Hall Pass Management

Hall Pass Management


Tracking who is in the hallway, where they are going and how often students are in the hallway via a teacher pass is cumbersome to manage and impossible for administration to run reports on hallway usage.


Campus Admin

Project owner

@Aaron Souza

Team members

@Matthew Shackley


Dec 1, 2021

Est. Finished:

Jan 18, 2022



Problem Analysis


Solution Analysis








Road Map

29-Nov202106-Dec13-Dec20-Dec27-Dec03-Jan202210-Jan17-Jan24-Jan31-JanStaff RolloutPilot Test
Lane 1

Problem Analysis

Solution Analysis

Pilot Training

Staff Rollout

Problem Analysis

Why are we doing this?

At the campus, hallway management (or pass management) is a big concern. The buildings each have attempted to solve this problem through various means (hand notes, google forms) but all current solutions are simply band-aides. Administration lacks any form of reporting on student activity or frequency for passes.

Why are we doing this?

At the campus, hallway management (or pass management) is a big concern. The buildings each have attempted to solve this problem through various means (hand notes, google forms) but all current solutions are simply band-aides. Administration lacks any form of reporting on student activity or frequency for passes.

What's the impact of this problem?

Identify the impact (classroom, building, etc) of the problem

How do we judge success?

Administrators can easily see in real time who is currently in the hall and can run reports showing the “top flyers” of pass uses.

 What are possible solutions?

Expand google forms/sheets, build something in-house, purchase E-hallway Pass


What do we already know?

That the current systems of paper, google forms are not sufficient. We have exhausted those options as real solutions.

What do we already know?

That the current systems of paper, google forms are not sufficient. We have exhausted those options as real solutions.

What do we need to answer?

Will E-hallway pass be used regularly after implementation?

Project Risks?

Technology has agreed to pay for the first half year of the solution (assuming the 60 day trial is a success). Unknown who will pay next year (building budget or Tech/software?)

Ready to go forward

What are we doing?

Pilot E-hallpass

What are we doing?

Pilot E-hallpass

Why will a customer want this?

On paper and through a webinar, it does solve a lot of problems.

Scale and scope

Pilot E-Hallway Pass Solution

  • MIS Team: Pekol, 4 teachers

  • JH Team: Thompson, Gentzler, 4 teachers

Next Step




Pilot Group Training Dates Established:

1/10/22: 11am CST:  Minooka Jr. High Admin training

1/10/22: 1:00pm CST: Minooka Intermediate Admin Training

1/11/22: 11:45am CST  Minooka Intermediate Teacher Training   

1/12/22: 2:00pm CST Minooka Jr. high Teacher Training

Project Verification

@Aaron Souza Develop Reports to show actual usage by students and teachers.