Math 2-5 CCSS 2010 1.1
Learning Continuum - Math 2-5 CCSS 2010 1.1
RIT 121-130
Number and Operations
Understand Place Value, Counting, and Cardinality
Whole Numbers: Counting and Cardinality
Represents a given set of objects as a numeral within 5
RIT 131-140
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Represent and Solve Problems
Whole Numbers: Addition/Subtraction
Adds whole numbers with sums within 20
Number and Operations
Understand Place Value, Counting, and Cardinality
Whole Numbers: Counting and Cardinality
Counts by 1s within 10
Represents a given set of objects as a numeral within 10
Represents a given set of objects as a numeral within 20
Represents a given set of objects as a numeral within 5
Measurement and Data
Geometric Measurement and Problem Solving
Measures length, width, or height to the nearest centimeter
Reads a ruler to determine the length of an object in inches
RIT 141-150
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Represent and Solve Problems
Whole Numbers: Addition/Subtraction
Adds whole numbers with sums within 20
Subtracts whole numbers within 20
Number and Operations
Understand Place Value, Counting, and Cardinality
Whole Numbers: Compare/Order
Compares whole numbers within 1,000 using terms
Whole Numbers: Counting and Cardinality
Counts backward by 10s within 100
Counts by 10s within 100
Counts by 1s within 10
Counts by 1s within 100
Counts out a given number of objects within 20
Represents a given set of objects as a numeral within 10
Represents a given set of objects as a numeral within 20
Measurement and Data
Geometric Measurement and Problem Solving
Measures length, width, or height to the nearest centimeter
Measures length, width, or height to the nearest inch
Reads a ruler to determine the length of an object in inches
Determines the whole number value of a collection of coins given as pictures
Reason with Shapes, Attributes, & Coordinate Plane
Fractions: Represent/Model
Identifies shapes that are divided into equal parts
Identifies shapes that are divided into halves
Identification and Classification of 2-D Shapes
Identifies and names triangles, squares, rectangles, and circles
RIT 151-160
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Represent and Solve Problems
Number Sentences/Equations/Equivalence
Determines start or change unknown in subtraction equations with whole numbers within 20
Determines unknown parts in addition equations with whole numbers, sums within 20
Properties and Relationships of Operations
Represents arrays with repeated addition expressions or equations
Whole Numbers: Addition/Subtraction
Adds three or more whole numbers with sums within 20
Adds whole numbers with sums within 20
Adds whole numbers with sums within 20 using models
Determines the number needed to make 10, using objects
Subtracts whole numbers within 20
Whole Numbers: Represent and Solve Word Problems
Represents one-step addition and subtraction word problems with objects, whole numbers within 20
Solves one‑step add-to/put‑together word problems with result unknown, whole numbers within 20
Solves one‑step add-to/put‑together word problems with start, change, or part unknown, whole numbers within 20
Solves put-together word problems involving three addends, whole numbers within 20
Number and Operations
Understand Place Value, Counting, and Cardinality
Number Sentences/Equations/Equivalence
Decomposes whole numbers within 20 into tens and ones, using equations
Whole Numbers: Compare/Order
Compares sets of objects within 10 using terms
Compares whole numbers within 1,000 using terms
Compares whole numbers within 10 using terms
Compares whole numbers within 100 using terms
Orders whole numbers within 1,000
Whole Numbers: Counting and Cardinality
Counts backward by 100s within 1,000
Counts backward by 10s within 100
Counts by 10s within 100
Counts by 1s within 1,000
Counts by 1s within 10
Counts by 1s within 100
Counts by 5s within 100
Counts out a given number of objects within 10
Counts out a given number of objects within 20
Represents a given set of objects as a numeral within 20
Whole Numbers: Place Value
Decomposes whole numbers within 1,000 into hundreds, tens, and ones, in multiple ways
Decomposes whole numbers within 20 into tens and ones, using equations
Reads and writes whole numbers within 1,000 as hundreds, tens, and ones
Represents whole numbers within 100 with models
Represents whole numbers within 20 with models
Measurement and Data
Geometric Measurement and Problem Solving
Determines the area of figures by tiling with whole unit squares
Compares the length of objects
Measures length, width, or height in nonstandard units
Measures length, width, or height to the nearest centimeter
Measures length, width, or height to the nearest inch
Orders objects by length
Reads a ruler to determine the length of an object in inches
Determines the whole number value of a collection of coins given as pictures
Orders time to the minute, shown on digital clocks
Reads analog clocks to the nearest hour
Reason with Shapes, Attributes, & Coordinate Plane
Fractions: Represent/Model
Identifies shapes that are divided into equal parts
Identifies shapes that are divided into fourths
Identifies shapes that are divided into halves
Identification and Classification of 2-D Shapes
Classifies 2-D shapes by properties, given pictures
Compares attributes of 2‑D shapes
Composes or decomposes 2-D shapes to form new shapes
Identifies and names the 2-D shape of real world objects
Identifies and names triangles, squares, rectangles, and circles
Identifies the number of sides or corners of 2-D shapes, given pictures
Sorts shapes based on shared attributes
Identification and Classification of 3-D Shapes
Identifies and names cubes, cones, cylinders, and spheres
Spatial Concepts and Symmetry
Composes or decomposes 2-D shapes to form new shapes
Determines the number of lines of symmetry in 2-D figures
Recognizes lines of symmetry in 2-D figures
Understands location words
RIT 161-170
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Represent and Solve Problems
Number Sentences/Equations/Equivalence
Decomposes whole numbers within 10 in more than one way, using equations
Determines start or change unknown in subtraction equations with whole numbers within 20
Determines unknown parts in addition equations with whole numbers, sums within 20
Properties and Relationships of Operations
Applies the commutative property of addition to whole numbers
Represents arrays with repeated addition expressions or equations
Whole Numbers: Addition/Subtraction
Adds three or more whole numbers with sums within 20
Adds whole numbers with sums within 20
Adds whole numbers with sums within 20 using models
Decomposes whole numbers within 10 in more than one way, using equations
Determines the number needed to make 10, using objects
Subtracts whole numbers within 20
Subtracts whole numbers within 20 using models
Whole Numbers: Multiplication/Division
Multiplies basic facts
Whole Numbers: Represent and Solve Word Problems
Represents one-step addition and subtraction word problems with objects, whole numbers within 20
Represents one‑step add-to/put‑together word problems with expressions or equations, with answer unknown, whole numbers within 20
Solves one-step equal-groups multiplication word problems, whole numbers with products within 100
Solves one‑step add-to/put‑together word problems with result unknown, whole numbers within 20
Solves one‑step add-to/put‑together word problems with start, change, or part unknown, whole numbers within 20
Solves one‑step take-from/take‑apart word problems with result unknown, whole numbers within 20
Solves put-together word problems involving three addends, whole numbers within 20
Number and Operations
Understand Place Value, Counting, and Cardinality
Decimals: Compare/Order
Compares decimals to the hundredths, with the same number of digits after the decimal point, using terms
Orders decimals to the hundredths, with the same number of digits after the decimal point
Number Sentences/Equations/Equivalence
Decomposes whole numbers within 20 into tens and ones, using equations
Whole Numbers: Compare/Order
Compares sets of objects within 10 using terms
Compares whole numbers greater than 10,000 using terms
Compares whole numbers within 1,000 using symbols
Compares whole numbers within 1,000 using terms
Compares whole numbers within 10 using terms
Compares whole numbers within 100 using symbols
Compares whole numbers within 100 using terms
Creates sets with more than, less than, or the same number as a given set of objects
Orders whole numbers within 1,000
Whole Numbers: Counting and Cardinality
Counts backward by 100s within 1,000
Counts backward by 10s within 100
Counts by 10s within 1,000
Counts by 10s within 100
Counts by 1s within 1,000
Counts by 1s within 100
Counts by 5s within 100
Creates sets with more than, less than, or the same number as a given set of objects
Whole Numbers: Place Value
Decomposes whole numbers within 20 into tens and ones, using equations
Knows place‑value names in numbers through the hundred thousands
Reads and writes whole numbers within 1,000 as hundreds, tens, and ones
Reads and writes whole numbers within 1,000 in expanded form
Reads and writes whole numbers within 1,000 in word form
Reads and writes whole numbers within 100 in expanded form
Reads and writes whole numbers within 100 in word form
Represents whole numbers within 1,000 with models
Represents whole numbers within 100 with models
Represents whole numbers within 20 with models
Measurement and Data
Geometric Measurement and Problem Solving
Determines the area of figures by tiling with whole unit squares
Determines the area of figures composed of whole unit squares
Compares the length of objects
Measures length, width, or height in nonstandard units
Measures length, width, or height to the nearest centimeter
Measures length, width, or height to the nearest inch
Orders objects by length
Determines the whole number value of a collection of coins given as pictures
Problem Solving with Units
Solves one-step length word problems involving addition or subtraction
Solves one-step money word problems involving whole number addition or subtraction
Orders time to the minute, shown on digital clocks
Reads analog clocks to the nearest five minutes
Reads analog clocks to the nearest half hour
Reads analog clocks to the nearest hour
Reason with Shapes, Attributes, & Coordinate Plane
Fractions: Represent/Model
Identifies shapes that are divided into equal parts
Identifies shapes that are divided into fourths
Identifies shapes that are divided into halves
Identification and Classification of 2-D Shapes
Classifies 2-D shapes by properties, given pictures
Classifies shapes as either flat/2‑D or solid/3‑D, given pictures
Classifies shapes as open or closed, given pictures
Compares attributes of 2‑D shapes
Composes or decomposes 2-D shapes to form new shapes
Identifies and names the 2-D shape of real world objects
Identifies and names triangles, squares, rectangles, and circles
Identifies the number of sides or corners of 2-D shapes, given pictures
Knows definitions of a triangle, a square, a rectangle, and a circle
Sorts shapes based on shared attributes
Identification and Classification of 3-D Shapes
Classifies shapes as either flat/2‑D or solid/3‑D, given pictures
Identifies and names cubes, cones, cylinders, and spheres
Identifies and names the 3-D shape of real-world objects
Spatial Concepts and Symmetry
Composes or decomposes 2-D shapes to form new shapes
Determines the number of lines of symmetry in 2-D figures
Identifies and creates nets for pyramids
Recognizes lines of symmetry in 2-D figures
Understands location words
RIT 171-180
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Represent and Solve Problems
Number Sentences/Equations/Equivalence
Decomposes whole numbers within 10 in more than one way, using equations
Determines start or change unknown in subtraction equations with whole numbers within 20
Determines unknown factors in multiplication equations with whole numbers and products within 100
Determines unknown parts in addition equations with whole numbers, sums within 20
Identifies true one-step addition and subtraction equations involving whole numbers
Solves one-step linear equations with positive rational numbers
Properties and Relationships of Operations
Applies the commutative property of addition to whole numbers
Identifies the missing equation in whole-number addition and subtraction fact families
Represents arrays with repeated addition expressions or equations
Understands the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction, whole numbers within 20
Whole Numbers: Addition/Subtraction
Adds whole numbers with sums within 20
Decomposes whole numbers within 10 in more than one way, using equations
Determines the number needed to make 10, using objects
Subtracts whole numbers within 20
Subtracts whole numbers within 20 using models
Whole Numbers: Concepts/Properties
Determines if sets of objects are even or odd
Whole Numbers: Multiplication/Division
Divides basic facts
Multiplies basic facts
Represents whole-number multiplication using models
Whole Numbers: Represent and Solve Word Problems
Represents multi-step addition and subtraction word problems with expressions or equations, whole numbers
Represents one-step addition and subtraction word problems with expressions or equations, whole numbers within 100
Represents one-step additive-comparison word problems with expressions or equations, whole numbers within 20
Represents one‑step add-to/put‑together word problems with expressions or equations, with answer unknown, whole numbers within 20
Represents one‑step take-from/take‑apart word problems with expressions or equations, with answer unknown, whole numbers within 20
Solves one-step additive-comparison word problems, whole numbers within 100
Solves one-step equal-groups division word problems, whole numbers within 100
Solves one-step equal-groups multiplication word problems, whole numbers with products within 100
Solves one‑step take-from/take‑apart word problems with result unknown, whole numbers within 20
Solves one‑step take-from/take‑apart word problems with start, change, or part unknown, whole numbers within 100
Solves one‑step, take-from/take‑apart word problems with start, change, or part unknown, whole numbers within 20
Solves put-together word problems involving three addends, whole numbers within 20
Number and Operations
Understand Place Value, Counting, and Cardinality
Decimals: Compare/Order
Compares decimals to the hundredths, with the same number of digits after the decimal point, using symbols
Compares decimals to the thousandths, with the same number of digits after the decimal point, using symbols
Orders decimals to the hundredths, with the same number of digits after the decimal point
