Learning Continuum - Math K-2 CCSS 2010 1.1
RIT 111-120
Measurement and Data
Solve Problems Involving Measurement
- Compares the height of objects
- Compares the length of objectsVolume
- Compares the size of objects
Reason with Shapes and Their Attributes
Spatial Concepts and Symmetry
- Understands the location word "closest"
RIT 121-130
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Represent and Solve Problems
Whole Numbers: Addition/Subtraction
- Adds with sums within 5 given two sets of objects
Number and Operations
Understand Place Value, Counting, and Cardinality
Whole Numbers: Compare/Order
- Compares sets of objects using the term "more"
- Compares sets of objects using the term "most"
- Compares sets of objects using the term "same"Whole Numbers: Counting and Cardinality
- Represents a given set of objects as a numeral within 10
- Represents a given set of objects as a numeral within 5Whole Numbers: Place Value
- Reads and writes whole numbers within 10
- Reads and writes whole numbers within 20
Measurement and Data
Solve Problems Involving Measurement
- Compares the height of objectsVolume
- Compares the size of objectsWeight/Mass
- Compares the weight of objects
Reason with Shapes and Their Attributes
Identification and Classification of 2-D Shapes
- Classifies a given object from the environment as a square
- Classifies a given object from the environment as a triangle
- Composes simple shapes from given polygons
- Identifies a circle
- Identifies a square
- Identifies a triangle
- Matches names of shapes to given 2‑D shapes
- Matches shapes to a given shape
- Names a circleIdentification and Classification of 3-D Shapes
- Identifies a coneSpatial Concepts and Symmetry
- Understands the location word "between"
- Understands the location word "closest"
- Understands the location word "under"
RIT 131-140
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Represent and Solve Problems
Whole Numbers: Addition/Subtraction
- Adds whole numbers with sums within 10 in horizontal format, given objects
- Adds with sums within 5 given two sets of objects
- Composes ten using two sets of objectsWhole Numbers: Represent and Solve Word Problems
- Solves for the total in put‑together word problems with numbers within 5 using objects
Number and Operations
Understand Place Value, Counting, and Cardinality
Whole Numbers: Compare/Order
- Compares numbers using the phrase "greater than"
- Compares sets of objects using the term "more"
- Compares sets of objects using the term "most"
- Compares sets of objects using the term "same"Whole Numbers: Counting and Cardinality
- Counts by 1s within 100
- Counts out a given number of objects within 10
- Counts out a given number of objects within 5
- Recognizes the numeral for a number within 100 when read aloud
- Represents a given set of objects as a numeral within 10
- Represents a given set of objects as a numeral within 20
- Represents a given set of objects as a numeral within 5Whole Numbers: Place Value
- Reads and writes whole numbers within 10
- Reads and writes whole numbers within 100
- Reads and writes whole numbers within 20
- Understands that 10 ones is the same as 1 ten
Measurement and Data
Solve Problems Involving Measurement
- Compares the height of objects
- Identifies the appropriate measurement tool for lengthTime
- Reads time on a digital clockVolume
- Compares the size of objectsWeight/Mass
- Compares the weight of objects
Reason with Shapes and Their Attributes
Identification and Classification of 2-D Shapes
- Classifies a given object from the environment as a square
- Identifies 2‑D shapes with a given attribute
- Identifies a circle
- Identifies a rectangle
- Identifies a square
- Identifies a triangle
- Matches names of shapes to given 2‑D shapes
- Matches shapes to a given shape
- Names a circle
- Names a hexagon
- Names a rectangle
- Names a square
- Names a triangleIdentification and Classification of 3-D Shapes
- Identifies a 2‑D face of a 3‑D shape
- Identifies a cone
- Matches names of shapes to given 3‑D figures
- Names a coneSpatial Concepts and Symmetry
- Understands the location phrase "in front of"
- Understands the location word "below"
- Understands the location word "between"
- Understands the location word "closest"
RIT 141-150
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Represent and Solve Problems
Whole Numbers: Addition/Subtraction
- Adds whole numbers with sums within 10 in horizontal format, given objects
- Adds whole numbers with sums within 5 in vertical format, given objects
- Adds with sums within 10 given two sets of objects
- Adds with sums within 5 given two sets of objects
- Composes ten using two sets of objectsWhole Numbers: Represent and Solve Word Problems
- Represents a put‑together / take‑apart problem using objects
- Represents an add‑to word problem using objects
- Solves for the result in add‑to word problems with numbers within 10 using objects
- Solves for the result in add‑to word problems with numbers within 5
