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Find the students who you need to store the grades for before trying this process (if doing only a select group of students).

  1. Click on System under Setup

  2. Click on Permanently Store Grades under Grades

  3. Use the following options:

    1. Which Grades heading
      Image Removed

      1. Use this final grade / reporting term = choose the term that just ended

      2. Save with this historical store code = enter the same as the previous option

    2. Exclude/Include Class EnrollmentsImage Removed

      1. Choose “Include only enrolments that are currently active and that were active on [date]” = For the date, enter the last day of the term.

    3. Additional Filter Options
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      1. Check the “Store grades for the currently selected x students only” if you are only storing for a certain group of students.  If not, it’ll save everyones’ grades at the school.

      2. You can also filter down by student grade levels to only store x grade level(s)

    4. Classes by term length

      1. K Grade only

        1. Since all the classes are broken up by trimesters, choose do not store for the full year courses.

        2. For the K Trimester, choose store with credit; % to store = 100%

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      2. 1-4

        1. Since all classes are full year classes, choose store with credit; % of course credit = 25%

        2. For the K Trimester choose do not store

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      3. 5-8

        1. For the Full Year classes (20xx-20xx) per quarter, choose store with credit; % of course credit = 25%

        2. For the Q classes (classes that only last a quarter long), choose store with credit; % of course credit = 100%

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    5. Options for classes enrolled at other schools

      1. These are enrollments where a student may be enrolled at INT but take an advanced math class at JH); don’t traditionally apply to us so leave the default options.

    6. Options for withholding credit, Advanced Potential and Earned Credit Options, Variable Credit Storing Preferences and Repeated Course Grade Suppression

      1. Doesn’t apply to us as we don’t use any of these mechanics.  So just skip it.

  4. Hit Submit.

Depending on how many grades are being stored this may take a few minutes to successfully save everyone’s grades. 


  1. School Management > Academics > Store Grades

  2. Use the following options:

    1. Which Grades heading

      1. Use this final grade / reporting term = choose the term that just ended

      2. Save with this historical store code = enter the same as the previous option

    2. Exclude/Include Class Enrollments

      1. Choose “Include only enrolments that are currently active and that were active on [date]” = For the date, enter the last day of the term.

    3. Additional Filter Options

      1. Check the “Store grades for the currently selected x students only” if you are only storing for a certain group of students.  If not, it’ll save everyones’ grades at the school.

      2. You can also filter down by student grade levels to only store x grade level(s)

    4. Classes by term length

      1. K Grade only

        1. Since all the classes are broken up by trimesters, choose do not store for the full year courses.

        2. For the K Trimester, choose store with credit; % to store = 100%

      2. 1-4

        1. Since all classes are full year classes, choose store with credit; % of course credit = 25%

        2. For the K Trimester choose do not store

      3. 5-8

        1. For the Full Year classes (20xx-20xx) per quarter, choose store with credit; % of course credit = 25%

        2. For the Q classes (classes that only last a quarter long), choose store with credit; % of course credit = 100%

    5. Options for classes enrolled at other schools

      1. These are enrollments where a student may be enrolled at INT but take an advanced math class at JH); don’t traditionally apply to us so leave the default options.

    6. Options for withholding credit, Advanced Potential and Earned Credit Options, Variable Credit Storing Preferences and Repeated Course Grade Suppression

      1. Doesn’t apply to us as we don’t use any of these mechanics.  So just skip it.

  3. Hit Submit.
