Learning Continuum - Math K-2 CCSS 2010 1.1
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Learning Continuum - Math K-2 CCSS 2010 1.1
RIT 111-120
Measurement and Data
Solve Problems Involving Measurement
Spatial Concepts and Symmetry
- Understands the location word "closest"
RIT 121-130
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Identification and Classification of 2-D Shapes
- Classifies a given object from the environment as a square
- Classifies a given object from the environment as a triangle
- Composes simple shapes from given polygons
- Identifies a circle
- Identifies a square
- Identifies a triangle
- Matches names of shapes to given 2‑D shapes
- Matches shapes to a given shape
- Names a circleIdentification and Classification of 3-D Shapes
- Identifies a coneSpatial Concepts and Symmetry
- Understands the location word "between"
- Understands the location word "closest"
- Understands the location word "under"
RIT 131-140
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Identification and Classification of 2-D Shapes
- Classifies a given object from the environment as a square
- Identifies 2‑D shapes with a given attribute
- Identifies a circle
- Identifies a rectangle
- Identifies a square
- Identifies a triangle
- Matches names of shapes to given 2‑D shapes
- Matches shapes to a given shape
- Names a circle
- Names a hexagon
- Names a rectangle
- Names a square
- Names a triangleIdentification and Classification of 3-D Shapes
- Identifies a 2‑D face of a 3‑D shape
- Identifies a cone
- Matches names of shapes to given 3‑D figures
- Names a coneSpatial Concepts and Symmetry
- Understands the location phrase "in front of"
- Understands the location word "below"
- Understands the location word "between"
- Understands the location word "closest"
RIT 141-150
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Identification and Classification of 2-D Shapes
- Classifies a given object from the environment as a circle
- Classifies a given object from the environment as a rectangle
- Identifies 2‑D shapes with a given attribute
- Identifies a circle
- Identifies a hexagon
- Identifies a rectangle
- Identifies a square
- Identifies a triangle
- Identifies attributes of a circle
- Identifies attributes of a triangle
- Matches names of shapes to given 2‑D shapes
- Names a given object from the environment a triangle
- Names a hexagon
- Names a rectangle
- Names a square
- Sorts 2‑D shapes based on shared attributes
- Sorts given objects from the environment as 2‑D shapesIdentification and Classification of 3-D Shapes
- Classifies 3‑D shapes by attributes
- Classifies a given object from the environment as a cone
- Classifies a given object from the environment as a cube
- Compares attributes of 3‑D shapes
- Identifies a cone
- Identifies a cube
- Names a cone
- Names a cubeSpatial Concepts and Symmetry
- Understands the location word "above"
- Understands the location word "across"
RIT 151-160
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Fractions: Represent/Model
- Identifies shapes that are divided into fourthsIdentification and Classification of 2-D Shapes
- Classifies shapes as flat/2‑D
- Compares attributes of 2‑D shapes
- Composes shapes from given polygons
- Identifies 2‑D shapes with a given attribute
- Identifies a rectangle
- Identifies a triangle
- Identifies attributes of a square
- Identifies attributes of a triangle
- Matches names of shapes to given 2‑D shapes
- Names a triangle based on given attributes
- Sorts 2‑D shapes based on shared attributes
- Understands defining attributes of a triangleIdentification and Classification of 3-D Shapes
- Classifies 3‑D shapes by attributes
- Classifies a given object from the environment as a cylinder
- Classifies a shape as solid/3‑D
- Compares attributes of 3‑D shapes
- Names a 2‑D face of a 3‑D shape
- Names a cone
- Names a cylinder
- Sorts shapes with a given number of cornersSpatial Concepts and Symmetry
- Understands the location word "next"
RIT 161-170
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
- Counts to find the total square units of a figureFractions: Represent/Model
- Describes shapes as one‑half shaded
- Identifies fractional shaded parts that show one whole
- Identifies shapes that are divided into equal parts
- Identifies shapes that are divided into fourths
- Identifies shapes that are divided into halvesIdentification and Classification of 2-D Shapes