- Solves for the result in add‑to word problems with numbers within 5 using objects
- Solves for the result in take‑from word problems with numbers within 5
- Solves for the result in take‑from word problems with numbers within 5 using objects
- Solves for the total in put‑together word problems using objects, with numbers within 10
- Solves for the total in put‑together word problems with numbers within 10
- Solves for the total in put‑together word problems with numbers within 5 using objects
Number and Operations
Understand Place Value, Counting, and Cardinality
Whole Numbers: Compare/Order
- Compares numbers using the phrase "greater than"
- Compares numbers using the term "largest"
- Compares numbers using the term "smallest"
- Compares sets of objects using the term "fewest"
- Compares sets of objects using the term "less"
- Compares sets of objects using the term "same"
- Orders sets of objects from least to greatestWhole Numbers: Counting and Cardinality
- Counts by 1s within 100
- Counts out a given number of objects within 10
- Counts out a given number of objects within 5
- Recognizes the numeral for a number within 100 when read aloud
- Represents a given set of objects as a numeral within 10
- Represents a given set of objects as a numeral within 20Whole Numbers: Place Value
- Reads and writes whole numbers within 100
- Reads and writes whole numbers within 20
- Understands that 10 ones is the same as 1 ten
Measurement and Data
Solve Problems Involving Measurement
- Understands how to use square units to determine the area of a rectangleLength
- Reads a ruler to determine the length of an object in inchesTime
- Reads time on a digital clockWeight/Mass
- Compares the weight of objects
Reason with Shapes and Their Attributes
Identification and Classification of 2-D Shapes
- Classifies a given object from the environment as a circle
- Classifies a given object from the environment as a rectangle
- Identifies 2‑D shapes with a given attribute
- Identifies a circle
- Identifies a hexagon
- Identifies a rectangle
- Identifies a square
- Identifies a triangle
- Identifies attributes of a circle
- Identifies attributes of a triangle
- Matches names of shapes to given 2‑D shapes
- Names a given object from the environment a triangle
- Names a hexagon
- Names a rectangle
- Names a square
- Sorts 2‑D shapes based on shared attributes
- Sorts given objects from the environment as 2‑D shapesIdentification and Classification of 3-D Shapes
- Classifies 3‑D shapes by attributes
- Classifies a given object from the environment as a cone
- Classifies a given object from the environment as a cube
- Compares attributes of 3‑D shapes
- Identifies a cone
- Identifies a cube
- Names a cone
- Names a cubeSpatial Concepts and Symmetry
- Understands the location word "above"
- Understands the location word "across"
RIT 151-160
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Represent and Solve Problems
Whole Numbers: Addition/Subtraction
- Composes ten using two sets of objects
- Represents a take‑from word problem using objectsWhole Numbers: Represent and Solve Word Problems
- Represents a put‑together / take‑apart problem as an addition equation
- Represents a put‑together / take‑apart problem using objects
- Represents a take‑from word problem using objects
- Represents add‑to word problems as equations
- Represents an add‑to word problem using objects
- Represents an add‑to word problem with a diagram
- Solves for the result in add‑to word problems with numbers within 10
- Solves for the result in add‑to word problems with numbers within 10 using objects
- Solves for the result in add‑to word problems with numbers within 5 using objects
- Solves for the result in take‑from word problems with numbers within 10
- Solves for the result in take‑from word problems with numbers within 10 using objects
- Solves for the result in take‑from word problems with numbers within 5
- Solves for the total in put‑together word problems with numbers within 10
- Solves for the total in put‑together word problems with numbers within 5
- Solves for the total in put‑together word problems with numbers within 5 using objects
- Solves word problems involving three addends using objects, with numbers within 10
Number and Operations
Understand Place Value, Counting, and Cardinality
Whole Numbers: Compare/Order
- Compares numbers using the phrase "greater than"
- Compares numbers using the term "largest"
- Compares numbers using the term "smallest"
- Compares sets of objects using the term "fewer"
- Compares sets of objects using the term "fewest"
- Compares sets of objects using the term "less"
- Compares sets of objects using the term "same"
- Orders sets of objects from greatest to least
- Orders sets of objects from least to greatestWhole Numbers: Counting and Cardinality
- Counts by 1s within 100
- Counts by 5s within 100
- Identifies a missing number on a number line within 100
- Recognizes the numeral for a number within 100 when read aloud
