IXL - Teachers

IXL - Teachers

What is IXL?

It's an supplemental ELA, MA, (PK - 12th grade) SCI and SS (grades 2-8th) skill based student personalized and adaptive program. It's easy for teachers to use in the classroom, and for students to use at home. It offers a comprehensive curriculum (PK - 12th grade) with guidance for students, actionable analysis with real time diagnostics and evaluation of skills where a student is at. It also makes differentiated instruction easier and more effective as its targeted for each student individually from the teacher’s perspective.

How do I log into IXL?

  1. From the student's link homepage (https://links.min201.org) and click on Clever

    If prompted, click Sign in with Google and then enter in the your MIN201 email address and password.

  2. Click on the IXL application

Who do I contact if I get an error from Clever?

I got this error message as a teacher or other school staff. Who do I contact?

Email your tech associate at techhelp@min201.org and we’ll get you all setup in IXL.

Simplifying lesson plans with IXL's skill plans

Implementation guide: IXL for IEP Progress Monitoring

What skills can I assign to my students?

The skills in IXL aren’t grade locked to the student, so if a student is a 3rd grade but is really reading on a 1st grade level, you can assign the 1st grade skills to him

To view the list of skills you have several different ways about this:

Option 1: Skills by Grade Level

  1. Click on Learning in the green bar

  2. Click on the Content Area.

    1. Note: Science and Social Studies is from Grades 2-8th only

  3. Click on Grades in the view by filtering methods bar

  4. Find the applicable grade level and then click on all skills button

Option 2: Skills by Topic

  1. Click on Learning in the green bar

  2. Click on the Content Area

    1. Note: Science and Social Studies is from Grade 2 - 8th only

  3. Click on Topics in the view by filtering methods bar

  4. Find the applicable skill and then click on all skills button

Option 3: Skills by Predefined Skill Plan

  1. Click on Learning in the green bar

  2. Click on a Content Area

    1. Note: Science and Social Studies is from Grades 2 - 8th only.

  3. Click on Skill Plans in the view by filtering methods bar.

  4. Predefined Skill Plans include:

    1. IXL Spotlight Plans

    2. Illinois State Standards

    3. Textbook Skill Plans (Eureka Math, or Wit and Wisdom)

    4. NWEA Map Skill Plans

  5. Clicking into a specific skill plan will allow you to see the IXL breakdown suggested skills per day or per week.

Star Icons

In the upcoming sections, there are 3 different star icons.

Gray Star - NONE of the things under this are selected.

Gold Star - ALL of the things under this are selected.

Striped Star - SOME of the things under this are selected.

How do I assign a skill to ALL the students that I teach regardless of class?

  1. Find the skill that you want to assign to all the students that you teach.

  2. Click on the star next to the skill and it’ll turn gold. The skill has now been assigned to all your students, regardless of their class.


How do I assign something to an entire class/section?

  1. First find the skill that you want to assign to an entire class.

  2. Hover over the gray star next to the skill you wish to assign..

  3. Click on the gray star next to the class name and it’ll turn gold. The skill now has been assigned to all students in that particular class.


How can I assign something to only certain students in a class/section?

  1. First find the skill that you want to assign to only certain students in a class (or across multiple classes)

  2. Hover over the gray star next to skill you wish to assign.

  3. Click on the “>” to the right of the class that you want to assign the skill to

  4. Click on the star next to the student’s names and it’ll turn gold. The skill has been assigned to the individual student in that class.


IXL Quizzes

Using IXL skills and pre-made questions, you can create quizzes to assign to your students. Start under the ‘My IXL’ tab, and select, Quizzes




  1. Click on ‘Create New Quiz’ in the upper right hand part of the page

  2. Add a title to your quiz, then using the menu - select the grade, subject, and then skill you would like to create the quiz for.

  1. Once you have selected the skill, toggle the number of questions you would like for that particular skill on the quiz, and then click the blue Add questions button



  1. After your initial questions are generated, you can click on the small + sign at the bottom of the last question to add additional questions using a different skill if needed


  1. Once you have added all of the questions/skills for the quiz, click the blue ‘Review and Publish’ button at the top of the page. On the individual questions, you can use the ‘edit’ button and then select ‘generate a new question' button if you’d like to cycle in a different question.

  2. At the top - make your selections for the 3 questions, and then assign it to the group of students who need to take the quiz - by clicking on the ‘Select Students’ button (same as you would when assigning a specific skill) - then click the blue ‘Assign Quiz Now’ - Students will now be able to complete the quiz!




How can I check my student’s progress?

There are 2 reports that we really like to check a student’s progress and understanding for a specific skill.

Option 1: Student Quick View Report

  1. Click on Analytics in the green bar

  2. Hover over Students in the filtering bar and then choose ‘Students Quick View’

  3. You can then filter down to see what your students (entire class) worked on during a date range.

Option 2: Specific Skill Mastery

  1. Find the specific skill that you want to see the progress on (either by topic or by grade level).

  2. Click on the green graph icon next to the left of the skill.

How long will a skill stay assigned to my students?

The suggested skills will stay active and be a suggestion forever. You’ll want to manage the assigning and un-assigning of skills as needed. Otherwise, that list could get somewhat lengthy for a student.

How do I un-assign a skill from my students?

  1. Find the skill that you want to un-assign.

  2. Follow the instructions for assigning a skill to either all your students, just a single class or individual students, and simply click the ‘star’ again so that it's gray.

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