Transfer Money from Inactive Staff to Active Staff Member

Transfer Money from Inactive Staff to Active Staff Member

Here's how you can transfer money from inactive staff to an active staff lunch account within PowerSchool.

  1. MBA Plugins > MBA Cafe > Balance Report (choosing only staff).  You'll want to take note of the student / teacher number. (IE:  In our case Monica Schild's Teacher# is 994293).

  2. Go out of the balance report and go into MBA Plugins > MBA Cafe > Cafe Management Screen

  3. Transfer Money function.

    1. In the transfer from column, enter in the inactive staff member's teacher #, then hit enter.  (if done correctly, then the inactive staff member's information will pre-fill in below the box).

    2. In the transfer to column, you can use the smart search to find the active member's information, and select it as usual.

  4. Enter in the amount to move from one account to another account. 

  5. Hit the Make Transfer button.

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