- Represents a given set of objects as a numeral within 10Whole Numbers: Number Line
- Identifies a missing number on a number line within 100Whole Numbers: Place Value
- Identifies a given number on a hundreds chart
- Identifies the number of groups of one hundred in a model
- Identifies the number of groups of ten in a base‑ten model
- Reads and writes whole numbers within 100
- Reads and writes whole numbers within 100 with base‑ten blocks shown
- Reads and writes whole numbers within 20
- Represents given ten frames as a numeral within 20
- Represents whole numbers within 20 with models
- Understands that 10 ones is the same as 1 ten
Measurement and Data
Solve Problems Involving Measurement
- Measures the length of an object in non‑standard units
- Names the tool used to measure an object
- Orders objects by length
- Reads a ruler to determine the length of an object in centimeters
- Understands the concept of heightTime
- Reads time on a digital clock
- Represents a given time on a digital clockWeight/Mass
- Compares the weight of objects
Reason with Shapes and Their Attributes
Fractions: Represent/Model
- Identifies shapes that are divided into fourthsIdentification and Classification of 2-D Shapes
- Classifies shapes as flat/2‑D
- Compares attributes of 2‑D shapes
- Composes shapes from given polygons
- Identifies 2‑D shapes with a given attribute
- Identifies a rectangle
- Identifies a triangle
- Identifies attributes of a square
- Identifies attributes of a triangle
- Matches names of shapes to given 2‑D shapes
- Names a triangle based on given attributes
- Sorts 2‑D shapes based on shared attributes
- Understands defining attributes of a triangleIdentification and Classification of 3-D Shapes
- Classifies 3‑D shapes by attributes
- Classifies a given object from the environment as a cylinder
- Classifies a shape as solid/3‑D
- Compares attributes of 3‑D shapes
- Names a 2‑D face of a 3‑D shape
- Names a cone
- Names a cylinder
- Sorts shapes with a given number of cornersSpatial Concepts and Symmetry
- Understands the location word "next"
RIT 161-170
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Represent and Solve Problems
Number Sentences/Equations/Equivalence
- Composes an addition or subtraction equation when given the components in word formWhole Numbers: Addition/Subtraction
- Writes a given addition equation correctly
- Writes a given addition expression correctly
- Writes a given subtraction equation correctlyWhole Numbers: Represent and Solve Word Problems
- Represents a put‑together / take‑apart problem as an addition equation
- Represents a take‑from diagram as a subtraction equation
- Represents a take‑from word problem as an equation
- Represents a take‑from word problem with a diagram
- Represents a word problem involving three addends as an equation
- Represents a word problem with an equation using a symbol for the unknown
- Represents add‑to word problems as equations
- Represents an add‑to word problem using objects
- Represents an add‑to word problem with a diagram
- Represents an equal‑groups word problem as repeated addition
- Solves for the product in array word problems with numbers within 20
- Solves for the result in add‑to word problems with numbers within 20
- Solves for the result in add‑to word problems with numbers within 20 using objects
- Solves for the result in add‑to word problems with numbers within 5 using objects
- Solves for the result in take‑from word problems with numbers within 10 using objects
- Solves for the result in take‑from word problems with numbers within 20
- Solves for the total in put‑together word problems with numbers within 10
- Solves for the total in put‑together word problems with numbers within 20
- Solves for the unknown change in add‑to word problems with numbers within 10
- Solves for the unknown change in take‑from word problems with numbers within 10
- Solves for the unknown change in take‑from word problems with numbers within 20
- Solves multi‑step word problems using addition/subtraction with objects, numbers within 10
- Solves word problems involving three addends with numbers within 20
Number and Operations
Understand Place Value, Counting, and Cardinality
Whole Numbers: Compare/Order
- Compares numbers using the phrase "greater than"
- Compares numbers using the phrase "less than"
- Compares whole numbers within 1,000 using symbols
- Compares whole numbers within 100 using symbols
- Identifies numbers greater than a given number
- Identifies numbers less than a given number
- Orders sets of objects from greatest to leastWhole Numbers: Counting and Cardinality
- Counts by 5s within 100
- Represents a given set of objects as a numeral within 10Whole Numbers: Place Value
- Composes a number within 100 given a base‑ten model
- Decomposes a number within 100 into tens and ones
- Decomposes a number within 20 into tens and ones
- Decomposes whole numbers within 1,000 into hundreds, tens, and ones
- Identifies the number of groups of one hundred in a model
- Identifies the number of groups of ten in a base‑ten model
