply to them).
The middle column is the new value that the parent filled in, and lastly the old value column (3rd column) is what was pulled from PowerSchool SIS.
Any values updated by the parent and/or doesn’t match what was in the database is highlighted in yellow for your ease to see what was changed.From here, you can easily tag a record with the tags in the upper right hand corner -- either address change (if the child has an address change), invalid proof, polished, etc.
Log into Enrollment (go to Powerschool SIS Admin (https://min201.powerschool.com/admin/) > popping out arrow near the term / school dropdowns > PS Enrollment. Your username = your entire email address. Password = self created).
Go into the returning student 2020/2021 > submission workspace - since you want to email ALL of those records that are polished.
Optionally, if you know that you are wanting to only hit those records that have been approved and are polished at JES, you'd change your view to 'Approved'. (Approved generally = it's ready to get sent back to 'normal PS'/SIS when it's available). I'd say this is optional, because you could go into 'all submissions' and get everyone who has been polished regardless of approved or not. You may need to talk with Marissa and ask her if she wants polished and approved or not. (Each school does this differently.... :))
First change the filter to Jones Elementary (to get all the records that are associated at Jones).
Then next filter down using the tag and you want all the records that are tagged 'polished' AND at JES.
Your select a... above the fields should look like this at the end of step #3 -
Now that we have the list of the students who match this criteria - which as of this email is 88 records (you might have more or less depending on your view of all submissions or just approved and polished...) when you do this).. but we don't have this in a workable format yet, so now we'll need to export these students to easily get their student ID #s to quickly grab the students and email their parents that they're good. Click on Tasks > Export
While looking at the dialog box it'll come down as CSV / excel file, it's asking you what data do you want to export - by default it'll give you the student's first name, last name, PS #, school, and grade. Generally, I just leave the defaults, unless I'm looking for something specific. Scroll down and then it's wanting to know... do you want to export only the selected records (which you could cherry pick if required) by putting a checkmark on the row and then exporting, or all the records found.
99% of the time, you're going to want to just scroll down and choose 'all found'In the next window, after it finishes loading, click on the link where it says to 'download data'.
It'll download the file as a .csv/excel file. It should go into your downloads folder, and it should automagically open with excel. (if it doesn't, let me know and I can send you the instructions on how to get it open).
You may get these 2 popups when trying to open the file - just hit ok / yes to get the file to open.
All you care about in this file is the first column A, so just copy all those ID numbers (highlight all > copy). In this example, I'm going to email these 4 students, so I've copied these 4 ID numbers for these students.
Bounce BACK to PowerSchool SIS Admin, and while at the JES click on multi select off the start page.
In the big box, paste those ID #s that you copied > Search. (Note: You probably have next year Kindergartens who won't show up in your selection ... because they aren't at your building yet - that's ok for now - you'll see why in a few steps.) So in this example I pasted 4 student ID but because I'm at JES, I only found 3, because the 4th until we roll PS SIS into next year those students are still at their 2019/20 school of MPC.
With these students as my selection I can now send them an email, so this is the normal steps of going into Message Sender (Start Page > Message Sender) and sending an email home as if you were emailing home about an early release and/or something from the PTO.
Document on how to use school messenger linked.But we're not done yet -- we still have those kids who are getting promoted over to us to deal with don't we?! ;-)
So, switch your school to MPC
Click on Multi Select and then paste those ID #s into the box > Search. (In my example we found the 'missing' student who was at MPC and not yet promoted to JES).
With these students as your selection, you can now go to message sender and do the same thing that you did for your current JES students.
AFTER ALL THAT: I'd recommend going back into Enrollment, finding all those students you just sent the email to, tasks > assign tags >
Choose "Completed Email Sent" so that next time you need to do this, you'll grab all the JES students in the approved status and NOT tagged completed email sent to quickly identify those students who need to get this email. Choose "All Found" if you're doing the all of the records found, or if you are cherry picking some then choose selected only.
*Note: If you have like less than 5 students, you could just copy the student ID number from enrollment and paste into PS SIS admin for multi select and avoid the exporting entirely. The idea is once you get 'caught up', then you just keep up on it, and it might be like maybe 10 kids a week or so.
Since these student's aren't in PowerschoolPowerSchool, yet we can't use school messenger. (unless they have siblings... then you could use school messenger and just reference the new student that they registered their new K student). You'll want to do the same thing if you've got quite a few to email - export out, but instead add "P1_Email'' in that laundry list of fields to export. This will give you person 1's email address as the parent entered the email address as. You could then copy and paste them into a BCC gmail Gmail (meaning I get an email from you saying my kids registration is good, but I don't see anyone else who was included on the list to get this email). Optionally, you could also go into each record by clicking on the piece of paper with pencil and copying the first email address you come into.
From the submission workspace, change the view so it shows you ALL pending delivery records.
Select those records which you want to deliver back to. (You can always use the built in filters to show only your school).
With the records selected, click on Tasks > Deliver Data
Choose Selected Only (or all All found will do all the records on your screen).
Create a delivery batch
Note: You can only have 1 delivery batch open at a time. This is per user, so if 2 people are running it, no issues.
After the batch has been created, close the popup window to come to the delivery screen. This is the last chance you have before the information is delivered back and you cannot make any changes (in registration). You’ll need to flip back to Powerschool PowerSchool SIS to make any changes past this point.
As you are looking at the records, you want to see a green bubble next to the Match for the students and contacts.
Green bubble = good match.
Yellow bubble = possible duplicate and/or needs investigating
Click on the Match button to match the record to the appropriate student or contact.
Grey bubble = no match
When looking at an individual record and you are satisfied with the information, it's now time to deliver. Click on the delivery record button on the left hand side
If you are delivering multiple records, then you don’t need to deliver each record individually, you can click Deliver ALL records.
When you are finished make sure you Close the delivery batch.