Number Sentences/Equations/Equivalence
Decomposes whole numbers within 20 into tens and ones, using equations
Whole Numbers: Compare/Order
Compares sets of objects within 10 using terms
Compares whole numbers greater than 10,000 using terms
Compares whole numbers within 1,000 using symbols
Compares whole numbers within 1,000 using terms
Compares whole numbers within 10 using terms
Compares whole numbers within 100 using symbols
Compares whole numbers within 100 using terms
Creates sets with more than, less than, or the same number as a given set of objects
Whole Numbers: Counting and Cardinality
Counts backward by 100s within 1,000
Counts backward by 10s within 100
Counts by 10s within 1,000
Counts by 10s within 100
Counts by 5s within 100
Creates sets with more than, less than, or the same number as a given set of objects
Whole Numbers: Place Value
Decomposes whole numbers within 20 into tens and ones, using equations
Knows place‑value names in numbers through the hundred thousands
Reads and writes whole numbers within 1,000 as hundreds, tens, and ones
Reads and writes whole numbers within 1,000 in expanded form
Reads and writes whole numbers within 1,000 in word form
Reads and writes whole numbers within 10,000 in word form
Reads and writes whole numbers within 100 as tens and ones
Represents whole numbers within 1,000 with models
Represents whole numbers within 20 with models
Understands that 10 ones is the same as 1 ten
Understands that 10 tens is the same as 1 hundred
Measurement and Data
Geometric Measurement and Problem Solving
Determines the area of figures by tiling with whole unit squares
Determines the area of figures composed of whole unit squares
Represents the area of rectangles composed of whole unit squares using multiplication expressions or equations
Conversion of Units
Completes simple conversions of units of time
Compares the length of objects
Measures length, width, or height in nonstandard units
Measures length, width, or height to the nearest centimeter
Measures length, width, or height to the nearest inch
Determines the decimal value of a collection of coins and/or bills given as names
Determines the whole number value of a collection of coins given as pictures
Solves word problems involving amount spent or change received, whole numbers, and coin names or pictures
Determines the perimeter of basic polygons with all sides labeled
Solves problems involving perimeters of rectangles within a real-world or mathematical context
Problem Solving with Units
Solves elapsed‑time word problems involving counting forward by either hours or minutes
Solves one-step length word problems involving addition or subtraction
Solves one-step money word problems involving whole number addition or subtraction
Solves one-step weight/mass word problems involving whole number addition and subtraction
Solves problems involving perimeters of rectangles within a real-world or mathematical context
Solves word problems involving amount spent or change received, whole numbers, and coin names or pictures
Completes simple conversions of units of time
Identifies the digital or analog clock that displays the same time shown on the other type of clock, to the nearest five minutes
Knows relative sizes of units of time
Orders time to the minute, shown on digital clocks
Reads analog clocks to the nearest five minutes
Reads analog clocks to the nearest half hour
Solves elapsed‑time word problems involving counting forward by either hours or minutes
Reason with Shapes, Attributes, & Coordinate Plane
Fractions: Represent/Model
Identifies shapes that are divided into equal parts
Identifies shapes that are divided into fourths
Identifies shapes that are divided into halves
Identification and Classification of 2-D Shapes
Classifies 2-D shapes by properties, given pictures
Classifies shapes as either flat/2‑D or solid/3‑D, given pictures
Classifies shapes as open or closed, given pictures
Compares attributes of 2‑D shapes
Composes or decomposes 2-D shapes to form new shapes
Identifies and names triangles, squares, rectangles, and circles
Identifies properties of triangles, squares, rectangles, and circles, given pictures
Identifies the number of sides or corners of 2-D shapes, given pictures
Knows definitions of a triangle, a square, a rectangle, and a circle
Sorts shapes based on shared attributes
Identification and Classification of 3-D Shapes
Classifies shapes as either flat/2‑D or solid/3‑D, given pictures
Identifies and names cubes, cones, cylinders, and spheres
Identifies and names the 3-D shape of real-world objects
Identifies the number of faces, edges, or vertices for a 3-D object, given pictures
Spatial Concepts and Symmetry
Composes or decomposes 2-D shapes to form new shapes
Determines the number of lines of symmetry in 2-D figures
Identifies and creates nets for prisms
Identifies and creates nets for pyramids
Recognizes lines of symmetry in 2-D figures
Understands location words
RIT 181-190
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Represent and Solve Problems
Determines whether a linear equation or inequality is true for a given value of the variable
Number Sentences/Equations/Equivalence
Decomposes whole numbers within 10 in more than one way, using models
Determines start or change unknown in subtraction equations with whole numbers within 20
Determines unknown factors in multiplication equations with whole numbers and products within 100
Determines whether a linear equation or inequality is true for a given value of the variable
Identifies true one-step addition and subtraction equations involving whole numbers
Solves one-step linear equations with positive rational numbers
Translates between verbal and algebraic equations
Writes a one-step linear equation in one variable to represent a real-world or mathematical context
Numerical Expressions
Evaluates numerical expressions involving addition and subtraction with whole numbers and parentheses
Represents descriptions of calculations with numerical expressions or equations that include parentheses
Properties and Relationships of Operations
Applies the commutative property of addition to whole numbers
Identifies the missing equation in whole-number addition and subtraction fact families
Represents arrays with repeated addition expressions and finds the total number of objects
Represents arrays with repeated addition expressions or equations
Understands division as equal sharing
Understands multiplication as many groups of equal size
Understands the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction, whole numbers within 20
Understands the inverse relationship between multiplication and division
Whole Numbers: Addition/Subtraction
Adds whole numbers with sums within 20
Decomposes whole numbers within 10 in more than one way, using models
Determines the number needed to make 10, using objects
Subtracts whole numbers within 20
Subtracts whole numbers within 20 using models
Whole Numbers: Concepts/Properties
Determines if sets of objects are even or odd
Whole Numbers: Multiplication/Division
Divides basic facts
Multiplies basic facts
Represents whole-number multiplication using models
Whole Numbers: Represent and Solve Word Problems
Represents multi-step addition and subtraction word problems with expressions or equations, whole numbers
Represents one-step addition and subtraction word problems with expressions or equations, whole numbers within 100
Represents one-step additive-comparison word problems with expressions or equations, whole numbers within 20
Represents one-step multiplicative-comparison word problems with expressions or equations, whole numbers
Represents one‑step add-to/put‑together word problems with expressions or equations, with answer unknown, whole numbers within 20
Represents one‑step add-to/put‑together word problems with expressions or equations, with start, change, or part unknown, whole numbers within 20
Represents one‑step take-from/take‑apart word problems with expressions or equations, with answer unknown, whole numbers within 20
Represents one‑step take-from/take‑apart word problems with expressions or equations, with start, change, or part unknown, whole numbers within 20
Solves multi-step addition and subtraction word problems, whole numbers within 100
Solves multi-step word problems involving the four operations with whole numbers
Solves one-step additive-comparison word problems, whole numbers within 100
Solves one-step equal-groups division word problems, whole numbers within 100
Solves one-step equal-groups multiplication word problems, whole numbers with products within 100
Solves one‑step take-from/take‑apart word problems with start, change, or part unknown, whole numbers within 100
Solves one‑step, take-from/take‑apart word problems with start, change, or part unknown, whole numbers within 20
Number and Operations
Understand Place Value, Counting, and Cardinality
Decimals: Compare/Order
Compares decimals to the hundredths, with the same number of digits after the decimal point, using symbols
Compares decimals to the thousandths, with the same number of digits after the decimal point, using symbols
Orders decimals to the hundredths, with a different number of digits after the decimal point
Orders decimals to the hundredths, with the same number of digits after the decimal point
Orders decimals to the thousandths, with a different number of digits after the decimal point
Number Sentences/Equations/Equivalence
Decomposes whole numbers within 20 into tens and ones, using equations
Whole Numbers and Decimals: Rounding/Estimation
Rounds whole numbers within 1,000
Rounds whole numbers within 1,000,000
Rounds whole numbers within 100
Whole Numbers: Compare/Order
Compares sets of objects within 10 using terms
Compares whole numbers greater than 10,000 using terms
Compares whole numbers within 1,000 using symbols
Compares whole numbers within 1,000 using terms
Compares whole numbers within 10 using terms
Compares whole numbers within 100 using symbols
Compares whole numbers within 100 using terms
Orders whole numbers within 10,000
Whole Numbers: Counting and Cardinality
Counts backward by 100s within 1,000
Counts by 100s within 1,000
Counts by 10s within 1,000
Counts by 5s within 100
Whole Numbers: Place Value
Decomposes whole numbers within 20 into tens and ones, using equations
Knows place‑value names in numbers through the hundred thousands
Reads and writes whole numbers within 10,000 in expanded form
Reads and writes whole numbers within 100,000 in word form
Represents whole numbers within 1,000 with models
Understands that 10 ones is the same as 1 ten
Understands that 10 tens is the same as 1 hundred
Understands the value of a digit in whole numbers within 1,000
Understands the value of a digit in whole numbers within 1,000,000
Measurement and Data
Geometric Measurement and Problem Solving
Angle Measurement
Calculates unknown angle measures using the additive property of angles
Determines the area of figures by tiling with whole unit squares
Determines the area of figures composed of whole unit squares
Represents the area of rectangles composed of whole unit squares using multiplication expressions or equations
Knows relative sizes of customary units of capacity
Conversion of Units
Completes simple conversions of units of time
Knows relative sizes of customary units of length
Measures and compares the length of 2 objects in centimeters
Measures and compares the length of 2 objects in inches
Measures length, width, or height in nonstandard units
Measures length, width, or height to the nearest centimeter
Measures length, width, or height to the nearest inch
Determines the decimal value of a collection of coins and/or bills given as names
Determines the whole number value of a collection of coins given as coin names
Determines the whole number value of a collection of coins given as pictures
Identifies equivalent sets of coins
Solves money word problems involving whole numbers and coins and/or bills given as pictures
Solves word problems involving amount spent or change received, whole numbers, and coin names or pictures
Determines the perimeter of basic polygons with all sides labeled
Solves problems involving perimeters of rectangles within a real-world or mathematical context
Problem Solving with Units
Solves elapsed-time word problems involving counting backward by either hours or minutes
Solves elapsed‑time word problems involving counting forward by both hours and minutes
Solves elapsed‑time word problems involving counting forward by either hours or minutes
Solves money word problems involving whole numbers and coins and/or bills given as pictures
Solves one-step capacity word problems involving whole number multiplication or division
Solves one-step length word problems involving addition or subtraction
Solves one-step money word problems involving whole number addition or subtraction
Solves one-step money word problems involving whole number multiplication or division
Solves one-step weight/mass word problems involving whole number addition and subtraction
Solves one-step weight/mass word problems involving whole number multiplication and division
Solves one‑step capacity word problems involving whole-number addition or subtraction
Solves problems involving perimeters of rectangles within a real-world or mathematical context
Solves word problems involving amount spent or change received, whole numbers, and coin names or pictures
Completes simple conversions of units of time
Identifies the digital or analog clock that displays the same time shown on the other type of clock, to the nearest five minutes
Knows relative sizes of units of time
Reads analog clocks to the nearest five minutes
Reads analog clocks to the nearest half hour
Reads analog clocks to the nearest minute
Solves elapsed-time word problems involving counting backward by either hours or minutes
Solves elapsed‑time word problems involving counting forward by both hours and minutes
Solves elapsed‑time word problems involving counting forward by either hours or minutes
Determines the volume of figures by counting unit cubes
Reason with Shapes, Attributes, & Coordinate Plane
Coordinate Geometry
Interprets points with whole number coordinates in the first quadrant within the given context
Fractions: Represent/Model
Identifies shapes that are divided into equal parts
Identifies shapes that are divided into fourths
Identifies shapes that are divided into halves
Identifies shapes that are divided into thirds
Identifies the fractional parts of shapes
Identification and Classification of 2-D Shapes
Classifies 2-D shapes by properties, given pictures
Classifies shapes as either flat/2‑D or solid/3‑D, given pictures
Compares attributes of 2‑D shapes
Composes or decomposes 2-D shapes to form new shapes
Identifies and names nonbasic shapes, such as trapezoids, hexagons, etc.
