Prep Ahead of Rollover

Prep Ahead of Rollover

Link to Yearly Process guide (updated randomly, so be sure to check if you’ve got the latest version) – https://www.psugcal.org/index.php?title=End_Of_Year



Double check the pause dates on easybridge and clever

Turn off emailers on PS VPN Box.

Turn off autosends / autocomms in Powerschool.

Turn off school messenger attendance callers

Turn off Versatrans importers

  1. RDP into versatrans

  2. Within Versatrans Integration Service

    1. Click on Schedule > Choose the appropriate job that you want to stop from the dropdown.

      1. Daily Importer, Basic Auto Update, Prereg (with the multiple versions) and maybe? trans mode

    2. To stop the job, uncheck the “enable checkbox” and save.

    3. Double check each job as necessary after saving them all.

  3. Exit MTSS interventions
    Requires role of “Export/Edit Access”

    1. System Settings > Page and Data Management > Export Data

      1. Category - Show All

      2. Export from - “U_MTSS”

      3. Next

      4. Select all the fields by clicking on the checkbox next to “students.u_mtss”

      5. Next.

      6. Filter down the results to date_started >= 08/01/xx and date_ended is = [blank]

      7. Show all records button.

      8. Edit all filtered records' date ended date to be [last day of student attendance]

        1. note: With this you’re editing directly the records that show on the MTSS History page.

      9. Submit.
        NOTE: You’ll now need to update your filter again because now the date ended is NOT blank, if you’re looking for data.

Exit EC Programs

One thing to note: We only need to exit the students out of these programs in PS, as the state does it for us whenever we exit the students at the end of the year.
Requires role of “Export/Edit Access”

  1. System Setup > Page and Data Management > Export Data

    1. Category - Show All

    2. Export from “S_IL_STU_Early_Childprg_C”

    3. Next.

    4. Checkbox next to the table header to select all of those fields.

    5. Next.

    6. Filter down to where the program start date is >= 8/1/xx and the end date is a blank.

      1. Edit the records found so that the:

        1. reason_ending_program = 01 (Services Ended)

        2. reason_ending_provider = 09 (school ended)

        3. program_end_date = [last day of student attendance for the year]

          1. Do this one last – Otherwise you’ll need to adjust your filter to this program end date is equal to [date]

        4. provider_end_date = [last day of student attendance]

Archive the activities

  1. System Setup > Page and Data Management > Export Data

    1. Category - Show All

    2. Export from - Activities

    3. Next

    4. Checkbox next to the table header of “students.activities”, include “students.student_number” and remove the studentsDCID under students.activities.

    5. Next.

    6. Next (skip the filter page).

    7. Export.

    8. After the file downloads, open in excel. Move the student number to column A then work through the various activities filtering down to where the students are involved with that activity ( =1)

    9. Grab those students in PS by copying their student #s and pasting into multi select.

      1. Group Functions > Mass Enroll in a Student Program

      2. Based off the activity name, choose the appropriate activity to enroll the student in. (Note: the activities special programs start with “ACT:”)

        1. If a program does not exist, click on the word program on this screen. This will take you to where you can create one.

      3. Entry date = 08/01/xx

      4. End date = 05/31/yy

    10. Delete that now archived activity in the excel sheet and rinse and repeat per each activity.

    11. When done, and after double checking with the AD / Athletics secretary, you’ll want to clear out the activities per school.

      1. @ Each School where activities are present > System > Clear Activities

Flip student ID #s to the next set of student numbers

  1. under District Setup > Student Numbers

Archive the current year fees at each school

  1. At Each school > MBA Student Fees > Fee Types > Checkbox to archive this year’s fees > Submit

Import Test Scores

  1. Import Spring MAP test scores

  2. Import DESSA test scores

Copy the truancy tracker dates into our custom fields

  1. Export the current Truancy Tracker data

    1. System Settings > Page and Data Management > Export Data

    2. Category = Show all

    3. Export from = U_Stu_Attendance_Tracking

      1. Select the checkbox at the table header (Students.U_Stu_Attendance_Tracking) to include all fields except for StudentsDCID

      2. Find the Students_number under the table of Students and checkbox to include it in the export.

      3. Find the STUDENTS.U_STU_CUSTOM_ATTENDANCE heading, and check the box for req_medical_documentation

    4. Next

    5. Export.

  2. Open the file in excel.

    1. Move the student # to the first column and change it’s header to Student_Number.

    2. Change the header of “U_Stu_attendance_tracking.threshold_1” to “U_stu_custom_attendance.letter_1_date_sent_[YEARID]”

    3. Change the header of “U_Stu_attendance_tracking.threshold_2” to “U_stu_custom_attendance.letter_2_date_sent_[YEARID]”

    4. Change the header of “U_Stu_attendance_tracking.threshold_3” to “U_stu_custom_attendance.letter_3_date_sent_[YEARID]”

    5. Change the header of “U_Stu_attendance_tracking.threshold_4” to “U_stu_custom_attendance.REFERRAL_TO_ROE_DATE_[YEARID]”

    6. Change the column of “U_stu_custom_attendance_req_documentation” to “U_STU_custom_attendance.medical_documentation_[YEARID]”

    7. Add a column for where letter 1 was sent with the heading of “U_stu_custom_attendance.letter_1_[yearid]” and fill down where the date is not a blank with a “yes” for each student

    8. Add a column for where letter 2 was sent with the heading of “U_stu_custom_attendance.letter_2_[yearid]” and fill down where the date is not a blank with a “yes” for each student

