Print Class Rosters with Bus Info

Print Class Rosters with Bus Info

Here's a way to print class rosters, with custom data on it, 1 page per teacher.  It's a little weird, but once you understand it, you can make some pretty useful class roster printouts for staff. (hint: Campus could put locker info on this as well, I can help).

Data and Reporting > Reports > System Reports > (Scroll way down)  > Class Rosters (PDF)

Select all teachers (click top, shift click bottom teacher), or just a couple teachers with CTRL click.

My recommendation: Check the "ATT" (attendance class) or advisory for JH.

Below is the tricky part, but once you have it once it saves:

Scroll down to "Heading Text" field and paste in the below line:

~(teachername) ~(class_expression)

Scroll down to "roster Columns" and paste in the below lines (highlight all 6 lines and paste in). Ignore how it looks:

Tech note: This is DB column name \ column title

last_name \ Last first_name \ First home_phone \ Phone gender \ Gender U_STU_CUSTOM_TRANSPORTATION.Transportation_Mode \ Car-Bus-Walk U_STU_CUSTOM_TRANSPORTATION.Dropoff_Bus \ BUS # Home_room \ HomeRoom

Scroll down and Click Submit. If you get an error from PowerSchool, most of the time was because at least one teacher was not highlighted.

Pictures Below:

Heading Text Paste

Roster Columns Field Paste

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