Identifies and names triangles, squares, rectangles, and circles
Identifies properties of triangles, squares, rectangles, and circles, given pictures
Knows definitions of a triangle, a square, a rectangle, and a circle
Knows definitions of nonbasic shapes, such as trapezoids, hexagons, etc.
Sorts shapes based on shared attributes
Identification and Classification of 3-D Shapes
Classifies shapes as either flat/2‑D or solid/3‑D, given pictures
Identifies and names cubes, cones, cylinders, and spheres
Identifies and names the 3-D shape of real-world objects
Identifies the number of faces, edges, or vertices for a 3-D object, given pictures
Spatial Concepts and Symmetry
Composes or decomposes 2-D shapes to form new shapes
Determines the number of lines of symmetry in 2-D figures
Identifies 2-D figures which have line symmetry
Identifies and creates nets for prisms
Identifies and creates nets for pyramids
Recognizes lines of symmetry in 2-D figures
RIT 191-200
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Represent and Solve Problems
Algebraic Expressions
Writes linear expressions in one variable to represent real-world or mathematical contexts
Determines whether a linear equation or inequality is true for a given value of the variable
Linear Functions
Graphs a linear function of the form y = mx given a simple scenario
Number Sentences/Equations/Equivalence
Determines start or change unknown in subtraction equations with whole numbers within 20
Determines unknown divisors in division equations with whole numbers and dividends within 100
Determines unknown factors in multiplication equations with whole numbers and products within 100
Determines whether a linear equation or inequality is true for a given value of the variable
Identifies true multi‑step addition and subtraction equations with whole numbers
Identifies true one-step addition and subtraction equations involving whole numbers
Represents subtraction equations with whole numbers as part‑unknown addition equations
Solves one-step linear equations with positive rational numbers
Translates between verbal and algebraic equations
Writes a one-step linear equation in one variable to represent a real-world or mathematical context
Numerical Expressions
Evaluates numerical expressions involving addition and subtraction with whole numbers and parentheses
Evaluates numerical expressions involving multiple operations with whole numbers and parentheses
Represents descriptions of calculations with numerical expressions or equations that include parentheses
Properties and Relationships of Operations
Applies the commutative property of addition to whole numbers
Represents arrays with repeated addition expressions and finds the total number of objects
Represents arrays with repeated addition expressions or equations
Represents subtraction equations with whole numbers as part‑unknown addition equations
Understands division as equal sharing
Understands multiplication as a comparison of sizes
Understands multiplication as many groups of equal size
Understands the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction, whole numbers within 20
Understands the inverse relationship between multiplication and division
Whole Numbers: Concepts/Properties
Determines if sets of objects are even or odd
Whole Numbers: Multiplication/Division
Divides basic facts
Multiplies basic facts
Represents whole-number multiplication using models
Whole Numbers: Represent and Solve Word Problems
Represents multi-step addition and subtraction word problems with expressions or equations, whole numbers
Represents one-step additive-comparison word problems with expressions or equations, whole numbers within 20
Represents one-step equal-groups multiplication and division word problems with models, whole numbers
Represents one-step equal-groups multiplication word problems with expressions or equations, whole numbers
Represents one-step multiplicative-comparison word problems with expressions or equations, whole numbers
Represents one‑step add-to/put‑together word problems with expressions or equations, with start, change, or part unknown, whole numbers within 20
Solves multi-step addition and subtraction word problems, whole numbers greater than 100
Solves multi-step addition and subtraction word problems, whole numbers within 100
Solves multi-step word problems involving the four operations with whole numbers
Solves one-step additive-comparison word problems, whole numbers within 100
Solves one-step division word problems that require interpretation of remainders, whole numbers
Solves one-step equal-groups division word problems, whole numbers within 100
Solves one-step equal-groups multiplication word problems, whole numbers with products within 100
Solves one-step multiplicative-comparison word problems, whole-number products greater than 100
Solves one-step multiplicative-comparison word problems, whole-number products within 100
Solves one‑step take-from/take‑apart word problems with start, change, or part unknown, whole numbers within 100
Number and Operations
Understand Place Value, Counting, and Cardinality
Decimals: Compare/Order
Compares decimals to the hundredths, with the same number of digits after the decimal point, using symbols
Compares decimals to the thousandths, with the same number of digits after the decimal point, using symbols
Orders decimals to the hundredths, with a different number of digits after the decimal point
Orders decimals to the thousandths, with a different number of digits after the decimal point
Rounds dollars and cents
Whole Numbers and Decimals: Rounding/Estimation
Rounds decimals to nearest whole number
Rounds dollars and cents
Rounds whole numbers within 1,000
Rounds whole numbers within 1,000,000
Whole Numbers: Compare/Order
Compares sets of objects within 10 using terms
Compares whole numbers greater than 10,000 using symbols
Compares whole numbers greater than 10,000 using terms
Compares whole numbers within 10,000 using symbols
Compares whole numbers within 100 using symbols
Whole Numbers: Place Value
Knows place‑value names in numbers through the hundred thousands
Reads and writes whole numbers greater than 1,000,000 in word form
Represents whole numbers greater than 1,000 with models
Represents whole numbers within 1,000 with models
Understands that 10 ones is the same as 1 ten
Understands that 10 tens is the same as 1 hundred
Understands the value of a digit in whole numbers within 1,000,000
Measurement and Data
Geometric Measurement and Problem Solving
Angle Measurement
Calculates unknown angle measures using the additive property of angles
Identifies/estimates angle measures
Determines the area of figures by tiling with whole unit squares
Determines the area of figures composed of whole unit squares
Determines the area of rectangles with whole-number sides, formula not provided
Explains the relationship between tiling a figure and multiplying side lengths to find the area
Represents the area of rectangles composed of whole unit squares using multiplication expressions or equations
Solves problems involving areas of rectangles within a real-world or mathematical context
Completes simple conversions of customary units of capacity
Conversion of Units
Completes simple conversions of customary units of capacity
Completes simple conversions of customary units of length
Completes simple conversions of customary units of weight
Completes simple conversions of units of time
Solves multi-step length word problems involving whole numbers and conversion of customary units
Completes simple conversions of customary units of length
Knows relative sizes of customary units of length
Knows relative sizes of metric units of length
Measures an object using different units and explains the relationship between the size of each unit and the corresponding measurements
Measures and compares the length of 2 objects in centimeters
Measures and compares the length of 2 objects in inches
Measures length, width, or height to the nearest centimeter
Measures length, width, or height to the nearest inch
Solves multi-step length word problems involving whole numbers and conversion of customary units
Determines the decimal value of a collection of coins and/or bills given as names
Solves money word problems involving decimals and coins and/or bills given as names
Solves money word problems involving decimals and coins and/or bills given as pictures
Solves money word problems involving whole numbers and coins and/or bills given as names
Solves money word problems involving whole numbers and coins and/or bills given as pictures
Solves word problems involving amount spent or change received, whole numbers, and coin names or pictures
Determines the perimeter of basic polygons in which not all sides are labeled
Determines the perimeter of basic polygons with all sides labeled
Solves problems involving perimeters of rectangles within a real-world or mathematical context
Problem Solving with Units
Represents one‑step length word problems involving addition or subtraction with expressions or equations
Solves elapsed-time word problems involving counting backward by either hours or minutes
Solves elapsed‑time word problems involving counting forward by both hours and minutes
Solves elapsed‑time word problems involving counting forward by either hours or minutes
Solves money word problems involving decimals and coins and/or bills given as names
Solves money word problems involving decimals and coins and/or bills given as pictures
Solves money word problems involving whole numbers and coins and/or bills given as names
Solves money word problems involving whole numbers and coins and/or bills given as pictures
Solves multi-step length word problems involving whole numbers and conversion of customary units
Solves one-step capacity word problems involving whole number multiplication or division
Solves one-step length word problems involving addition or subtraction
Solves one-step money word problems involving whole number addition or subtraction
Solves one-step weight/mass word problems involving whole number addition and subtraction
Solves one-step weight/mass word problems involving whole number multiplication and division
Solves one‑step capacity word problems involving whole-number addition or subtraction
Solves problems involving areas of rectangles within a real-world or mathematical context
Solves problems involving perimeters of rectangles within a real-world or mathematical context
Solves word problems involving amount spent or change received, whole numbers, and coin names or pictures
Completes simple conversions of units of time
Determines elapsed time across both minutes and hours using clocks
Determines elapsed time across either minutes or hours using clocks
Identifies the digital or analog clock that displays the same time shown on the other type of clock, to the nearest five minutes
Identifies the digital or analog clock that displays the same time shown on the other type of clock, to the nearest minute
Reads analog clocks to the nearest five minutes
Reads analog clocks to the nearest minute
Solves elapsed-time word problems involving counting backward by either hours or minutes
Solves elapsed‑time word problems involving counting forward by both hours and minutes
Solves elapsed‑time word problems involving counting forward by either hours or minutes
Determines the volume of figures by counting unit cubes
Determines the volume of rectangular prisms, formula not provided
Identifies rectangular prisms composed of unit cubes that have the same volume as a given rectangular prism
Understands that a unit cube has sides of 1 unit in length and a volume of 1 cubic unit
Completes simple conversions of customary units of weight
Reason with Shapes, Attributes, & Coordinate Plane
Coordinate Geometry
Interprets points with whole number coordinates in the first quadrant within the given context
Fractions: Represent/Model
Identifies shapes that are divided into equal parts
Identifies shapes that are divided into quarters
Identifies shapes that are divided into thirds
Identifies the fractional parts of shapes
Identification and Classification of 2-D Shapes
Classifies 2-D shapes by properties, given pictures
Compares attributes of 2‑D shapes
Composes or decomposes 2-D shapes to form new shapes
Describes a set of shapes based on attributes, given pictures
Describes shapes using multiple categories based on attributes, given pictures
Identifies and names nonbasic shapes, such as trapezoids, hexagons, etc.