- Identifies the number of tens and ones in a base‑ten model
- Identifies the number of tens in whole numbers within 100
- Reads and writes whole numbers within 1,000
- Reads and writes whole numbers within 100
- Reads and writes whole numbers within 100 with base‑ten blocks shown
- Reads and writes whole numbers within 20
- Represents a given whole number within 20 with base‑ten blocks
- Represents given base‑ten blocks as a numeral, within 20
- Understands that 10 tens is the same as 1 hundred
Measurement and Data
Solve Problems Involving Measurement
- Measures the width of an object in inches
- Names the tool used to measure an object
- Understands the concept of lengthMoney
- Identifies equivalent sets of coins
- Solves one‑step addition word problems involving whole dollarsPerimeter/Circumference
- Determines side lengths given the perimeter and some side lengths of rectangles
- Determines the length of one side of a rectangle given the length of the remaining sides and the perimeter
- Determines the perimeter of a quadrilateral in nonstandard unitsProblem Solving with Units
- Represents one‑step length word problems involving addition or subtraction with expressions or equations
- Solves one‑step capacity word problems involving whole‑number addition or subtractionTime
- Reads analog clocks to the nearest hour
- Reads time on a digital clock
- Represents a given time on a digital clockWeight/Mass
- Understands the concept of weight
Reason with Shapes and Their Attributes
- Counts to find the total square units of a figureFractions: Represent/Model
- Describes shapes as one‑half shaded
- Identifies fractional shaded parts that show one whole
- Identifies shapes that are divided into equal parts
- Identifies shapes that are divided into fourths
- Identifies shapes that are divided into halvesIdentification and Classification of 2-D Shapes
- Classifies polygons according to the length of their sides
- Classifies shapes as either flat/2‑D or solid/3‑D, given pictures
- Classifies shapes as flat/2‑D
- Compares attributes of 2‑D shapes
- Composes shapes from given polygons
- Decomposes composite shapes into polygons
- Identifies 2‑D shapes with a given attribute
- Identifies attributes of a rectangle
- Identifies attributes of a triangle
- Identifies shared attributes of 2‑D shapes within a given set
- Knows definitions of a triangle, a square, a rectangle, and a circle
- Matches names of shapes to given 2‑D shapes
- Names a triangle based on given attributes
- Understands defining attributes of a triangleIdentification and Classification of 3-D Shapes
- Classifies 3‑D shapes by attributes
- Classifies a given object from the environment as a cylinder
- Classifies a shape as solid/3‑D
- Classifies shapes as either flat/2‑D or solid/3‑D, given pictures
- Compares attributes of 3‑D shapes
- Composes or decomposes 3-D shapes to form new shapesSpatial Concepts and Symmetry
- Composes or decomposes 3-D shapes to form new shapes
RIT 171-180
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Represent and Solve Problems
Whole Numbers and Decimals: Rounding/Estimation
- Estimates solutions to one-step word problems involving any of the four operations with whole numbersWhole Numbers: Represent and Solve Word Problems
- Estimates solutions to one-step word problems involving any of the four operations with whole numbers
- Represents a put‑together / take‑apart problem as an addition equation
- Represents a take‑from word problem as an equation
- Represents a take‑from word problem with a diagram
- Represents a word problem with an equation using a symbol for the unknown
- Represents add‑to word problems as equations
- Represents an equal‑groups word problem as repeated addition
- Solves for the product in equal‑groups word problems with numbers within 20
- Solves for the result in take‑from word problems with numbers within 20
- Solves for the total in put‑together word problems with numbers within 100
- Solves for the unknown addend in put‑together / take‑apart word problems with numbers within 10
- Solves for the unknown addend in put‑together / take‑apart word problems with numbers within 20
- Solves for the unknown change in add‑to word problems with numbers within 10
- Solves for the unknown change in add‑to word problems with numbers within 100
- Solves for the unknown change in add‑to word problems with numbers within 20
- Solves for the unknown change in take‑from word problems with numbers within 10
- Solves for the unknown change in take‑from word problems with numbers within 20
- Solves for the unknown factor in equal‑groups word problems with numbers within 10
- Solves for the unknown start in add‑to word problems with numbers within 20
- Solves word problems involving three addends with numbers within 20
Number and Operations
Understand Place Value, Counting, and Cardinality
Whole Numbers: Compare/Order
- Compares whole numbers within 1,000 using symbolsWhole Numbers: Counting and Cardinality
