Working with Next Year Fees

Working with Next Year Fees

This document assumes that we haven’t rolled PS into the “new” school year (meaning the students are still in their current grade / current school for the previous school year).

How do I access Next Year Fees?

You’ll want to be in the current year, at the school level. Go to MBA Student Fees > Next Year Fees

How can I adjust a single student’s fees and/or make a payment for next year?

You’ll want to be in the current year, at the school level. Go to MBA Student Fees > Next Year Fees > Next Year Students.

You can find the student by typing in either their first or last name in the student box.

Additionally, clicking on the student’s name and a flyout window will appear so you can assess a fee / make a payment / etc for the next school year.

If there is a student that has money in the wallet, it won’t be automatically applied to the balance.  It has to be manually added.

Find the students who have money in the registration wallet:  Start Page > Stored Searches > Find the students.  You’ll probably want to write down those students and probably investigate / apply that remaining balance from a previous payment (or overpayment) to the student’s next year fees.

How can I view reports for the next school year?

At the school level, in the current year. Go to MBA Student Fees > Next Year Fees > [Click button to change to the year and term to view reports]

Don’t forget to switch your term / year back!


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