Identifies properties of triangles, squares, rectangles, and circles, given pictures
Knows definitions of nonbasic shapes, such as trapezoids, hexagons, etc.
Recognizes examples of quadrilaterals
Sorts shapes based on shared attributes
Identification and Classification of 3-D Shapes
Identifies the number of faces, edges, or vertices for a 3-D object, given pictures
Points, Lines, Segments, Rays, and Angles
Identifies parallel lines
Identifies right angles
Spatial Concepts and Symmetry
Composes or decomposes 2-D shapes to form new shapes
Determines the number of lines of symmetry in 2-D figures
Identifies 2-D figures which have line symmetry
Identifies and creates nets for prisms
Identifies and creates nets for pyramids
Recognizes lines of symmetry in 2-D figures
RIT 201-210
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Represent and Solve Problems
Algebraic Expressions
Interprets equivalent linear expressions within a real-world context
Translates between verbal and algebraic expressions
Writes linear expressions in one variable to represent real-world or mathematical contexts
Determines whether a linear equation or inequality is true for a given value of the variable
Linear Functions
Compares the rate of change between two proportional relationships represented in different ways
Graphs a linear function of the form y = mx given a simple scenario
Number Sentences/Equations/Equivalence
Determines start or change unknown in subtraction equations with whole numbers within 20
Determines unknown dividend in division equations with whole numbers and dividends within 100
Determines unknown divisors in division equations with whole numbers and dividends within 100
Determines whether a linear equation or inequality is true for a given value of the variable
Identifies true multi‑step addition and subtraction equations with whole numbers
Represents division equations with whole numbers as part‑unknown multiplication equations
Represents subtraction equations with whole numbers as part‑unknown addition equations
Solves one-step linear equations with negative rational numbers
Solves one-step linear equations with positive rational numbers
Translates between verbal and algebraic equations
Writes a one-step linear equation in one variable to represent a real-world or mathematical context
Writes and solves a two-step linear equation in one variable involving a real-world or mathematical context
Numerical Expressions
Applies the order of operations, with grouping symbols and excluding exponents, to simplify numerical expressions involving positive rational numbers
Evaluates numerical expressions involving addition and subtraction with whole numbers and parentheses
Evaluates numerical expressions involving multiple operations with whole numbers and parentheses
Represents descriptions of calculations with numerical expressions or equations that include parentheses
Properties and Relationships of Operations
Represents arrays with repeated addition expressions or equations
Represents division equations with whole numbers as part‑unknown multiplication equations
Represents subtraction equations with whole numbers as part‑unknown addition equations
Understands division as equal sharing
Understands multiplication as a comparison of sizes
Understands multiplication as many groups of equal size
Understands the inverse relationship between multiplication and division
Rate of Change/Slope
Compares the rate of change between two proportional relationships represented in different ways
Whole Numbers: Multiplication/Division
Divides basic facts
Whole Numbers: Represent and Solve Word Problems
Represents multi-step addition and subtraction word problems with expressions or equations, whole numbers
Represents one-step equal-groups division word problems with expressions or equations, whole numbers
Represents one-step equal-groups multiplication and division word problems with models, whole numbers
Represents one-step equal-groups multiplication word problems with expressions or equations, whole numbers
Represents one-step multiplicative-comparison word problems with expressions or equations, whole numbers
Represents one‑step add-to/put‑together word problems with expressions or equations, with start, change, or part unknown, whole numbers within 20
Solves multi-step addition and subtraction word problems, whole numbers within 100
Solves multi-step word problems involving the four operations with whole numbers
Solves one-step additive-comparison word problems, whole numbers within 100
Solves one-step division word problems that require interpretation of remainders, whole numbers
Solves one-step equal-groups division word problems, whole numbers within 100
Solves one-step multiplicative-comparison word problems, whole-number products greater than 100
Solves one-step multiplicative-comparison word problems, whole-number products within 100
Solves one‑step add-to/put‑together word problems with result unknown, whole numbers within 100
Number and Operations
Understand Place Value, Counting, and Cardinality
Decimals: Compare/Order
Compares decimals to the hundredths, with a different number of digits after the decimal point, using symbols
Compares decimals to the hundredths, with a different number of digits after the decimal point, using terms
Compares decimals to the thousandths, with a different number of digits after the decimal point, using symbols
Orders decimals to the hundredths, with a different number of digits after the decimal point
Orders decimals to the thousandths, with a different number of digits after the decimal point
Decimals: Place Value
Represents decimals to the thousandths in word form
Rounds dollars and cents
Whole Numbers and Decimals: Rounding/Estimation
Rounds decimals to nearest whole number
Rounds dollars and cents
Rounds whole numbers within 1,000
Rounds whole numbers within 1,000,000
Whole Numbers: Compare/Order
Orders whole numbers within 100,000
Whole Numbers: Place Value
Knows place‑value names in numbers through the hundred thousands
Reads and writes whole numbers greater than 1,000,000 in word form
Reads and writes whole numbers within 1,000,000 in expanded form
Reads and writes whole numbers within 100,000 in expanded form
Understands that 10 tens is the same as 1 hundred
Understands that the same digit, moved one place to the left, now represents 10 times the value
Understands the value of a digit in whole numbers greater than 1,000,000
Measurement and Data
Geometric Measurement and Problem Solving
Angle Measurement
Calculates unknown angle measures using the additive property of angles
Identifies/estimates angle measures
Determines side lengths given the area of rectangles
Determines the area of figures composed of whole and partial unit squares
Determines the area of rectangles with whole-number sides, formula not provided
Explains the relationship between tiling a figure and multiplying side lengths to find the area
Recognizes situations which describe area
Solves problems involving areas of rectangles within a real-world or mathematical context
Completes simple conversions of customary units of capacity
Conversion of Units
Completes simple conversions of customary units of capacity
Completes simple conversions of customary units of length
Completes simple conversions of customary units of weight
Completes simple conversions of units of time
Solves multi-step length word problems involving whole numbers and conversion of customary units
Solves multi-step time word problems involving conversion across seconds, minutes, hours, etc.
Solves multi‑step weight word problems involving decimals or fractions and conversion of customary units
Completes simple conversions of customary units of length
Knows relative sizes of customary units of length
Knows relative sizes of metric units of length
Measures an object using different units and explains the relationship between the size of each unit and the corresponding measurements
Measures and compares the length of 2 objects in centimeters
Measures and compares the length of 2 objects in inches
Measures length, width, or height to the nearest centimeter
Measures length, width, or height to the nearest inch
Solves multi-step length word problems involving whole numbers and conversion of customary units
Determines the decimal value of a collection of coins and/or bills given as names
Solves money word problems involving decimals and coins and/or bills given as pictures
Solves money word problems involving whole numbers and coins and/or bills given as names
Solves word problems involving amount spent or change received, whole numbers, and coin names or pictures
Determines side lengths given the perimeter of rectangles
Determines the perimeter of basic polygons in which not all sides are labeled
Determines the perimeter of basic polygons using nonstandard units not shown on all sides
Solves problems involving perimeters of rectangles within a real-world or mathematical context
Problem Solving with Units
Represents one‑step length word problems involving addition or subtraction with expressions or equations
Solves elapsed-time word problems involving counting backward by either hours or minutes
Solves elapsed‑time word problems involving counting forward by both hours and minutes
Solves elapsed‑time word problems involving counting forward by either hours or minutes
Solves money word problems involving decimals and coins and/or bills given as pictures
Solves money word problems involving whole numbers and coins and/or bills given as names
Solves multi-step length word problems involving whole numbers and conversion of customary units
Solves multi-step money word problems involving whole numbers within 100
Solves multi-step time word problems involving conversion across seconds, minutes, hours, etc.
Solves multi‑step weight word problems involving decimals or fractions and conversion of customary units
Solves one-step capacity word problems involving whole number multiplication or division
Solves one-step length word problems involving addition or subtraction
Solves one-step money word problems involving whole number addition or subtraction
Solves one-step weight/mass word problems involving whole number addition and subtraction
Solves one-step weight/mass word problems involving whole number multiplication and division
Solves one‑step capacity word problems involving whole-number addition or subtraction
Solves problems involving areas of rectangles within a real-world or mathematical context
Solves problems involving perimeters of rectangles within a real-world or mathematical context
Solves word problems involving amount spent or change received, whole numbers, and coin names or pictures
Completes simple conversions of units of time
Determines elapsed time across both minutes and hours using clocks
Determines elapsed time across either minutes or hours using clocks
Orders time to the minute, shown on analog clocks
Solves elapsed-time word problems involving counting backward by either hours or minutes
Solves elapsed‑time word problems involving counting forward by both hours and minutes
Solves elapsed‑time word problems involving counting forward by either hours or minutes
Solves multi-step time word problems involving conversion across seconds, minutes, hours, etc.
Determines the missing dimension of a rectangular prism composed of unit cubes given the volume and other dimensions
Determines the volume of figures by counting unit cubes
Determines the volume of rectangular prisms, formula not provided
Identifies rectangular prisms composed of unit cubes that have the same volume as a given rectangular prism
Represents the volume of rectangular prisms composed of unit cubes, using multiplication expressions or equations
Understands that a unit cube has sides of 1 unit in length and a volume of 1 cubic unit
Completes simple conversions of customary units of weight
Solves multi‑step weight word problems involving decimals or fractions and conversion of customary units
Reason with Shapes, Attributes, & Coordinate Plane
Coordinate Geometry
Determines the coordinates of points in the first quadrant of a coordinate plane
Interprets points with whole number coordinates in the first quadrant within the given context
Plots the coordinates of points in the first quadrant of a coordinate plane
Fractions: Represent/Model
Identifies shapes that are divided into equal parts
Identifies shapes that are divided into quarters
Identifies the fractional parts of shapes
Identification and Classification of 2-D Shapes
Classifies 2-D shapes by properties, given pictures
Composes or decomposes 2-D shapes to form new shapes
Describes a set of shapes based on attributes, given pictures
Describes shapes using multiple categories based on attributes, given pictures
Identifies and names nonbasic shapes, such as trapezoids, hexagons, etc.