    9. Add a column for where letter 3 was sent with the heading of “U_stu_custom_attendance.letter_3_[yearid]” and fill down where the date is not a blank with a “yes” for each student

    10. Add a column for when the referral to the ROE was sent with theading of “U_stu_custom_attendance.referral_to_roe_[yearid]”

  3. Save the file as a tab deliminated file.

  4. Importing and exporting > Quick Import.

    1. Table = Students

    2. Character Set = Windows ANSCII

    3. [find file]

    4. Suggest field mapping = Checked.

      1. On the field mapping, check the box that says to “Update the record where an exisisting record has been found”

    5. Import.

    6. Double check that everything has been mapped as expected and import the file.

  5. {OPTIONAL} You can double check the 201 truancy tracker page for a couple of students and make sure it imported as expected

Clear out the Truancy Tracking fields for next year

  1. From the start page do a search for (without quotes):

    1. /{remove space}U_STU_CUSTOM_ATTENDANCE.req_medical_documentation #






  2. Group functions > Student Field Value

    1. Box 1 = the field that you searched for

    2. Check the box that says “clear field value“

    3. Submit.

    4. This is a preview page - make sure you hit submit to clear it out.

  3. Rinse and repeat for the remaining fields that haven’t been cleared out yet.

To double check this has been successfully cleared out, at a school level, go to Attendance > Reports > Attendance Tracking by Time to Day > Submit. (this dashboard should be blank now).

Create the “new” years' attendance tracker fields in DB extensions.

  1. System > Page and Data Management > Manage Database Extensions

    1. Database table to extend = Students

    2. Advanced Extension checkbox.

    3. Next (after it loads)

    4. Choose the “U_STU_CUSTOM_ATTENDANCE” table.

    5. Next

    6. Next

    7. Create the next year’s ID fields for:

      1. letter_1_[yearid]

      2. letter_1_date_sent_[yearid]

      3. Letter_1_Warning_Date_[yearid]

      4. letter_2_[yearid]

      5. letter_2_date_sent_[yearid]

      6. Letter_2_Warning_Date_[yearid]

      7. letter_3_[yearid]

      8. letter_3_date_sent_[yearid]

      9. medical_documentation_[yearid]

      10. Referral_TO_ROE_[yearid]

      11. Referral_TO_ROE_DATE_[yearid]

      12. medical_documentation_[yearid]

    8. Submit and wait for them to get created.

  2. After the items have been created, go to System > Custom Fields / Screens > Custom Student Screens

    1. Edit the fields for the “Custom Atendance” screen.

    2. Adjust the current year’s sorting order to something other than 0-12.

    3. Create a new heading using a static field of SSN with this year’s heading.

    4. Add all the other fields that you just created to the page as a static – so they’re ready for this process next year.

Archive the ELA and math placements

  1. Create the new year ELA and math placement fields for this year

    1. Database table to extend = Students

    2. Advanced Extension checkbox.

    3. Next (after it loads)

    4. Choose the “U_STU_CUSTOM_DEMOGRAPHICS” table.

    5. Next

    6. Next

    7. Add Field ADV_ELA_[yearid] and ADV_MA_[yearid]

    8. Submit, this will create the new field for you to use.

  2. Select All students and Quick Export the following fields

    1. Student_Number

    2. U_Stu_Custom_Demographics.adv_ELA

    3. U_Stu_Custom_Demographics.adv_ma

  3. Open the file in excel

    1. Change the header “U_Stu_Custom_Demographics.adv_ELA” to “U_Stu_Custom_Demographics.adv_ELA_[yearid]”

    2. Change the header “U_Stu_Custom_Demographics.adv_ma” to “U_Stu_Custom_Demographics.adv_MA_32”

    3. Save file as tab delimited

  4. Importing & Exporting → Quick Import

    1. Table → students

    2. Character set → Windows ANSI

    3. choose your file

    4. Leave Suggest field map checked

    5. import

    6. Make sure fields match correctly → check box to exclude first row

    7. Set advanced import options to update the students records

    8. submit


Archive Transportation Mode

  1. Search for all students who have a transportation mode using the following parameters in the search par on the start page

    1. / {remove space}U_STU_CUSTOM_TRANSPORTATION.Transportation_Mode #

    2. Grade_Level # 99

    3. / {remove space} districtentrydate <=08/01/(beginning of next school year)

  2. Quick Export the following fields

    1. Student_Number

    2. U_STU_CUSTOM_TRANSPORTATION.Transportation_Mode

  3. System > Page and Data Management > Manage Database Extensions

    1. Database table to extend = Students

    2. Advanced Extension checkbox.

    3. Next (after it loads)

    4. Choose the “U_STU_CUSTOM_TRANSPORTATION” table.

    5. Next

    6. Next

    7. Add Field TRANSPORTATION_MODE_XXX (the X’s are the current school year before roll)

    8. Submit, this will create the new field for you to use.

  4. Open up your exported file


    2. Save as tab delimited file.

  5. Importing & Exporting → Quick Import

    1. Table → Students

    2. Character Set → Windows ANSI

    3. Choose your file

    4. Leave Suggest field map checked

    5. import

    6. Make sure fields match correctly → check box to exclude first row

    7. Set advanced import options to update the students records

    8. submit

  6. System > Custom Fields / Screens > Custom Student Screens

    1. Custom Student Screens

    2. Edit fields Custom Transportation

    3. Add the new transportation mode field as a static field and sort order it to the bottom.

Update the non-early bird fees

Hide the next year team for MIS in the student profile

Disable Q4 report card generation.

Clear homerooms

Clear Lockers at MIS / JH


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