Enhanced UI

Enhanced UI

Effective with the June 2024 update, PowerSchool has released a new enhanced user interface for the Admin portal. (This does not affect the public parent portal or the PowerTeacher portal). All this does is give the navigation on the Admin side of PowerSchool a new streamlined look and feel, while leaving the actual screens pretty much unchanged.  Additionally, searching on the Start page still works the same.

Using the New Menus

Click the name, icon, or triangle for a menu to see your flyout menu of choices, then just click the desired choice.

Click here to watch a brief video on using the menus.

Can’t find a screen you need?  Quick Search!

Using the (Quick) Search box visible in the blue bar towards the upper right corner of almost any screen, begin typing the name of the screen you are trying to find.  (No need to go back to the Start page every time!) Entering “teacher s”, for example, would find the “Teacher Schedules” page as one of the results.  You can directly click the results link to go there but it also indicates the menu path you could follow to get there as well, so it’s teaching you how to find things!  Depending on what you enter, you’ll see that this Quick Search also finds student, staff, and contact names that contain this character string as well.

Click here to watch a brief video on searching for a page.

Using Quick Search

  1. Click on the Quick Search field on the top right.

  2. Start typing what you are looking for.

    1. If you are searching for a student, staff, or contact, when you click on the name it will open the window in a new tab.

    2. If you are searching for a page, it will open that page in the same tab.

      1. Once the page opens, the left menu will also highlight the charm where that page is in the menu system on the left.

Pin your Favorites!

Once you’ve accessed a page you know you will use frequently, look to the right of the page name for the “Add to Favorites” button and click it.

Initially, you can probably just put all your Favorites under a single generic “category”, but later you might also decide to organize them more.

Click here to watch a video on adding your first Favorite.

Once you have some Favorites set up, you’ll probably want to “pin” your Favorites list to the right side in PowerSchool, so you can skip PS navigation most of the time and just use your very own menu system!

Adding a Favorite

  1. Navigate to a frequently used page (even a student-centric page)

  2. Click on the star icon next to the header of the page.

  3. Pick a category. You can pick the default category, a category in use, or create a custom category.

  4. Click Add Page

Accessing your Favorites

  1. On the top blue bar, click on the star icon

  2. A flyout menu will appear on the right hand side.

    1. You can also click on the pin button to keep the favorites menu always open on the right side for continual access.

  3. Pick your favorite page and it will head right to it.

Manage Favorites

  1. To remove or reorganize favorites, Click on Manage Favorites on the bottom of the Favorites menu

  2. To move a favorite around, click and drag on the left icon.

    1. You can also reorder things by click on the three dots and selecting Reorder.

  3. To remove a favorite, click on the three dots on the right side and select Remove

    1. You can also remove Categories by clicking on the three dots and selecting Delete

Page Name Changes

With the EUI update, several names of pages have been changed. We will be a providing a list of the most used changes as well as a large crosswalk of changes. If you cannot find a page, try quick searching for like terms.

Student Screens

Old Name

New Name

Menu Location

Old Name

New Name

Menu Location

Transfer Info

Enrollment History

School Enrollment > Enrollment History

State/Province - IL



All Enrollments

Course Registrations

Courses and Programs > Course Registrations


Attendance Overview

Attendance > Attendance Overview


Lunch Program

Student Profile > Lunch Program


Contact Management

Student Profile > Contact Management

Student Fees

MBA Fees

Transactions > MBA Fees

MBA Reports

MBA Reports

More > MBA Reports

Admin Screens

Old Name

New Name

Menu Location

Old Name

New Name

Menu Location

Create Contact

New Contact

People > Contacts > New Contacts

List Students

Custom Student List

People > Students > Custom Student List or in Function Dropdown

Mass Enroll

Mass Register

Courses and Programs > Mass Register

Quick Export

Quick Student Export

People > Students > Quick Student Export or in Function Dropdown

Attendance Change

Mass Update Attendance

Attendance > Mass Update Attendance

Visual Menu Crosswalk

Full Crosswalk Google Sheet

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