Identifies and names special triangles, such as acute, right, scalene, etc., given pictures
Identifies attributes of a rectangle
Identifies properties of a 2‑D shape, such as right angles, parallel sides, etc., given pictures
Knows definitions of nonbasic shapes, such as trapezoids, hexagons, etc.
Knows definitions of special triangles, such as acute, right, scalene, etc.
Recognizes examples of quadrilaterals
Sorts shapes into categories based on attributes, given pictures
Understands the relationships among categories of shapes
Identification and Classification of 3-D Shapes
Composes or decomposes 3-D shapes to form new shapes
Identifies attributes of cubes, cones, cylinders, and spheres, given pictures
Points, Lines, Segments, Rays, and Angles
Identifies acute or obtuse angles
Identifies parallel lines
Identifies points, lines, rays, line segments, and angles
Applies scale factors to solve problems involving scale drawings of geometric figures
Applies scale factors to solve problems involving scale drawings, maps, and models
Applies scale factors to solve problems involving scale drawings of geometric figures
Applies scale factors to solve problems involving scale drawings, maps, and models
Spatial Concepts and Symmetry
Composes or decomposes 2-D shapes to form new shapes
Composes or decomposes 3-D shapes to form new shapes
Determines the number of lines of symmetry in 2-D figures
Identifies 2-D figures which have line symmetry
Identifies and creates nets for prisms
Identifies and creates nets for pyramids
Determines the volume of rectangular prisms, given the formula
RIT 211-220
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Represent and Solve Problems
Algebraic Expressions
Evaluates linear expressions at given values with variables involving positive rational numbers
Evaluates nonlinear expressions at given values with variables involving positive rational numbers
Generates equivalent linear expressions by combining like terms
Identifies the mathematical components of an algebraic expression, including sum, product, quotient, term, and coefficient
Interprets equivalent linear expressions within a real-world context
Translates between verbal and algebraic expressions
Writes linear expressions in one variable to represent real-world or mathematical contexts
Evaluates numbers with whole-number bases and whole-number exponents
Determines whether a linear equation or inequality is true for a given value of the variable
Linear Functions
Compares the rate of change between two proportional relationships represented in different ways
Graphs a linear function of the form y = mx given a simple scenario
Represents a proportional relationship in more than one form, including tables, graphs, equations, and verbal descriptions
Writes the equation of a line in the form y = mx given a table of values or two ordered pairs
Number Sentences/Equations/Equivalence
Determines start or change unknown in subtraction equations with whole numbers within 20
Determines unknown dividend in division equations with whole numbers and dividends within 100
Determines whether a linear equation or inequality is true for a given value of the variable
Identifies true multi‑step addition and subtraction equations with whole numbers
Represents subtraction equations with whole numbers as part‑unknown addition equations
Solves one-step linear equations with negative rational numbers
Solves one-step linear equations with positive rational numbers
Writes a one-step linear equation in one variable to represent a real-world or mathematical context
Writes and solves a two-step linear equation in one variable involving a real-world or mathematical context
Numerical Expressions
Applies the order of operations, with grouping symbols and excluding exponents, to simplify numerical expressions involving positive rational numbers
Applies the order of operations, without grouping symbols or whole-number exponents, to simplify numerical expressions involving positive rational numbers
Evaluates numerical expressions involving addition and subtraction with whole numbers and parentheses
Evaluates numerical expressions involving multiple operations with whole numbers and parentheses
Represents descriptions of calculations with numerical expressions or equations that include parentheses
Properties and Relationships of Operations
Represents arrays with repeated addition expressions or equations
Represents subtraction equations with whole numbers as part‑unknown addition equations
Understands division as equal sharing
Understands multiplication as a comparison of sizes
Understands multiplication as many groups of equal size
Understands the inverse relationship between multiplication and division
Rate of Change/Slope
Compares the rate of change between two proportional relationships represented in different ways
Rational Numbers: Solve Real-World and Mathematical Problems
Solves real-world problems using appropriate problem-solving strategies and evaluates the reasonableness of the solutions
Whole Numbers: Represent and Solve Word Problems
Represents one‑step add-to/put‑together word problems with expressions or equations, with start, change, or part unknown, whole numbers within 20
Solves multi-step addition and subtraction word problems, whole numbers within 100
Solves multi-step multiplication and division word problems with whole numbers
Solves multi-step word problems involving the four operations with whole numbers
Solves one-step division word problems that require interpretation of remainders, whole numbers
Solves one-step equal-groups division word problems, whole numbers within 100
Solves one-step multiplicative-comparison word problems, whole-number products greater than 100
Solves one-step multiplicative-comparison word problems, whole-number products within 100
Number and Operations
Understand Place Value, Counting, and Cardinality
Decimals: Compare/Order
Compares decimals to the hundredths, with a different number of digits after the decimal point, using symbols
Compares decimals to the hundredths, with a different number of digits after the decimal point, using terms
Compares decimals to the thousandths, with a different number of digits after the decimal point, using symbols
Compares decimals to the thousandths, with a different number of digits after the decimal point, using terms
Orders decimals to the hundredths, with a different number of digits after the decimal point
Orders decimals to the thousandths, with a different number of digits after the decimal point
Decimals: Place Value
Represents decimals to the thousandths in word form
Multiplies whole numbers by powers of 10 shown with exponents
Represents powers of 10 using exponents
Rounds dollars and cents
Whole Numbers and Decimals: Rounding/Estimation
Rounds decimals to any decimal place value
Rounds decimals to nearest whole number
Rounds dollars and cents
Rounds whole numbers within 1,000,000
Whole Numbers: Place Value
Understands that the same digit, moved one place to the left, now represents 10 times the value
Understands that the same digit, moved one place to the right, now represents 1/10 the value
Measurement and Data
Geometric Measurement and Problem Solving
Angle Measurement
Calculates unknown angle measures using the additive property of angles
Identifies/estimates angle measures
Measures non-right angles using a protractor
Applies the distributive property of multiplication to find the area of rectangles with whole-number sides
Determines side lengths given the area of rectangles
Determines the area of figures composed of whole and partial unit squares
Determines the area of rectangles with whole-number sides, formula not provided
Explains the relationship between tiling a figure and multiplying side lengths to find the area
Identifies a unit square
Recognizes situations which describe area
Solves problems involving areas of rectangles within a real-world or mathematical context
Solves problems involving the area of figures composed of whole unit squares
Completes complex conversions of customary units of capacity involving fractions, decimals, or more than two units
Completes simple conversions of customary units of capacity
Estimates the capacity of objects in metric units
Conversion of Units
Completes complex conversions of customary units of capacity involving fractions, decimals, or more than two units
Completes complex conversions of customary units of length involving fractions, decimals, or more than two units
Completes simple conversions of customary units of capacity
Completes simple conversions of customary units of length
Completes simple conversions of customary units of weight
Completes simple conversions of units of time
Solves multi-step length word problems involving whole numbers and conversion of customary units
Solves multi-step time word problems involving conversion across seconds, minutes, hours, etc.
Solves multi‑step weight word problems involving decimals or fractions and conversion of customary units
Completes complex conversions of customary units of length involving fractions, decimals, or more than two units
Completes simple conversions of customary units of length
Knows relative sizes of metric units of length
Measures an object using different units and explains the relationship between the size of each unit and the corresponding measurements
Measures and compares the length of 2 objects in centimeters
Measures and compares the length of 2 objects in inches
Measures length, width, or height to the nearest centimeter
Solves multi-step length word problems involving whole numbers and conversion of customary units
Determines the decimal value of a collection of coins and/or bills given as names
Solves money word problems involving whole numbers and coins and/or bills given as names
Solves word problems involving amount spent or change received, whole numbers, and coin names or pictures
Determines side lengths given the perimeter of rectangles
Determines the perimeter of basic polygons in which not all sides are labeled
Solves problems involving perimeters of rectangles within a real-world or mathematical context
Problem Solving with Units
Solves elapsed-time word problems involving counting backward by either hours or minutes
Solves elapsed‑time word problems involving counting forward by both hours and minutes
Solves money word problems involving whole numbers and coins and/or bills given as names
Solves multi-step length word problems involving whole numbers
Solves multi-step length word problems involving whole numbers and conversion of customary units
Solves multi-step money word problems involving whole numbers within 100
Solves multi-step time word problems involving conversion across seconds, minutes, hours, etc.
Solves multi‑step weight word problems involving decimals or fractions and conversion of customary units
Solves one-step length word problems involving addition or subtraction
Solves one-step money word problems involving whole number addition or subtraction
Solves one-step weight/mass word problems involving whole number addition and subtraction
Solves one-step weight/mass word problems involving whole number multiplication and division
Solves one‑step capacity word problems involving whole-number addition or subtraction
Solves problems involving areas of rectangles within a real-world or mathematical context
Solves problems involving perimeters of rectangles within a real-world or mathematical context
Solves problems involving rectangular prisms composed of unit cubes
Solves word problems involving amount spent or change received, whole numbers, and coin names or pictures
Properties and Relationships of Operations
Applies the distributive property of multiplication to find the area of rectangles with whole-number sides
Completes simple conversions of units of time
Determines elapsed time across both minutes and hours using clocks
Orders time to the minute, shown on analog clocks
Solves elapsed-time word problems involving counting backward by either hours or minutes
Solves elapsed‑time word problems involving counting forward by both hours and minutes
Solves multi-step time word problems involving conversion across seconds, minutes, hours, etc.
Determines the missing dimension of a rectangular prism composed of unit cubes given the volume and other dimensions
Determines the volume of figures by counting unit cubes
Determines the volume of rectangular prisms, formula not provided
Identifies rectangular prisms composed of unit cubes that have the same volume as a given rectangular prism
Recognizes situations which describe volume
Represents the volume of rectangular prisms composed of unit cubes, using multiplication expressions or equations
Represents the volume of rectangular prisms composed of unit cubes, using repeated addition expressions or equations
Solves problems involving rectangular prisms composed of unit cubes
Understands that a unit cube has sides of 1 unit in length and a volume of 1 cubic unit
Completes simple conversions of customary units of weight
Solves multi‑step weight word problems involving decimals or fractions and conversion of customary units
Reason with Shapes, Attributes, & Coordinate Plane
Determines the area of parallelograms, formula not provided
Determines the area of triangles, formula not provided
Coordinate Geometry
Determines the coordinates of missing vertices of geometric figures in the first quadrant given the other vertices plotted on the coordinate plane
Determines the coordinates of points in the first quadrant of a coordinate plane
Interprets points with whole number coordinates in the first quadrant within the given context
Plots the coordinates of points in the first quadrant of a coordinate plane
Fractions: Represent/Model
Identifies the fractional parts of shapes
Identification and Classification of 2-D Shapes
Classifies 2-D shapes by properties, given pictures
Describes a set of shapes based on attributes, given pictures
Describes shapes using multiple categories based on attributes, given pictures
Identifies and names special triangles, such as acute, right, scalene, etc., given pictures
Identifies properties of a 2‑D shape, such as right angles, parallel sides, etc., given pictures
Identifies properties of a 2‑D shape, such as right angles, parallel sides, etc., without pictures given
Knows definitions of nonbasic shapes, such as trapezoids, hexagons, etc.
