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Lengthy Enroll a New Student

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This is a somewhat lengthy process, and you’ll be visiting several students pages to get all the information into the system.  After the student is enrolled into the system, the left hand sidebar is considered the student screen pages. 

Step 1: Enroll a New Student

  1. Open PowerSchool administrator portal (

  2. Log in using your computer username / password

  3. Navigate to your school using the school menu if it's not your home school.

  4. Confirm that you are enrolling the student in the correct term.

    1. If you are enrolling a student for the 2018-2019 school year, then make sure your term is set to 18-19.

  5. Under People, click “Enroll New Student”

    Student Information Block:

    If the student doesn’t have a middle name, leave the field blank, for now.

    If a student is a 3-year old, then the grade is PK3.  If a student is a 4-year old, then grade is PK4.

    Grade level is the grade that the student will be when the student becomes active.

    Illinois State Information Block - If the student’s home school is different than the serving school or if the student is receiving services through the Coop you’ll need to enter in the RCDTS #s (attached on the next page).  Otherwise, you can totally skip this block and leave these fields blank as the system will auto fill in the home school RCDTS #.

    If a student has an IEP - then you’ll also want to check the box.  This will allow the SPED office to see who has an IEP and who they need to collect information for.  

    School Name

    RCDTS #

    School Name

    RCDTS #

    Aux Sable Elementary


    Gardner Grade School


    Jones Elementary


    River’s Edge Academy


    Minooka Elementary


    White Oaks Elementary


    Minooka Intermediate


    Allendale Association


    Minooka Junior High


    Braceville Elementary


    Minooka Primary Center


    Camelot – Kankakee Campus


    Walnut Trails Elementary


    Camelot Therapeutic – Naperville Campus


    Grundy County Spec Educ CoOp


    Center for Disability Services


    Minooka High School – REACH


    Easter Seals – Intensive


    Coal City Early Childhood Center


    Easter Seals Therapeutic


    Coal City Elementary


    Elim Christian School – Day


    Coal City Intermediate


    Elim Christian School – Intensive


    Coal City Middle School


    Elim Christian School – Pathways


    Mazon Verona Kinsman Elementary


    Acacia Academy


    Saratoga Elementary School


    Guiding Light Academy Int


    Premier Academy Morris


    Oakwood Schools


    Prairie Point Elementary School


    S.E.A.L. South


    Thompson Instructional Center


    Traughber Jr High


    Budlong Elementary School - CPS


    MacNeal School


    Information for Family Match:

    If we enter anything in these search fields then it needs to be in the correct format or spelled correctly.

    Home Address

  6. Press submit and congratulations.  The student has been enrolled into the system.  But we’re still missing a whole lot of information!

Tip: If you get an error about the FTE cannot be null, then enter in “1.00” (full day) or “0.50” (half day) into the Percent Day Attended (PDA) in the IL state block.

Before we can add any more information to the student, we need to find the student first in order to edit their information.

If the enrollment date is in the future, then you’ll need to include a “/”.  

For example, I’m searching for Jane Doe, and her enrollment date is in the future.  If I searched for “Doe” in the search bar, I’d type “Doe” to get a list of all active students whose last names begin with Doe.  By adding the “/” before the last name (meaning search bar now reads “/Doe”), you’ll get a list of all active, inactive or future students.

When looking at these screens, several have checkboxes.  An unchecked checkbox is equivalent to “No”, while a checked checkbox is equivalent to “Yes”.  This is most noticeable for those areas of the state reporting.

Step 2: Adding a Mailing Address

  1. Click on “Addresses” from the left side.

  2. If the mailing address is same as the home address (that we just input), then click the “Copy from Home Address”.  

  3. If the mailing address is different than the home address, then enter in the mailing address.

  4. Submit your changes.

Step 3: Adding demographics information for the student

  1. Click on Demographics on the left hand side.

  2. Scroll down to the “Federal Ethnicity and Race” block

    1. Enter in the values for ethnicity and race.  These are the federal/state reporting options.

    2. If a student is Hispanic, then check Yes or No.  If other races are indicated, mark them as needed.  If they are 100% Hispanic, then leave the race box alone and just mark Yes for Hispanic.

    3. The system is smart enough to know if you chose No for Hispanic but chose White and Asian, it will autopopulate it as 2 or more races automagically.

  3. Submit any changes made.

Step 4: Adding Minooka 201 Custom Information

If the options do not apply to you, then leave it blank.  

