Username and password - self created (once created, it’ll email you a welcome email to set your up your account).
Student Management
How to add a student to the program
Click on the 3 lines > Student Setup
Click the add students button.
Enter in the student’s first and last names.
Choose the appropriate grade level and the school that the student attends.
In the student User ID, enter in the student’s login (from Powerschool) as this needs to be unique across the district.
Enter in a password - minimum of 3 characters that the student will use along with the user ID to login.
Choose Yesfor liscense this student and then choose yourself or a collague for lead teacher.
Choose which program(s) the student should have access to. Unchecking a program means no access. (
By default, Read Naturally Live
is checked for the student. Other programs are optional depending on student needs.
Optionally, if the student requires accessibility options you can also enable them here (or turn off if no longer necessary).
Skip Contact 1 and 2 information.
Hit Save and close or Save & add another to add another student.
Assigning Liscenses to Multiple Students
If the student already exsists within the platform, there’s no need to re-create the student, but rather assign a liscense to the student. (Note: Each school year, the liscenses are removed from the students as part of the promotion process).
Log into the application.
Click on Student Setup button
Click on the Application Access button.
Choose the school, if you’re at multiple schools.
You can choose multiple students or a single student.
When assigning multiple students a liscense, you’ll also want to make sure that the students will all share the same lead teacher.For Multiple students: Select the first student in the list that you want to assign a liscense to. Hold the shift button your keyboard, and then select the bottom student.
Click on the “Manage Access to Read Live” button.
Click on the “Add liscenses for selected” button. to add a liscense.
Then select a lead teacher for all these students.
Click ok.
Assigning Liscenses to Individual Student
If the student already exsists within the platform, there’s no need to re-create the student, but rather assign a liscense to the student. (Note: Each school year, the liscenses are removed from the students as part of the promotion process).
Log into the application.
Click on Student Setup button
Click on the Application Access button.
Choose the school, if you’re at multiple schools.
To assign an individual student to a liscense, from this screen, you can click on the student’s last name and it’ll pop open the edit menu as if you were creating the student.
Update the “Liscense this student” dropdown to “Yes” and update the lead teacher with your name.
You can also optionally assign additional programs from this screen.
Hit Save and close when done to return to the application access screen.