Knows definitions of special triangles, such as acute, right, scalene, etc.
Recognizes examples of quadrilaterals
Sorts shapes into categories based on attributes, given pictures
Understands the relationships among categories of shapes
Determines the circumference of circles, formula not provided
Determines the circumference of circles, given the formula
Points, Lines, Segments, Rays, and Angles
Identifies acute or obtuse angles
Identifies parallel lines
Identifies points, lines, rays, line segments, and angles
Applies scale factors to solve problems involving scale drawings of geometric figures
Applies scale factors to solve problems involving scale drawings, maps, and models
Determines scale factors in problems involving scale drawings, maps, and models
Relationships involving Lines, Angles, and Polygons
Calculates unknown angle measures using the properties of complementary, supplementary, and vertical angles
Applies scale factors to solve problems involving scale drawings of geometric figures
Applies scale factors to solve problems involving scale drawings, maps, and models
Determines scale factors in problems involving scale drawings, maps, and models
Spatial Concepts and Symmetry
Determines the number of lines of symmetry in 2-D figures
Identifies and creates nets for prisms
Identifies the cross-sections of 3-D shapes
Determines the volume of rectangular prisms, formula not provided
Determines the volume of rectangular prisms, given the formula
RIT 221-230
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Represent and Solve Problems
Algebraic Expressions
Evaluates linear expressions at given values with variables involving positive rational numbers
Evaluates nonlinear expressions at given values with variables involving positive rational numbers
Generates equivalent linear expressions by combining like terms
Generates equivalent linear expressions by using the associative, commutative, and distributive properties, and by combining like terms
Generates equivalent linear expressions by using the associative, commutative, or distributive property
Identifies the mathematical components of an algebraic expression, including sum, product, quotient, term, and coefficient
Interprets equivalent linear expressions within a real-world context
Translates between verbal and algebraic expressions
Writes linear expressions in one variable to represent real-world or mathematical contexts
Evaluates numbers with whole-number bases and whole-number exponents
Represents a whole number as a power of a whole number
Determines whether a linear equation or inequality is true for a given value of the variable
Solves one-step linear inequalities with positive rational numbers
Solves two-step linear inequalities
Writes a one-step linear inequality in one variable to represent a real-world or mathematical context
Writes a two-step linear inequality in one variable to represent a real-world or mathematical context
Writes an inequality in the form x > c or x < c to represent a real-world or mathematical context
Writes and solves a two‑step linear inequality in one variable involving a real‑world or mathematical context
Linear Functions
Compares the rate of change between two proportional relationships represented in different ways
Graphs a linear function of the form y = mx given a simple scenario
Represents a proportional relationship in more than one form, including tables, graphs, equations, and verbal descriptions
Writes an equation in the form y = x + c to represent the relationship between real-world quantities given a table of values
Writes the equation of a line in the form y = mx given a table of values or two ordered pairs
Number Sentences/Equations/Equivalence
Determines whether a linear equation or inequality is true for a given value of the variable
Evaluates formulas or linear equations at given values for the variables
Solves one-step linear equations with negative rational numbers
Solves one-step linear equations with positive rational numbers
Solves two-step linear equations with positive rational numbers
Writes a one-step linear equation in one variable to represent a real-world or mathematical context
Writes and solves a two-step linear equation in one variable involving a real-world or mathematical context
Numerical Expressions
Applies the order of operations, with grouping symbols and excluding exponents, to simplify numerical expressions involving positive rational numbers
Applies the order of operations, with grouping symbols and whole-number exponents, to simplify numerical expressions involving both positive and negative rational numbers
Applies the order of operations, with grouping symbols and with whole-number exponents, to simplify numerical expressions consisting of positive rational numbers
Evaluates numerical expressions involving addition and subtraction with whole numbers and parentheses
Evaluates numerical expressions involving multiple operations with whole numbers and parentheses
Represents descriptions of calculations with numerical expressions or equations that include parentheses
Properties and Relationships of Operations
Understands division as equal sharing
Rate of Change/Slope
Compares the rate of change between two proportional relationships represented in different ways
Rational Numbers: Solve Real-World and Mathematical Problems
Solves real-world problems using appropriate problem-solving strategies and evaluates the reasonableness of the solutions
Whole Numbers: Represent and Solve Word Problems
Solves multi-step addition and subtraction word problems, whole numbers within 100
Solves multi-step multiplication and division word problems with whole numbers
Solves multi-step word problems involving the four operations with whole numbers
Solves one-step division word problems that require interpretation of remainders, whole numbers
Solves one-step equal-groups division word problems, whole numbers within 100
Number and Operations
Understand Place Value, Counting, and Cardinality
Decimals: Compare/Order
Compares decimals to the hundredths, with a different number of digits after the decimal point, using symbols
Compares decimals to the thousandths, with a different number of digits after the decimal point, using symbols
Orders decimals to the hundredths, with a different number of digits after the decimal point
Orders decimals to the thousandths, with a different number of digits after the decimal point
Decimals: Place Value
Represents decimals to the thousandths in expanded form
Represents decimals to the thousandths in word form
Multiplies whole numbers by powers of 10 shown with exponents
Represents powers of 10 using exponents
Represents the value of digits in whole numbers using powers of 10 in exponential form
Rounds dollars and cents
Whole Numbers and Decimals: Rounding/Estimation
Rounds decimals to any decimal place value
Rounds dollars and cents
Rounds whole numbers within 1,000,000
Whole Numbers: Place Value
Represents the value of digits in whole numbers using powers of 10 in exponential form
Understands that the same digit, moved one place to the left, now represents 10 times the value
Understands that the same digit, moved one place to the right, now represents 1/10 the value
Measurement and Data
Geometric Measurement and Problem Solving
Angle Measurement
Calculates and explains how to find unknown angle measures using the additive property of angles
Calculates unknown angle measures using the additive property of angles
Explains how to find unknown angle measures using the additive property of angles
Identifies/estimates angle measures
Knows the definition of an angle
Measures non-right angles using a protractor
Understands what the measure of an angle represents
Applies the distributive property of multiplication to find the area of rectangles with whole-number sides
Determines side lengths given the area of rectangles
Determines the area of figures composed of rectangles
Determines the area of rectangles with whole-number sides, formula not provided
Identifies a unit square
Recognizes situations which describe area
Solves problems involving areas of rectangles within a real-world or mathematical context
Completes complex conversions of customary units of capacity involving fractions, decimals, or more than two units
Solves multi-step capacity word problems involving whole numbers and conversion of customary units
Conversion of Units
Completes complex conversions of customary units of capacity involving fractions, decimals, or more than two units
Completes complex conversions of customary units of length involving fractions, decimals, or more than two units
Completes complex conversions of more than two units of time
Completes simple conversions of customary units of length
Completes simple conversions of customary units of weight
Solves multi-step capacity word problems involving whole numbers and conversion of customary units
Solves multi-step length word problems involving whole numbers and conversion of customary units
Solves multi-step time word problems involving conversion across seconds, minutes, hours, etc.
Solves multi‑step weight word problems involving decimals or fractions and conversion of customary units
Completes complex conversions of customary units of length involving fractions, decimals, or more than two units
Completes simple conversions of customary units of length
Knows relative sizes of metric units of length
Measures an object using different units and explains the relationship between the size of each unit and the corresponding measurements
Solves multi-step length word problems involving whole numbers and conversion of customary units
Understands measurement involving rulers
Solves money word problems involving whole numbers and coins and/or bills given as names
Determines side lengths given the perimeter of rectangles
Determines the perimeter of basic polygons in which not all sides are labeled
Solves problems involving perimeters of rectangles within a real-world or mathematical context
Points, Lines, Segments, Rays, and Angles
Knows the definition of an angle
Understands what the measure of an angle represents
Problem Solving with Units
Solves elapsed-time word problems involving counting backward by either hours or minutes
Solves elapsed‑time word problems involving counting backward by both hours and minutes
Solves elapsed‑time word problems involving counting forward by both hours and minutes
Solves money word problems involving whole numbers and coins and/or bills given as names
Solves multi-step capacity word problems involving whole numbers and conversion of customary units
Solves multi-step length word problems involving whole numbers
Solves multi-step length word problems involving whole numbers and conversion of customary units
Solves multi-step time word problems involving conversion across seconds, minutes, hours, etc.
Solves multi‑step weight word problems involving decimals or fractions and conversion of customary units
Solves one-step length word problems involving addition or subtraction
Solves one-step weight/mass word problems involving whole number multiplication and division
Solves one‑step capacity word problems involving whole-number addition or subtraction
Solves problems involving areas of rectangles within a real-world or mathematical context
Solves problems involving perimeters of rectangles within a real-world or mathematical context
Solves problems involving rectangular prisms composed of unit cubes
Solves problems involving volumes of rectangular prisms within a real-world or mathematical context
Properties and Relationships of Operations
Applies the distributive property of multiplication to find the area of rectangles with whole-number sides
Completes complex conversions of more than two units of time
Determines elapsed time across both minutes and hours using clocks
Solves elapsed-time word problems involving counting backward by either hours or minutes
Solves elapsed‑time word problems involving counting backward by both hours and minutes
Solves elapsed‑time word problems involving counting forward by both hours and minutes
Solves multi-step time word problems involving conversion across seconds, minutes, hours, etc.
Determines possible dimensions for rectangular prisms given one dimension and the volume in unit cubes
Determines the missing dimension of a rectangular prism composed of unit cubes given the volume and other dimensions
Determines the volume of figures by counting unit cubes
Determines the volume of figures composed of rectangular prisms
Determines the volume of rectangular prisms, formula not provided
Identifies rectangular prisms composed of unit cubes that have the same volume as a given rectangular prism
Recognizes situations which describe volume
Represents the volume of rectangular prisms composed of unit cubes, using repeated addition expressions or equations
Solves problems involving rectangular prisms composed of unit cubes
Solves problems involving volumes of rectangular prisms within a real-world or mathematical context
Understands how volume is measured
Understands that a unit cube has sides of 1 unit in length and a volume of 1 cubic unit
Completes simple conversions of customary units of weight
Solves multi‑step weight word problems involving decimals or fractions and conversion of customary units
Reason with Shapes, Attributes, & Coordinate Plane
Describes the effect on area when dimensions of a rectangle are changed
Describes the effect on area when dimensions of a triangle are changed
Determines the area of figures composed of polygons
Determines the area of parallelograms, formula not provided
Determines the area of triangles, formula not provided
Solves problems involving areas of figures composed of polygons within a real-world or mathematical context
Coordinate Geometry
Determines a side length of a polygon given the coordinates of the vertices with the same first or second coordinate
Determines the coordinates of missing vertices of geometric figures in the first quadrant given the coordinates of the other vertices
Determines the coordinates of missing vertices of geometric figures in the first quadrant given the other vertices plotted on the coordinate plane
Determines the coordinates of points in the first quadrant of a coordinate plane
Interprets points with whole number coordinates in the first quadrant within the given context
Plots the coordinates of points in the first quadrant of a coordinate plane
Fractions: Represent/Model
Identifies the fractional parts of shapes
Identification and Classification of 2-D Shapes
Classifies 2-D shapes by properties, given pictures
Describes a set of shapes based on attributes, given pictures
Describes shapes using multiple categories based on attributes, given pictures
Identifies and names special triangles, such as acute, right, scalene, etc., given pictures
Identifies properties of a 2‑D shape, such as right angles, parallel sides, etc., given pictures
Identifies properties of a 2‑D shape, such as right angles, parallel sides, etc., without pictures given
Knows definitions of nonbasic shapes, such as trapezoids, hexagons, etc.