  1. Click on Custom Screens on the left.

  2. Click on Custom Demographics on the left

  3. Choose the appropriate values of the fields displayed.

  4. When done, hit submit.

  5. When done, click on Custom Medical on the left.

  6. Choose the appropriate Y/N value for emergency medical release

  7. Hit submit

  8. Click on Custom Transportation on the left.

  9. Enter in the information for the student regarding their pickup.

  10. Hit submit when done.

  11. Click on Permission Slips on the left.

  12. Enter in the signed permission slips Y/N values as deemed appropriate.

  13. Click Submit when done.

To navigate back to the normal student screens, at the top on the left click “Student Screens”

Step 5: Adding state specific information

When dealing with the state screens, an unchecked checkbox means “No”.  A checked checkbox means “Yes”

  1. Click on State/Province - IL on the left hand side

  2. Click on the “Demo” tab to enter in student specific demographics that the State requires.

    1. In box #1, enter in the State Information Student Number assigned by the state if known

    2. In box #7, enter in the mother’s maiden name - with no special characters (‘, -, ., etc.)

    3. In box #11 - enter in the birthplace of the student with no commas and 1 space between words (IE: Chicago IL)

    4. In box #16, enter in the student’s home language  Tip to quickly enter English as the language, type “EE” in the box and it’ll give you English.

    5. In box #17, enter in the student’s native language code.  This ideally should be the same as box 16. Tip to quickly enter English as the language, type “EE” in the box and it’ll give you English.

    6. In box #18, if the student is considered homeless, then check the box.  If not, leave the box unchecked.

    7. In box #21 - if a member of the student’s family is part of the armed forces or full time national guard, check it

  3. Click submit when finished.

Have a student that wasn’t born in the US? Enter it into the birth country field.

  1. Click on Immigrant tab, box #8, click on the codes button and choose the appropriate country.

Have a student that is a “Jr”, “2nd” or “3rd” as part of the last name?  Enter just the last name (without the suffix) on the demographics page. On the IL state Page for a student > Demographics > Lineage (box #6).  

Step 6: Setup promoting values

  1. Click on Scheduling Setup (under scheduling heading) on the left.  It's all the way at the bottom on the left side.

  2. Take notice of the term in the upper right corner.

  3. Enter in next year grade

    1. If a 3 year old, then grade is -2; If a 4-year old, then grade is -1; if grade is K then grade is 0; if grade is 1-8, then its the numerical value 1-8

    2. If we are enrolling a student for the upcoming school year, and its before the July rollover, then the next year grade is the grade the student will be when he becomes active.

    3. If we are enrolling a student for the upcoming school year and its after the July rollover, then the next year grade is the grade the student will be at the end of the upcoming school year (meaning current year + 1).

    4. If an 8th grader, then next year is grade 99

    5. Examples:

      1. We’re pre-registered a 7th grade student for the 2018-2019 school year.  The current term is 2017-2018. Enter in next year grade as 7th grade.

      2. We’re enrolling a 5th grade student for the 2018-2019 school year. The current term is 2018-2019.  Enter in the next year grade as 6th grade (for 2019-2020 school year).

  4. Check the box of “Schedule this student”.   This is extremely important for 4th - 8th graders because if this box isn’t checked, then the student doesn’t appear in the scheduling module.

  5. Year of graduation = year that they will graduate 8th grade.

  6. Next school indicator = if promoted, what is their next school that they’ll be going to?

    1. If we are enrolling a student for the upcoming school year, and its before the July rollover, then the next year grade is the school the student will be at when he becomes active.

    2. If we are enrolling a student for the upcoming school year and its after the July rollover, then the next school is the grade the student will be at the end of the upcoming school year

    3. If an 8th grader, then next school is Graduated Students

    4. Examples:

      1. We’re pre-registered a 4th grade student for the 2018-2019 school year at WT.  The current term is 2017-2018. Enter in next year school as WT.

      2. We’re enrolling a 4th grade student for the 2018-2019 school year at WT. The current term is 2018-2019.  Enter in the next year school as MIS.

  7. Submit when completed.

Step 7: Adding contacts and emergency to the student(s):

You will want to search for the contact to make sure that the contact doesn’t exist in the system already.  If it does, then you’ll skip to 4B.

  1. Click on Contacts on the left side from the student’s screens.

  2. Click Add.

  3. Search for the contact in the system.

    1. Important to uncheck “Show Access Accounts”.  This will let you search for ALL ACTIVE and INACTIVE accounts in the system.  