- Counts by 5s within 100 using a number chartWhole Numbers: Place Value
- Composes numbers that are multiples of one hundred given place‑value terms
- Decomposes a number within 100 into tens and ones
- Decomposes whole numbers within 1,000 into hundreds, tens, and ones
- Identifies a number within 100 given place value terms
- Identifies the number of groups of one hundred in a model
- Identifies the number of groups of ten in a base‑ten model
- Identifies the number of tens and ones in a ten frame model
- Represents a given whole number within 1,000 with base‑ten blocks
- Represents whole numbers within 1,000 with models
- Understands that 10 tens is the same as 1 hundred
Measurement and Data
Solve Problems Involving Measurement
- Determines the area of a gridded rectangle
- Determines the area of figures composed of whole unit squaresLength
- Compares lengths of objects using customary units
- Compares lengths of objects using metric units
- Measures the width of an object in centimeters
- Understands that the measurement of an object will change depending upon the units used to measure itMoney
- Determines the whole number value of a collection of coins given as pictures
- Identifies equivalent sets of coins
- Solves one‑step addition word problems involving sums within one dollarProblem Solving with Units
- Represents one‑step length word problems involving addition or subtraction with expressions or equations
- Solves one‑step capacity word problems involving whole‑number addition or subtractionTime
- Reads analog clocks to the nearest five minutes
- Reads analog clocks to the nearest half hour
- Reads analog clocks to the nearest hour
- Represents a given time on a digital clock
- Represents time given an analog clock, with time read aloudWeight/Mass
- Solves one‑step word problems involving massWhole Numbers: Addition/Subtraction
- Represents one-step addition and subtraction, shown on a number line, as an expression or equationWhole Numbers: Represent and Solve Word Problems
- Solves one‑step addition word problems involving sums within one dollar
- Solves one‑step word problems involving mass
Reason with Shapes and Their Attributes
- Counts to find the total square units of a figureFractions: Represent/Model
- Describes shapes as one‑half shaded
- Identifies fractional shaded parts that show one whole
- Identifies shapes that are divided into equal parts
- Identifies shapes that are divided into halves
- Identifies shapes that are divided into thirds
- Partitions a rectangle into three‑thirdsIdentification and Classification of 2-D Shapes
- Classifies polygons according to the length of their sides
- Composes polygons to form a composite shape
- Composes shapes from given polygons
- Distinguishes similar attributes of two polygons
- Identifies attributes of a rectangle
- Identifies attributes of a triangle
- Identifies shared attributes of 2‑D shapes within a given set
- Understands defining attributes of a circle
- Understands defining attributes of a hexagon
- Understands defining attributes of a square
- Understands defining attributes of a triangleIdentification and Classification of 3-D Shapes
- Classifies 3‑D shapes by attributes
- Classifies a shape as solid/3‑D
- Compares attributes of 3‑D shapes
- Identifies shapes with a given number of corners
- Names a cube based on given attributes
RIT 181-190
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Represent and Solve Problems
Whole Numbers: Represent and Solve Word Problems
- Represents a put‑together / take‑apart problem as an addition equation
- Represents a take‑from word problem as an equation
- Represents a word problem with an equation using a symbol for the unknown
- Represents add‑to word problems as equations
- Represents an equal‑groups word problem using objects
- Solves for the product in equal‑groups word problems with numbers within 10
- Solves for the product in equal‑groups word problems with numbers within 100
- Solves for the result in take‑from word problems with numbers within 100
- Solves for the total in put‑together word problems with numbers within 100
- Solves for the unknown change in add‑to word problems with numbers within 100
- Solves for the unknown change in take‑from word problems with numbers within 100
- Solves for the unknown factor in equal‑groups word problems with numbers within 20
- Solves for the unknown start in add‑to word problems with numbers within 20
- Solves for the unknown start in take‑from word problems with numbers within 100
- Solves multi‑step word problems using addition/subtraction with numbers within 20
- Solves word problems involving three addends with numbers within 100
Number and Operations
Understand Place Value, Counting, and Cardinality
Whole Numbers: Compare/Order
- Compares whole numbers within 1,000 using symbolsWhole Numbers: Place Value
- Composes a number within 1,000 given place value terms
- Composes numbers that are multiples of one hundred given place‑value terms
- Decomposes whole numbers within 1,000 into hundreds, tens, and ones
