Title: | Gradebook | |
Owner: | Matthew Shackley | |
Creator: | Matthew Shackley | Nov 04, 2021 |
Last Changed by: | Matthew Shackley | Jul 11, 2022 |
Tiny Link: (useful for email) | https://min201.atlassian.net/wiki/x/AYCnRw | |
Export As: | Word · PDF |
Children (12)
Creating Assignments
Behavior / Social Work Standards Grading
Finalize "DROP" grades in Powerschool
Copying an Assignment to Another Quarter
Copying Assignments from One School Year to Another School Year
Incomplete (INC) Grades
Student Specific Standards Scoresheet
Missing a Category?
3-8 Standards aren't autofilling in?
One students overall grade is blank?!
Creating Assignments
Behavior / Social Work Standards Grading
Finalize "DROP" grades in Powerschool
Copying an Assignment to Another Quarter
Copying Assignments from One School Year to Another School Year
Incomplete (INC) Grades
Student Specific Standards Scoresheet
Missing a Category?
3-8 Standards aren't autofilling in?
One students overall grade is blank?!
There are no labels assigned to this page.