Calculate Honor Roll

Calculate Honor Roll

Do this after you have finalized grades per school.  You’ll want to do this once as it’ll write everything to the “honor roll” table and cleaning it up is somewhat tricky if needing to do this more than once.  This will only calculate active students as of the day that you are running this.

If you are running this for only certain students then you’ll want to choose those students who need this calculated before you get to the screen.

  1. Click on School Management > Academics > Calculate Honor Roll

  2. If you are only running this for a certain group of students make sure to only choose the x number selected, otherwise leave the default of “all enrolled students”.

  3. Enter in the store code that you just saved.

  4. Choose the appropriate term honor roll (Min201 Term StoreCode Honor Roll)

  5. Wait for it to write to the database.  Depending on how many students you are storing the honor roll for, it may take about 2 minutes.

Want to double check that a student got onto the honor roll?  Find a student > Honor Roll

Level Met = High or non-high honor roll

Method = the method that was calculated to find that out.

Report to double check who got on the honor roll (building wide):

System Reports > sqlReports5 > Grade Reports > Honor Roll Report > Choose a term (Q1/Q2/Q3/Q4, etc).

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