MBA Cafe Lunch Line

MBA Cafe Lunch Line

Document last revised: 8/12/2018

Serving Lunch Quick Tutorial

  1. MBA Plugins > MBA Cafe > Serve Meal

  2. Under the column Lunch Menus, click on Lunch Menu

  3. At the top right, click the box that says “Automatically add first meal”

  4. At the top right, then click, the box “Automatically submit order”

  5. Scan in the first student

  6. For the first student of the lunch line, you may have to click click “Complete order”.

    1. If you randomly scan a student with a big negative balance, it will prompt you to confirm

  7. If you don’t have the student’s ID badge, you can type in their last name to find them in that lunch ID box

  8. When done, click on “exit menu” at the top left.

Depositing Cash / Check into student’s Lunch Account

  1. MBA Plugins > MBA Cafe > Deposits and Reimbursements

  2. Make sure at the top it shows “Make Deposit” button checked

  3. For Lunch ID, scan in the student’s ID or type their last name

  4. Enter in the Amount Received

  5. Fill it out and Cash/ Check and the notes as necessary

  6. Click Submit deposit

  7. Rinse and repeat for students

How to check a single Student’s Lunch Balance & Status

  1. Find the student in PowerSchool

  2. Student Profile > Lunch Programs

  3. At the bottom of the page, it will show a “current balance”

  4. On this page will also show if their lunch is Free/ Reduced / or Direct Certified Free

How to check a single Student’s Lunch History

  1. Find the student in PowerSchool

  2. Transactions > Lunch Transactions

Going into “Milk Mode” (K-4 Buildings)

  1. MBA Plugins > MBA Cafe > Cafe Manager Screens

  2. Click on Generate Transactions

  3. Click In the box that says “last name or lunch ID”

  4. Scan the students ID number, then click the student’s name

  5. With your mouse, Click “Select Students”

  6. Click in the box that says “last name or lunch ID”

  7. Scan the badge card, then click the student’s name

  8. Click “Add to current students”

  9. Repeat through your lunch cards

  10. Under the drop down for “menu”, please then select “Milk (Alacarte), then Milk “Milk”.

  11. This will then charge all students in the list .30 for regular milk.

  12. Review for accuracy

  13. Click “Submit Transactions”

  14. It would be best to handle students who buy a lactose milk ($.60) separately.

Cafe Basic Reporting

  1. MBA Plugins > MBA Cafe > (reports will show up in the menu)

  2. You can also see a list under the Reports heading MBA Plugins > MBA Cafe > MBA Cafe

  3. Most likely  you’ll want to run the “Meal Count Report”  or the “Transaction Detail Report” for daily operations

  4. You can run a Deposit report to see what was deposited over a given time frame

  5. Most reports have options to set the days you wish the report to run over, or filters to narrow down information

Cafe Deposits Report

  1. MBA Plugins > MBA Cafe > Deposit Report

  2. This will break down cash / check / credit card transactions.

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