    2. Why would we need inactive accounts?  This will let us preserve old data that may not be current or applicable anymore.  However, you wouldn’t want to just delete this information as this allows us to keep it should there be a need for it.

  4. If the contact doesn’t exist in the system, click on New Contact.

    1. Enter in the first, and last name, gender, and employer for the contact.  At the minimum last name, and first name are required.

    2. The contact should already be associated with the student you are adding contacts to.  However, if in the case that its not, click the add students button.

      1. Search for the student.  If the student’s entry date is a future date, then add the “/” before the last name.

      2. Place a check in the box to the left of the student, which will associate (after saving) the contact with the student.

      3. Also, select the relationship to the student

    3. Repeat the process of adding student and related relationships to the contact.

  5. With the contact now associated with at least one student, click the pencil to edit the student’s specific relationship with that contact.

    1. If the contact is already associated with the student you are adding the contact to, then you may need to edit the student’s contact information by clicking the pencil icon of the student’s row.

      1. Have a contact that doesn’t have custody?  Don’t check the custody checkmark. You’ll also probably want to add a guardian alert so other admins and teachers can see that the student has a guardian alert (more in step 8).

      2. These relationship flags/checkmarks for the relationship eliminates the previous “Non Custodial Father” vs ‘Father” relationship.

        1. For example:  Its possible to have a student with 2 fathers except one has custody and the other doesn’t have custody of the student.  :-)

      3. You’ll want to choose the relationship that the contact has with the student.

      4. It is also highly recommended to mark the original contact type.  Note, these are limited so if its not there then don’t worry. Its highly recommended for mother, father and at least 1 emergency contact.

    2. Hit Ok on the fly out menu.

  6. With the contact now associated with at least one student, it's now time to add phone number(s) for that contact.  It's important to note that only 1 phone number will show on the main page of student’s contact.

    1. Click Add Phone.

    2. Select the appropriate type of the phone (work, cell, house, etc.).  This is not a required field so if unknown don’t worry.

    3. Enter in the phone number in the format: xxx-xxx-xxxx.

    4. Select if it accepts SMS.

    5. Hit Save to save the phone number.

    6. Repeat for all the associated phone numbers.

  7. With the contact now having (possibly) multiple phone numbers, you should change the order in which the parent wants to call (if they have a preference).  Use the Up/down arrows to the left of the phone number to change the order.

  8. Now add the contact’s email address(es).

    1. Click Add Email

    2. Choose ‘Current’ if its the current email address.

    3. Enter in the email address for the contact.

    4. Hit Save.

    5. Repeat above for the contact’s email addresses.

  9. Now let’s add the contact’s address(es), if known.

    1. Click Add Address.

    2. Enter in the type (if known).  This is not a required field so if unknown don’t worry.  

    3. Enter in the address for the contact.

    4. Click Save.

    5. Repeat the process for all known contact addresses

  10. Submit when done.  Repeat this process of searching and creating contacts (& emergency contacts) for the student.  If a contact shares multiple students, you might find it easier to add a contact and then add the relationships that they may have.

Step 8: Adding Custody/Call Preferences Alerts

If in the case where a parent wants to be called first, or a “do not release to father” type of situation.  You could put it in the notes for the contact, but no one (teachers or other administrators) will be able to easily see that information as they would need to drill into the specific contact. Alerts however will show up in an easy spot and on every student screen.

  1. Click on Student Alerts on the left hand side.

  2. If the student has a guardian alert (IE: contact mother first or do not release to father) enter in the text in the guardian alert.  The alert will show until the expiration date. To never have the alert expire, leave the date field blank.

  3. Once the alert is saved, click on the icon to get more details regarding the contact and specific alert.

To confirm that you have entered all the student’s contacts, you may need to search for the student again.  To navigate back to the “search for a student”, click on the Start Page (or the PowerSchool logo). To search for an inactive student, you may need to add the “/” in the search bar.

For example, I’m searching for Jane Doe, and her enrollment date is in the future.  If I searched for “Doe” in the search bar, I’d type “Doe” to get a list of all active students whose last names begin with Doe.  By adding the “/” before the last name (meaning search bar now reads “/Doe”), you’ll get a list of all active, inactive or future students.

Step 9: Adding Misc. Other Information

  1. Click on “Modify Info” on the left

  2. Copy the student ID (with NO spaces after it) number into the “Lunch ID”

  3. Enter in the student’s date into the district in the “District Entry Date”.

  4. [MIS only] If the team is known that the student will be on, choose it from the dropdown.

  5. [MIS/JH only]  Assigning a locker use the Locker Info student screen.

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