In Powerteacher Pro, click on reports → Individual Student Report
Under the Criteria Tab, Select the class(es) that you have the student in. Also be sure you are exporting the data you need under the data section on the criteria tab. (By default this should be everything you need).
Switch over to the student tab, and check the “Include Dropped Students” box
Switch to the Add/Remove Students section on the same page.
Click the top check box to deselect all of the students. Then, check just the box of the student you want to run the report for.
Next, move to the format tab and select how you want to export the report (by default it is a pdf).
Once you are ready to run the report, click the green run report button at the bottom of the screen.
The report may take a minute or two to run depending on the size. To get to it, you can either click the view reports button. Or, you can got to Reports → Report Queue
Once you are in the report queue, you can download your report.