- Reads and writes whole numbers within 1,000 in expanded form
- Understands that 10 tens is the same as 1 hundred
Measurement and Data
Solve Problems Involving Measurement
- Determines the area of a gridded rectangle
- Determines the area of figures composed of whole unit squaresLength
- Compares lengths of objects using customary units
- Compares lengths of objects using metric units
- Estimates the length of an object in feet
- Solves one‑step length word problems involving whole‑number addition or subtraction
- Understands that the measurement of an object will change depending upon the units used to measure itMoney
- Determines the whole number value of a collection of coins given as pictures
- Solves one‑step addition word problems involving sums within one dollarPerimeter/Circumference
- Determines the perimeter of a rectangle in centimeters
- Determines the perimeter of basic polygons with all sides labeledProblem Solving with Units
- Represents one‑step length word problems involving addition or subtraction with expressions or equations
- Solves one-step money word problems involving whole number addition or subtraction
- Solves one‑step capacity word problems involving whole‑number addition or subtractionTime
- Determines elapsed time within an hour
- Reads analog clocks to the nearest five minutes
- Reads analog clocks to the nearest half hour
- Represents a given time on a digital clock
- Represents time given an analog clock, with time read aloud
- Solves one‑step word problems involving elapsed time to the hour
- Solves one‑step word problems involving elapsed time to the minuteWeight/Mass
- Determines the mass of an object using a balance scale
- Solves one‑step word problems involving massWhole Numbers: Addition/Subtraction
- Represents one-step addition and subtraction, shown on a number line, as an expression or equationWhole Numbers: Represent and Solve Word Problems
- Solves one‑step addition word problems involving sums within one dollar
- Solves one‑step length word problems involving whole‑number addition or subtraction
- Solves one‑step word problems involving elapsed time to the hour
- Solves one‑step word problems involving elapsed time to the minute
- Solves one‑step word problems involving mass
Reason with Shapes and Their Attributes
- Counts to find the total square units of a figureFractions: Represent/Model
- Describes shapes as one‑fourth shaded
- Describes shapes as one‑half shaded
- Identifies shapes that are divided into equal parts
- Identifies shapes that are divided into thirdsIdentification and Classification of 2-D Shapes
- Classifies shapes as quadrilaterals
- Composes polygons to form a composite shape
- Distinguishes similar attributes of two polygons
- Names a quadrilateral based on given attributes
- Understands defining attributes of a hexagon
- Understands defining attributes of a rectangleIdentification and Classification of 3-D Shapes
- Classifies 3‑D shapes by attributes
- Identifies shapes with a given number of corners
- Identifies shapes with a given number of edges
- Sorts shapes with a given number of vertices
RIT 191-200
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Represent and Solve Problems
Properties and Relationships of Operations
- Understands multiplication as many groups of equal sizeWhole Numbers: Represent and Solve Word Problems
- Represents add‑to word problems as equations
- Represents an equal‑groups word problem on a number line
- Represents equal‑groups word problems as multiplication equations
- Represents one-step equal-groups multiplication word problems with expressions or equations, whole numbers
- Solves for the quotient in equal‑groups word problems with numbers within 100
- Solves for the result in take‑from word problems with numbers within 100
- Solves for the unknown change in add‑to word problems with numbers within 100
- Solves for the unknown start in add‑to word problems with numbers within 100
- Solves for the unknown start in take‑from word problems with numbers within 100
- Solves multi‑step word problems involving any of the four operations with whole numbers
- Solves multi‑step word problems using addition/subtraction with numbers within 20
- Solves multi‑step word problems using addition/subtraction, with numbers within 100
Number and Operations
Understand Place Value, Counting, and Cardinality
Whole Numbers: Place Value
- Composes numbers that are multiples of one hundred given place‑value terms
- Identifies a number within 1,000 given place value terms
Measurement and Data
Solve Problems Involving Measurement
- Represents the area of rectangles composed of whole unit squares using multiplication expressions or equationsLength
- Estimates the length of an object in feet
- Solves one‑step length word problems involving whole‑number addition or subtractionMoney
- Determines the whole number value of a collection of coins given as pictures
- Solves multi‑step word problems using addition/subtraction of amounts within one dollarPerimeter/Circumference