Knows definitions of special triangles, such as acute, right, scalene, etc.
Sorts shapes into a hierarchy, given pictures
Sorts shapes into categories based on attributes, given pictures
Understands the relationships among categories of shapes
Identification and Classification of 3-D Shapes
Describes polyhedrons based on the shapes of faces, and/or number of faces, edges, or vertices, without pictures given
Determines the circumference of circles, formula not provided
Determines the circumference of circles, given the formula
Determines the radius or diameter given the circumference of a circle
Points, Lines, Segments, Rays, and Angles
Identifies parallel lines
Identifies perpendicular lines
Problem Solving with Units
Solves problems involving areas of figures composed of polygons within a real-world or mathematical context
Solves problems involving volumes of rectangular prisms within a real-world or mathematical context
Applies scale factors to solve problems involving scale drawings of geometric figures
Applies scale factors to solve problems involving scale drawings, maps, and models
Relationships involving Lines, Angles, and Polygons
Applies the Triangle Angle-Sum Theorem to determine the measure of an unknown angle
Calculates unknown angle measures using the properties of complementary, supplementary, and vertical angles
Recognizes that the sum of the interior angles of a triangle is 180 degrees
Solves multi‑step problems by applying the properties of supplementary, complementary, and vertical angles
Solves problems involving parallel lines cut by a transversal
Applies scale factors to solve problems involving scale drawings of geometric figures
Applies scale factors to solve problems involving scale drawings, maps, and models
Spatial Concepts and Symmetry
Determines the number of lines of symmetry in 2-D figures
Identifies and creates nets for prisms
Identifies the cross-sections of 3-D shapes
Determines the volume of rectangular prisms, formula not provided
Determines the volume of rectangular prisms, given the formula
Solves problems involving volumes of rectangular prisms within a real-world or mathematical context
RIT 231-240
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Represent and Solve Problems
Algebraic Expressions
Evaluates linear expressions at given values with variables involving positive rational numbers
Evaluates nonlinear expressions at given values with variables involving positive rational numbers
Generates equivalent linear expressions by combining like terms
Generates equivalent linear expressions by using the associative, commutative, and distributive properties, and by combining like terms
Generates equivalent linear expressions by using the associative, commutative, or distributive property
Identifies the mathematical components of an algebraic expression, including sum, product, quotient, term, and coefficient
Interprets equivalent linear expressions within a real-world context
Translates between verbal and algebraic expressions
Writes algebraic expressions from a mathematical description of its component parts, including sum, product, quotient, term, and coefficient
Writes linear expressions in one variable to represent real-world or mathematical contexts
Represents a whole number as a power of a whole number
Determines whether a linear equation or inequality is true for a given value of the variable
Represents an inequality in the form x>c or x<c on a number line given a real-world or mathematical context
Solves one-step linear inequalities with negative rational numbers
Solves two-step linear inequalities
Writes a one-step linear inequality in one variable to represent a real-world or mathematical context
Writes a two-step linear inequality in one variable to represent a real-world or mathematical context
Writes an inequality in the form x > c or x < c to represent a real-world or mathematical context
Writes an inequality in the form x>c or x<c to represent a set of real numbers shown on a number line
Writes and solves a one-step linear inequality in one variable involving a real-world or mathematical context
Writes and solves a two‑step linear inequality in one variable involving a real‑world or mathematical context
Linear Functions
Compares the rate of change between two proportional relationships represented in different ways
Represents a proportional relationship in more than one form, including tables, graphs, equations, and verbal descriptions
Writes an equation in the form y = mx to represent the relationship between real-world quantities given a graph
Writes an equation in the form y = mx to represent the relationship between real-world quantities given a simple scenario
Writes an equation in the form y = mx to represent the relationship between real-world quantities given a table of values or two ordered pairs
Writes an equation in the form y = x + c to represent the relationship between real-world quantities given a table of values
Writes the equation of a line in the form y = mx given a table of values or two ordered pairs
Number Sentences/Equations/Equivalence
Determines whether a linear equation or inequality is true for a given value of the variable
Evaluates formulas or linear equations at given values for the variables
Solves one-step linear equations with negative rational numbers
Solves one-step linear equations with positive rational numbers
Solves two-step linear equations with negative rational numbers
Solves two-step linear equations with positive rational numbers
Writes a one-step linear equation in one variable to represent a real-world or mathematical context
Writes a two-step linear equation in one variable to represent a real-world or mathematical context
Writes and solves a two-step linear equation in one variable involving a real-world or mathematical context
Numerical Expressions
Applies the order of operations, with grouping symbols and excluding exponents, to simplify numerical expressions involving positive rational numbers
Applies the order of operations, with grouping symbols and with whole-number exponents, to simplify numerical expressions consisting of positive rational numbers
Evaluates numerical expressions involving addition and subtraction with whole numbers and parentheses
Evaluates numerical expressions involving multiple operations with whole numbers and parentheses
Represents descriptions of calculations with numerical expressions or equations that include parentheses
Rate of Change/Slope
Compares the rate of change between two proportional relationships represented in different ways
Rational Numbers: Solve Real-World and Mathematical Problems
Solves real-world problems using appropriate problem-solving strategies and evaluates the reasonableness of the solutions
Whole Numbers: Represent and Solve Word Problems
Solves multi-step addition and subtraction word problems, whole numbers within 100
Solves multi-step multiplication and division word problems with whole numbers
Solves multi-step word problems involving the four operations with whole numbers
Solves one-step division word problems that require interpretation of remainders, whole numbers
Solves one-step equal-groups division word problems, whole numbers within 100
Number and Operations
Understand Place Value, Counting, and Cardinality
Decimals: Compare/Order
Compares decimals to the thousandths, with a different number of digits after the decimal point, using symbols
Orders decimals to the thousandths, with a different number of digits after the decimal point
Decimals: Place Value
Applies place value understanding to decimals greater than 1
Represents decimals to the thousandths in expanded form
Represents powers of 10 using exponents
Represents the value of digits in whole numbers using powers of 10 in exponential form
Whole Numbers and Decimals: Rounding/Estimation
Rounds decimals to any decimal place value
Whole Numbers: Multiplication/Division
Understands patterns of zeros when multiplying by 10, 100, 1,000, etc.
Whole Numbers: Place Value
Represents the value of digits in whole numbers using powers of 10 in exponential form
Understands patterns of zeros when multiplying by 10, 100, 1,000, etc.
Understands that the same digit, moved one place to the left, now represents 10 times the value
Understands that the same digit, moved one place to the right, now represents 1/10 the value
Measurement and Data
Geometric Measurement and Problem Solving
Angle Measurement
Knows the definition of an angle
Measures non-right angles using a protractor
Applies the distributive property of multiplication to find the area of rectangles with whole-number sides
Determines the area of figures composed of rectangles
Determines the area of rectangles given the perimeter
Determines the perimeter of rectangles given the area
Identifies a unit square
Recognizes situations which describe area
Represents the area of figures composed of rectangles using expressions or equations
Solves problems involving areas of rectangles within a real-world or mathematical context
Solves problems involving both area and perimeter of rectangles within a real-world or mathematical context
Completes complex conversions of customary units of capacity involving fractions, decimals, or more than two units
Solves multi-step capacity word problems involving whole numbers and conversion of customary units
Conversion of Units
Completes complex conversions of customary units of capacity involving fractions, decimals, or more than two units
Completes conversions of metric units of length
Completes simple conversions of customary units of weight
Solves multi-step capacity word problems involving whole numbers and conversion of customary units
Solves multi-step length word problems involving whole numbers and conversion of customary units
Solves multi-step time word problems involving conversion across seconds, minutes, hours, etc.
Solves multi-step weight word problems involving whole numbers and conversion of customary units
Solves multi‑step weight word problems involving decimals or fractions and conversion of customary units
Completes conversions of metric units of length
Solves multi-step length word problems involving whole numbers and conversion of customary units
Determines side lengths given the perimeter of rectangles
Determines the area of rectangles given the perimeter
Determines the perimeter of basic polygons in which not all sides are labeled
Determines the perimeter of complex figures in which not all sides are labeled
Determines the perimeter of rectangles given the area
Solves problems involving both area and perimeter of rectangles within a real-world or mathematical context
Solves problems involving perimeters of rectangles within a real-world or mathematical context
Points, Lines, Segments, Rays, and Angles
Knows the definition of an angle
Problem Solving with Units
Solves elapsed‑time word problems involving counting forward by both hours and minutes
Solves multi-step capacity word problems involving whole numbers and conversion of customary units
Solves multi-step length word problems involving whole numbers
Solves multi-step length word problems involving whole numbers and conversion of customary units
Solves multi-step time word problems involving conversion across seconds, minutes, hours, etc.
Solves multi-step weight word problems involving whole numbers and conversion of customary units
Solves multi‑step weight word problems involving decimals or fractions and conversion of customary units
Solves one-step time word problems involving multiplication or division
Solves one‑step capacity word problems involving whole-number addition or subtraction
Solves problems involving areas of rectangles within a real-world or mathematical context
Solves problems involving both area and perimeter of rectangles within a real-world or mathematical context
Solves problems involving perimeters of rectangles within a real-world or mathematical context
Solves problems involving volumes of rectangular prisms within a real-world or mathematical context
Properties and Relationships of Operations
Applies the distributive property of multiplication to find the area of rectangles with whole-number sides
Determines elapsed time across both minutes and hours using clocks
Solves elapsed‑time word problems involving counting forward by both hours and minutes
Solves multi-step time word problems involving conversion across seconds, minutes, hours, etc.