- Classifies polygons according to the length of their sides
- Classifies shapes as either flat/2‑D or solid/3‑D, given pictures
- Classifies shapes as flat/2‑D
- Compares attributes of 2‑D shapes
- Composes shapes from given polygons
- Decomposes composite shapes into polygons
- Identifies 2‑D shapes with a given attribute
- Identifies attributes of a rectangle
- Identifies attributes of a triangle
- Identifies shared attributes of 2‑D shapes within a given set
- Knows definitions of a triangle, a square, a rectangle, and a circle
- Matches names of shapes to given 2‑D shapes
- Names a triangle based on given attributes
- Understands defining attributes of a triangleIdentification and Classification of 3-D Shapes
- Classifies 3‑D shapes by attributes
- Classifies a given object from the environment as a cylinder
- Classifies a shape as solid/3‑D
- Classifies shapes as either flat/2‑D or solid/3‑D, given pictures
- Compares attributes of 3‑D shapes
- Composes or decomposes 3-D shapes to form new shapesSpatial Concepts and Symmetry
- Composes or decomposes 3-D shapes to form new shapes
RIT 171-180
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
- Counts to find the total square units of a figureFractions: Represent/Model
- Describes shapes as one‑half shaded
- Identifies fractional shaded parts that show one whole
- Identifies shapes that are divided into equal parts
- Identifies shapes that are divided into halves
- Identifies shapes that are divided into thirds
- Partitions a rectangle into three‑thirdsIdentification and Classification of 2-D Shapes
- Classifies polygons according to the length of their sides
- Composes polygons to form a composite shape
- Composes shapes from given polygons
- Distinguishes similar attributes of two polygons
- Identifies attributes of a rectangle
- Identifies attributes of a triangle
- Identifies shared attributes of 2‑D shapes within a given set
- Understands defining attributes of a circle
- Understands defining attributes of a hexagon
- Understands defining attributes of a square
- Understands defining attributes of a triangleIdentification and Classification of 3-D Shapes
- Classifies 3‑D shapes by attributes
- Classifies a shape as solid/3‑D
- Compares attributes of 3‑D shapes
- Identifies shapes with a given number of corners
- Names a cube based on given attributes
RIT 181-190
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
- Counts to find the total square units of a figureFractions: Represent/Model
- Describes shapes as one‑fourth shaded
- Describes shapes as one‑half shaded
- Identifies shapes that are divided into equal parts
- Identifies shapes that are divided into thirdsIdentification and Classification of 2-D Shapes
- Classifies shapes as quadrilaterals
- Composes polygons to form a composite shape
- Distinguishes similar attributes of two polygons
- Names a quadrilateral based on given attributes
- Understands defining attributes of a hexagon
- Understands defining attributes of a rectangleIdentification and Classification of 3-D Shapes
- Classifies 3‑D shapes by attributes
- Identifies shapes with a given number of corners
- Identifies shapes with a given number of edges
- Sorts shapes with a given number of vertices
RIT 191-200
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Fractions: Represent/Model
- Describes shapes as one‑third shaded
- Identifies shapes that are divided into quarters
- Identifies shapes that are divided into thirdsIdentification and Classification of 2-D Shapes
- Classifies shapes as quadrilaterals
- Identifies a quadrilateral
- Sorts shapes based on shared attributes
RIT 201-210
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Fractions: Represent/Model
- Identifies shapes that are divided into thirdsIdentification and Classification of 2-D Shapes
- Classifies 2‑D shapes by properties
- Identifies a quadrilateral
RIT 211-220
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Fractions: Represent/Model
- Identifies shapes that are divided into thirds
RIT 221-230
Measurement and Data
Solve Problems Involving Measurement
- Determines the area of rectangles with two whole‑number sides labeled
- Solves problems involving areas of rectangles within a real-world or mathematical contextProblem Solving with Units
- Solves problems involving areas of rectangles within a real-world or mathematical context