- Determines the length of one side of a polygon given the length of the remaining sides and the perimeterProblem Solving with Units
- Represents one‑step length word problems involving addition or subtraction with expressions or equationsTime
- Determines elapsed time within an hour
- Determines elapsed time within an hour, using an analog clock
- Reads analog clocks to the nearest five minutes
- Reads analog clocks to the nearest minute
- Solves one‑step word problems involving elapsed time to the minuteWeight/Mass
- Solves one‑step word problems involving massWhole Numbers: Addition/Subtraction
- Represents one-step addition and subtraction, shown on a number line, as an expression or equationWhole Numbers: Represent and Solve Word Problems
- Solves multi‑step word problems using addition/subtraction of amounts within one dollar
- Solves one‑step length word problems involving whole‑number addition or subtraction
- Solves one‑step word problems involving elapsed time to the minute
- Solves one‑step word problems involving mass
Reason with Shapes and Their Attributes
Fractions: Represent/Model
- Describes shapes as one‑third shaded
- Identifies shapes that are divided into quarters
- Identifies shapes that are divided into thirdsIdentification and Classification of 2-D Shapes
- Classifies shapes as quadrilaterals
- Identifies a quadrilateral
- Sorts shapes based on shared attributes
RIT 201-210
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Represent and Solve Problems
Number Sentences/Equations/Equivalence
- Determines unknown factors in multiplication equations with whole numbers and products within 100Whole Numbers: Multiplication/Division
- Determines unknown dividends in division equations with whole numbers and quotients within 100Whole Numbers: Represent and Solve Word Problems
- Represents equal‑groups word problems as division equations
- Represents equal‑groups word problems as division or multiplication equations
- Solves for the quotient in equal‑groups word problems with numbers within 100
- Solves for the result in take‑from word problems with numbers within 100
- Solves for the unknown change in add‑to word problems with numbers within 100
- Solves multi‑step word problems involving any of the four operations with whole numbers
- Solves multi‑step word problems using addition/subtraction, with numbers within 100
Measurement and Data
Solve Problems Involving Measurement
- Determines the perimeter of basic polygons in which not all sides are labeled
- Solves problems involving perimeters of rectangles within a real-world or mathematical contextProblem Solving with Units
- Represents one‑step length word problems involving addition or subtraction with expressions or equations
- Solves one-step capacity word problems involving whole number multiplication or division
- Solves problems involving perimeters of rectangles within a real-world or mathematical contextTime
- Represents time given an analog clockWhole Numbers: Addition/Subtraction
- Represents one-step addition and subtraction, shown on a number line, as an expression or equation
Reason with Shapes and Their Attributes
Fractions: Represent/Model
- Identifies shapes that are divided into thirdsIdentification and Classification of 2-D Shapes
- Classifies 2‑D shapes by properties
- Identifies a quadrilateral
RIT 211-220
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Represent and Solve Problems
Whole Numbers: Multiplication/Division
- Determines unknown dividends in division equations with whole numbers and quotients within 100Whole Numbers: Represent and Solve Word Problems
- Represents equal‑groups word problems as division equations
- Represents equal‑groups word problems as division or multiplication equations
- Solves for the quotient in equal‑groups word problems with numbers within 100
- Solves multi‑step word problems involving any of the four operations with whole numbers
Measurement and Data
Solve Problems Involving Measurement
- Solves problems involving areas of rectangles within a real-world or mathematical contextPerimeter/Circumference
- Solves problems involving perimeters of rectangles within a real-world or mathematical contextProblem Solving with Units
- Solves problems involving areas of rectangles within a real-world or mathematical context
- Solves problems involving perimeters of rectangles within a real-world or mathematical contextWhole Numbers: Addition/Subtraction
- Represents one-step addition and subtraction, shown on a number line, as an expression or equation
Reason with Shapes and Their Attributes
Fractions: Represent/Model
- Identifies shapes that are divided into thirds
RIT 221-230
Measurement and Data
Solve Problems Involving Measurement
- Determines the area of rectangles with two whole‑number sides labeled
- Solves problems involving areas of rectangles within a real-world or mathematical contextProblem Solving with Units
- Solves problems involving areas of rectangles within a real-world or mathematical context