5-8 Version

5-8 Version

5-8 Social Work / Behavior Development Habits Grading

5-8 Social Development Scale


This is applicable for grades 5-8, for those classes where grades are assessed.


To begin grading: 

  1. Open a class..

  2. Create an assignment

    1. Choose a category of your choosing*.  This won’t change and/or affect your overall grades, it's just required for all assignments.

      1. Note: If you choose a category AND enter in a points grade that will then push to the standards, then yes it will affect the overall traditional grade.

    2. Choose collected only for the scoring type.



  1. Make sure the due date of the assignment is within the term window (on or before the ending date of the term).

  2. Select the standards that begin with “gradeLevel.classSW.1-4”.


  1. Grade the assignment as usual and you’re done.

  2. Rinse and repeat for each class that grades are assessed.




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