eHallPass / Pass

eHallPass / Pass

What is eHallPass?

eHallPass is a online program dedicated in keeping track of the passes sent out to students.

How to set up auto passes


Step 1.) Navigate over to Auto Passes and click the pencil.


Step 2.) You may then choose locations the students may Start/Stop their passes automatically, only Start, or only Stop their own passes from.


Step 3.) After choosing locations make sure to set a limit I recommend at most 2 so students aren’t always rotating in and out.

Making an appointment

Step 1.) Navigate over to the appointment tab, and choose appointment at the top right.



Step 2.) After you choose Appointment, select your student by typing in their name.

Step 3.) Type in the reason why you’d like to see the student for your appointment.

Step 4.) For From you’ll choose what teacher they will be with in that time period you’re going to request them. After that for To make sure you choose Me(or another teacher if you’re sending them to someone else)

Step 5.) Insert your date/time/period and choose whether you want the pass to repeat if you’d like.



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