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Teacher Managed by SPED / MTSS / Case Mangers.

Teacher Login link

Student Login Link

Account ID: 00058166

Username and password - self created (once created, it’ll email you a welcome email to set your up your account).


Tailor the program to the student… (wink)

Go to Student Activity > expand the caret for the student > application -specific applications > change story options.

  1. Log into the staff portal.

  2. Click on Student Activity

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  3. Click the “Application Specific Actions”.

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  4. Expand the program that the story is apart of it.

    1. Note: If doing a word warmups, then it can only be done from the student portal by clicking on the teacher icon.

  5. Choose the specific student (or students).

  6. Click on Change story options for selected

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    1. By Default, all the steps with the checkmarks are turned on. Adjustments can be made to the program for the student.

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If you turn off the quiz or cold timings or change the cold timings from Teacher required to student independently then the data mentor is turned off. (There’s a warning letting you know about it).


Update a series, level, or goal after placement

  • If the student is new to Read Naturally Live, then use the placement test to determine the appropriate series, level and story goal. Don’t manually set the series, level and story goal as described above without first going through the placement process unless the student previously worked in a different Read Naturally strategy program.

  • This can only be adjusted by the student’s lead teacher or a staff member in the account administrator or school coordinator role.

  1. Log into the staff portal.

  2. Click on Student Activity

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  3. From the list of students find the student list who needs adjusting.

  4. Expand the student’s row and click on the edit pencil icon under the application.

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  5. Change or update the information for student. You can also adjust the stories (on or off) within the sets of stories.

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  6. Click Save and Close to save the changes.

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Students: Working within the program - Read Naturally Live

  1. Log into the platform (link) with your username and password.

  2. Click on Read Naturally Live.

    1. If the student has multiple programs assigned to them, they can choose the program in which they want work with.

    2. Once they’re within the platform, they can swap between different programs at the teachers' discretion by opening the hamburger icon.

  3. It’ll ask the student to choose a story to begin working with and if they want to confirm the story choice. Now onto the steps for the student… (Note: From the customizing the program for students, these can be turned on / off or adjusted to make it harder / easier for the students).

    1. Step 1 - Key Words:

      1. Next screen is the key words screen - clicking on each key word it’ll read the definitions and examples.

      2. Click Next once all the key words have been listened to.

    2. Step 2 - Predictions

      1. Using the key words that they just learned about along with an image to make a prediction about the story. (Note: The box only remembers what is typed. So the teacher can scribe the response into the box and/or use other tools as necessary to get something entered into this box, but it is also required).

    3. Step 3 - Cold Timinigs

      1. While waiting for the teacher, the bars will go red and the student can work for independently. The red bars is a visual indicator for you to assist.

      2. Click the “Conduct Cold Timings” button, enter in your credentials and then have a seat next to the student.

        1. This screen is very similar to the placement – options to turn on / off with the reading guide. It’ll give the student 1 minute to read.

        2. If there is a word that is difficult or unknown to the student, have them click on the word and keep going. The system will keep track of this and take into account for the score.

        3. Clicking Next - it’ll show the goal vs how the student did. Through the next steps of the program, it’ll help the student reach their goal.

    4. Step 4 - Read Along

      1. Clicking the “Start Read Along” button will have the narrator read the passage to the student with the student following along whisper reading.

        1. Instructional note from ReadLive - suggestion is to have the students whisper-read the passages along with the read along 3x before moving on.

    5. Step 5 - Practice

      1. Notice: There are words in blue that can be linked anmd it’ll show the definitions and an example of the word.

      2. This is an independent step where the passage will show up. Hit start timings to start reading for 1 minute, and attempt to meet their goal.

      3. Once the bell sounds, the student will click on the last word that they read.

      4. The next button is greyed out until they meet their goal (answer all the quiz questions correctly; read the story at their goal rate and reading at a high accuracy of less than 3 errors).

    6. Step 6 -Quiz

      1. This is a multi-step question to test the student’s comprehension. The questions are always in the same order so you can analyze how the students are doing. Student must get all the questions correct before moving on.

      2. If the students get it correct they’ll hear a “happy” noise. If it’s incorrect it’ll give a “bonk”.

      3. Instructional note from ReadLive:

        1. Some students might need to “preview” the questions before getting into the story and you can print out the story and questions for those students. How to preview stories and questions in printed format.

        2. There are a variety of questions asked – to multiple choice, open ended questions, matching (between column A to B ), fill in the blank. Question 1 is ALWAYS a “main idea” question of the story.

    7. Step 7 - Retell

      1. This is an open-ended question. The students can also click on “Review story” to go back to the story.

      2. Instructional note from ReadLive: any accomodations that you would make for writing, you’d make for this step as well.

    8. Step 8 - Pass

  4. Predictions



    1. / Hot Timings

      1. There are red bars in this step. So when you see this, hit the teacher and then enter in their credentials).

      2. Hit the start timing button and have the student begin to read aloud with the teacher keeping track of number of words missed. You are also listening for an expression. (A minimum of expression score of 2+ is a “pass”.

      3. After 1 minute, the bell will sound and choose the last word that they read outloud. Then the teacher enters in the number of words missed and the student’s expression score. Click next.

      4. The system will now ask you to grade the student’s quiz for any open-ended questions

  1. Remedial screen

    1. There is an optional screen where a student can fix the missed questions without needing to through the entire program itself.

How to preview stories or questions

  1. Log in to the staff portal.

  2. Click on the Student Activity tile.

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  3. Click on the Application Specific Actions button.

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  4. Click on Print Stories button

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  5. Choose the series, level and the story you wish to print.

  6. Click print.

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    A PDF of the story and questions will appear and you can print or save them as necessary.

Progress Monitoring

Determine Whether to Raise the Level or the Goal

When you change level and goals, only raise one element at a time once you have determined a change in level or goal is required. After a student completes all the stories in a series/level, raise the student’s level. Typically, a student work in onely one series per level, but if a student would benefit in staying in the current level and if you have another series available that would be appoprirate, you can keep the student in the level by assigning another series.

If you need to make a cahnge after the student has completed only a portion of the stories in a level, consider the student’s comprehension and accuracy, and also use use your judgement.

  • If a student frequently scores less than 80% correct on the quiz questions on the first try, don’t change the level.

  • If a student has high error rates during cold or hot timings because they lack the oral vocabulary to read the current level of material or lacks the phonics skills to decode the words in this level, don’t change the level.

  • If the student has a high error dates due to carlessness or a desire for speed, don’t change the goal reading rates.

If the student comprehension is good and error rates are low, consider the gains that they need to make in level of material and reading rates to achieve their long term fluency goal. The student’s long term fluency goal is typically reading unpraticed, grade-level material at a rate that is at least the 50% percentile of national norms.

Once you have decided which element to raise - level or goal - follow the guidelines below to help ensure the student’s continued success.

  • Typically, raise levels by half a year at a time. In rare cases, you may raise levels by a whole year if a student is reading in a level 3.0 or above and has made significant fluency progress, comprehends well and can handle the extra challenge.

  • Raise goals by 10 words at a time.

  • Discuss the change with the student, asking for input.

How to change the studetn’s series, level or goal


Student Username and Password

If you have a student who used the program before and can’t remember their password, or has forgotten it without resetting it…

  1. Log into the staff portal.

  2. Click on Reports.

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  3. Click on Student Password(s).

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  4. Place a checkbox in the next student(s) to select those who you want to generate the report cord.

  5. Click the blue “Generate Report for Selected” button.

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