Zearn: Use FAKE student names if you’re creating Zearn accounts for students.
Zearn Math | Top-rated Math Learning Platform
Navigate to Zearn.org and click Sign Up For Free Zearn
2. Select I’m an Adult
3. Enter your account information (Use your Minooka 201 email address) and then select Enter School Info
4. Enter the School information, and then select Accept Terms and Conditions
5. Click I Accept
6. You will receive a confirmation email, go to your email and follow the instructions to sign in.
7. Once you have signed in, click on Roster
8. Click on Add Class
9. Enter the Class Name and Grade, then click Create Class
10. Your class code will be displayed, click Add Students below . Use FAKE student names, do not use real student identifying information.
11. Enter your FAKE student names following the instructions, then click Choose usernames and Passwords
If you want to create fake names that look like real names, this website can generate 20 random quick student names: https://www.randomlists.com/random-names?qty=20
12. Change the passwords to match their Minooka 201 passwords so there is no confusion, you may also change their usernames to make it easier as well. Then click Choose a Starting Point
13. Choose the appropriate selections for your class, then click Print Usernames and Passwords
14. Click on Get Login Cards to print login cards (optional if you are using their Minooka 201 usernames and passwords)
15. Login cards will be generated, print and distribute as needed, then click Done