Finalize "DROP" grades in Powerschool

Finalize "DROP" grades in Powerschool

 Finalize or “DROPPING”  grades in PowerSchool.


Step 1:  All assignments entered and graded with due dates falling within the term?

Have we rolled over to the next term? Yes.  Make sure you change your term dropdown back to the term that you are grading in.  Then start entering your assignments (or finish grading the assignments) and making sure that the due dates fall within the grading term. 


Step 2: Review your classes grades before dropping grades

  • Click on Grading

  • Look through the different areas





  • Grades K-2:  This will be blank. That’s fine because your student’s don’t receive an overall grade.  Just move onto the standards view.





  • This is a breakdown of how the student is doing in the class plus all the standards associated with the class.

  • Don’t agree with the score for the standard?  You can overwrite them.



Comment Verification

  1. Clicking on the Q1/Q# and entering a comment will give you a spot to enter in course wide comments that will be translated on the report card.

Step 3: Finalizing the grades

Checked your traditional grades (if applicable)?

Checked your standard grades?

Checked your comments?

Yes to all?  Proceed. 

  1. Click on the final grade status button (it’s on the bottom of all the verification pages). 

  1. When done and you are finalized with grades.. Check the checkbox.

  2. Not done yet, but want to tell the office that there’s a problem and/or you're working on finalizing your grades? Enter it into the comment

Step 4: Next steps? 

Rinse and repeat these steps for all classes that get grades.  You need to do this for each class.


I created an assignment after the term ended but I can’t find the assignment?! 


Double check that the assignment’s due date is within the term that ended.  You can find the assignment probably in the current term and then editing the due date.


For example, the Quarter 1 ended 10/19, and its 10/21.  By default PowerSchool puts today’s date as the due date.  You’ll want to modify this due date so its on or before the end of Quarter 1 (10/19).

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