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Teacher Managed by SPED / MTSS / Case Mangers.

Teacher Login link

Account ID: 00058166

Username and password - self created (once created, it’ll email you a welcome email to set your up your account).

ReadLIve’s Help Website

Programs within Read Naturally

Read Naturally Live

Word Warm-ups Live

One Minute Reader Live

Read Naturally Live - Espanol


Fluency intervention that supports vocabulary, comprehension and phonics (Phonics series)

  • Phonics interevention

  • Can be paired with Read Naturally LIve for Fluency

  • Structured., independent reading practice (for any student)

  • Extra pratice for a student already working with Read Naturally LIve or Word Warm-ups Live

  • Builds native-Spanish speaker’s fluency in reading Spanish

  • Supports any student’s Spanish reading development

Fluency, Vocabulary Comprehension

Sequenced 1.0 - 8.0

Idioms 3.0-4.5

One story exercise in each section

Levels E - 5
(Early 1st grade through mid-5th grade)

Sequenced 1.0 - 5.6

Phonics Series / Phonics Emphasis

Phonics 0.8 - 2.7

Instruction in context of non-fiction stories

  • Level 1: One-Syllable

  • Level 2: Two-Syllable

  • Level 3: Multi-Syllabic



English Language Learners

  • English content

  • English or Spanish directions

  • Spanish read along option

English content

English content

  • Spanish content

  • Spanish or English directions

  • English read along option

Teacher Required?

  • Cold-timing step (optional)

  • Pass step

Pass step

Students work independently

  • Cold-timing step (optional)

  • Pass step

Student Management

How to add a student to the program


  1. Expand out the student’s information and then click on the “placement” button.

  2. Select the approximate level to begin testing the student. You can also click on the “i” to see more information about the level and test information.

  3. Click Next.


  4. At this point, you’ll want to click “start timing” and have the student start reading. (Alternatively, you can have the student start reading and once you hear the first word, then you hit the start timing button.).

  5. After 1 minute, a bell will sound and then as the teacher, click on the last word that the student read, and then enter in the number of missed words.

  6. Click on Next.

  7. The next screen shows you the results.

    1. In this example, we can either re-test the student if the level was too hard or too easy for the student OR stop testing the student and choose the appropriate level.

    2. If you choose “Contuine testing”, it’ll send you back to the first placement screen where you can choose another level and re-do the 1 minute testing.

    3. If you choose “stop testing and pick a level”, then you’ll want to select one of the options for the series/level and goal for the student.

    4. Click next.

  8. The next screen will ask you to confirm your selection and then also show you the most recent placement test results found under the “Student Placement Report”.

Conduct Student Placememnt

  1. Have the student log into the student platform using their userid and password that you created.

    1. Can’t remember the username and password combination? Run the report

  2. Click on the tile of conduct placement.

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  3. Choose the tile of “No, I am working by myself”. (If a student chooses Teacher is with me, it’ll ask the teacher to log in and then go through the steps of teacher led placement steps).

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  4. Before the student does anything else, you’ll want to watch the video that appears as it’ll show the student how to navigate around on the page. They can re-watch the video by clicking on the video icon with the question mark in the bottom left hand side.

  5. Click on start timing and begin reading outloud for 1 minute.

    1. TIP: Advise that the student should read OUTLOUD and CLEARLY.

  6. When the bell sounds, the student will click on the last word that they read.

    1. You might need to wait a few minutes for it to show up. If the level was too easy, then it’ll ask them to re-try another story to get a better idea where to place. Rinse and repeat until it says that there’s a level and story goal that seems like a good fit for the student.

  7. Click next.

  8. The screen now shows the list of stories that are within the student’s level and they can begin working.

Student’s guide to read naturally placement

Customizing student Story Options

Tailor the program to the student… (wink)

Go to Student Activity > expand the caret for the student > application -specific applications > change story options.


Student Activity Reports -