Determines possible dimensions for rectangular prisms given one dimension and the volume in unit cubes
Determines the length, width, or height given the volume of a rectangular prism and two of the dimensions
Determines the missing dimension of a rectangular prism composed of unit cubes given the volume and other dimensions
Determines the volume of a rectangular prism given a net shown on a grid
Determines the volume of figures composed of rectangular prisms
Determines the volume of rectangular prisms, formula not provided
Identifies rectangular prisms composed of unit cubes that have the same volume as a given rectangular prism
Recognizes situations which describe volume
Represents the volume of rectangular prisms composed of unit cubes, using repeated addition expressions or equations
Solves problems involving volumes of rectangular prisms within a real-world or mathematical context
Understands how volume is measured
Understands that a unit cube has sides of 1 unit in length and a volume of 1 cubic unit
Completes simple conversions of customary units of weight
Solves multi-step weight word problems involving whole numbers and conversion of customary units
Solves multi‑step weight word problems involving decimals or fractions and conversion of customary units
Reason with Shapes, Attributes, & Coordinate Plane
Describes the effect on area when dimensions of a rectangle are changed
Describes the effect on area when dimensions of a triangle are changed
Describes the effect on area when the radius or diameter of a circle is changed
Determines the area of circles, given the formula
Determines the area of figures composed of polygons
Determines the area of parallelograms, formula not provided
Determines the area of triangles, formula not provided
Determines the ratio between areas of scaled figures
Solves problems involving areas of figures composed of polygons within a real-world or mathematical context
Coordinate Geometry
Determines a side length of a polygon given the coordinates of the vertices with the same first or second coordinate
Determines the coordinates of missing vertices of geometric figures in the first quadrant given the coordinates of the other vertices
Determines the coordinates of missing vertices of geometric figures in the first quadrant given the other vertices plotted on the coordinate plane
Determines the coordinates of points in the first quadrant of a coordinate plane
Determines the perimeter or area of a rectangle given vertices with the same first or second coordinate
Identifies the type of quadrilateral given the coordinates of the vertices
Plots the coordinates of points in the first quadrant of a coordinate plane
Fractions: Represent/Model
Identifies the fractional parts of shapes
Identification and Classification of 2-D Shapes
Describes a set of shapes based on attributes, given pictures
Describes shapes using multiple categories based on attributes, given pictures
Identifies and names special triangles, such as acute, right, scalene, etc., given pictures
Identifies properties of a 2‑D shape, such as right angles, parallel sides, etc., given pictures
Identifies properties of a 2‑D shape, such as right angles, parallel sides, etc., without pictures given
Knows definitions of nonbasic shapes, such as trapezoids, hexagons, etc.
Knows definitions of special triangles, such as acute, right, scalene, etc.
Sorts shapes into a hierarchy, given pictures
Sorts shapes into categories based on attributes, given pictures
Understands the relationships among categories of shapes
Determines the circumference of circles, formula not provided
Determines the circumference of circles, given the formula
Determines the radius or diameter given the circumference of a circle
Points, Lines, Segments, Rays, and Angles
Identifies perpendicular lines
Problem Solving with Units
Solves problems involving areas of figures composed of polygons within a real-world or mathematical context
Solves problems involving volumes of rectangular prisms within a real-world or mathematical context
Uses the net of a prism to solve surface area problems within a real-world or mathematical context
Applies scale factors to solve problems involving scale drawings of geometric figures
Applies scale factors to solve problems involving scale drawings, maps, and models
Determines scale factors in problems involving scale drawings of geometric figures
Relationships involving Lines, Angles, and Polygons
Applies the Triangle Angle-Sum Theorem to determine the measure of an unknown angle
Calculates unknown angle measures using the properties of complementary, supplementary, and vertical angles
Recognizes that the sum of the interior angles of a triangle is 180 degrees
Solves multi‑step problems by applying the Triangle Angle‑Sum Theorem
Solves multi‑step problems by applying the properties of supplementary, complementary, and vertical angles
Solves problems by applying multiple properties of angles, including interior and exterior angles of triangles; complementary, supplementary, and vertical angles; and angles created by perpendicular lines or parallel lines cut by a transversal
Solves problems involving parallel lines cut by a transversal
Applies scale factors to solve problems involving scale drawings of geometric figures
Applies scale factors to solve problems involving scale drawings, maps, and models
Determines scale factors in problems involving scale drawings of geometric figures
Spatial Concepts and Symmetry
Determines the number of lines of symmetry in 2-D figures
Identifies 3-D shapes using cross-sections
Identifies the cross-sections of 3-D shapes
Surface Area
Determines the surface area of a prism given a net
Uses the net of a prism to solve surface area problems within a real-world or mathematical context
Determines the volume of rectangular prisms, formula not provided
Determines the volume of rectangular prisms, given the formula
Solves problems involving volumes of rectangular prisms within a real-world or mathematical context
RIT 241-250
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Represent and Solve Problems
Algebraic Expressions
Evaluates nonlinear expressions at given values with variables involving positive rational numbers
Generates equivalent linear expressions by using the associative, commutative, and distributive properties, and by combining like terms
Generates equivalent linear expressions by using the associative, commutative, or distributive property
Identifies the mathematical components of an algebraic expression, including sum, product, quotient, term, and coefficient
Interprets equivalent linear expressions within a real-world context
Translates between verbal and algebraic expressions
Writes linear expressions in one variable to represent real-world or mathematical contexts
Determines whether a linear equation or inequality is true for a given value of the variable
Represents an inequality in the form x>c or x<c on a number line given a real-world or mathematical context
Represents the solutions of a one-step linear inequality on a number line
Represents the solutions of a two-step linear inequality on a number line
Solves one-step linear inequalities with negative rational numbers
Solves two-step linear inequalities
Writes a one-step linear inequality in one variable to represent a real-world or mathematical context
Writes a two-step linear inequality in one variable to represent a real-world or mathematical context
Writes an inequality in the form x > c or x < c to represent a real-world or mathematical context
Writes an inequality in the form x>c or x<c to represent a set of real numbers shown on a number line
Writes and solves a two‑step linear inequality in one variable involving a real‑world or mathematical context
Linear Functions
Compares the rate of change between two proportional relationships represented in different ways
Represents a proportional relationship in more than one form, including tables, graphs, equations, and verbal descriptions
Writes an equation in the form y = mx to represent the relationship between real-world quantities given a graph
Writes an equation in the form y = mx to represent the relationship between real-world quantities given a simple scenario
Writes an equation in the form y = mx to represent the relationship between real-world quantities given a table of values or two ordered pairs
Writes an equation in the form y = x + c to represent the relationship between real-world quantities given a table of values
Writes the equation of a line in the form y = mx given a graph
Writes the equation of a line in the form y = mx given a table of values or two ordered pairs
Number Sentences/Equations/Equivalence
Determines whether a linear equation or inequality is true for a given value of the variable
Evaluates formulas or linear equations at given values for the variables
Solves two-step linear equations with negative rational numbers
Solves two-step linear equations with positive rational numbers
Writes and solves a two-step linear equation in one variable involving a real-world or mathematical context
Numerical Expressions
Applies the order of operations, with grouping symbols and excluding exponents, to simplify numerical expressions involving positive rational numbers
Applies the order of operations, with grouping symbols and with whole-number exponents, to simplify numerical expressions consisting of positive rational numbers
Evaluates numerical expressions involving addition and subtraction with whole numbers and parentheses
Evaluates numerical expressions involving multiple operations with whole numbers and parentheses
Represents descriptions of calculations with numerical expressions or equations that include parentheses
Rate of Change/Slope
Compares the rate of change between two proportional relationships represented in different ways
Rational Numbers: Solve Real-World and Mathematical Problems
Solves real-world problems using appropriate problem-solving strategies and evaluates the reasonableness of the solutions
Whole Numbers: Represent and Solve Word Problems
Solves multi-step addition and subtraction word problems, whole numbers within 100
Solves multi-step word problems involving the four operations with whole numbers
Number and Operations
Understand Place Value, Counting, and Cardinality
Decimals: Place Value
Applies place value understanding to decimals greater than 1
Whole Numbers: Multiplication/Division
Understands patterns of zeros when multiplying by 10, 100, 1,000, etc.
Whole Numbers: Place Value
Understands patterns of zeros when multiplying by 10, 100, 1,000, etc.
Understands that the same digit, moved one place to the left, now represents 10 times the value
Understands that the same digit, moved one place to the right, now represents 1/10 the value
Measurement and Data
Geometric Measurement and Problem Solving
Angle Measurement
Knows the definition of an angle
Applies the distributive property of multiplication to find the area of rectangles with whole-number sides
Determines the area of figures composed of rectangles
Determines the area of rectangles given the perimeter
Determines the perimeter of rectangles given the area
Recognizes situations which describe area
Solves area word problems involving whole numbers and tiling rectangles with non-unit squares
Solves problems involving areas of rectangles within a real-world or mathematical context
Solves problems involving both area and perimeter of rectangles within a real-world or mathematical context
Solves multi-step capacity word problems involving whole numbers and conversion of customary units
Conversion of Units
Completes conversions of metric units of length
Solves multi-step capacity word problems involving whole numbers and conversion of customary units
Solves multi-step length word problems involving whole numbers and conversion of customary units
Solves multi-step mass word problems involving whole numbers and conversion of metric units
Solves multi-step time word problems involving conversion across seconds, minutes, hours, etc.
Solves multi‑step weight word problems involving decimals or fractions and conversion of customary units
Completes conversions of metric units of length
Solves multi-step length word problems involving whole numbers and conversion of customary units
Determines the area of rectangles given the perimeter
Determines the perimeter of rectangles given the area
Solves problems involving both area and perimeter of rectangles within a real-world or mathematical context
Solves problems involving perimeters of non-rectangular polygons within a real-world or mathematical context
Solves problems involving perimeters of rectangles within a real-world or mathematical context
Points, Lines, Segments, Rays, and Angles
Knows the definition of an angle
Problem Solving with Units
Solves area word problems involving whole numbers and tiling rectangles with non-unit squares
Solves multi-step capacity word problems involving whole numbers and conversion of customary units
Solves multi-step length word problems involving whole numbers
Solves multi-step length word problems involving whole numbers and conversion of customary units
Solves multi-step mass word problems involving whole numbers and conversion of metric units
Solves multi-step time word problems involving conversion across seconds, minutes, hours, etc.
Solves multi‑step weight word problems involving decimals or fractions and conversion of customary units
Solves problems involving areas of rectangles within a real-world or mathematical context
Solves problems involving both area and perimeter of rectangles within a real-world or mathematical context
Solves problems involving perimeters of non-rectangular polygons within a real-world or mathematical context
Solves problems involving perimeters of rectangles within a real-world or mathematical context
Solves problems involving volumes of rectangular prisms within a real-world or mathematical context
Properties and Relationships of Operations
Applies the distributive property of multiplication to find the area of rectangles with whole-number sides
Determines elapsed time across both minutes and hours using clocks
Solves multi-step time word problems involving conversion across seconds, minutes, hours, etc.
Determines possible dimensions for rectangular prisms given one dimension and the volume in unit cubes
Determines the length, width, or height given the volume of a rectangular prism and two of the dimensions
Determines the missing dimension of a rectangular prism composed of unit cubes given the volume and other dimensions
Determines the volume of a rectangular prism given a net shown on a grid
Determines the volume of figures composed of rectangular prisms
Determines the volume of rectangular prisms, formula not provided
Recognizes situations which describe volume
Represents the volume of rectangular prisms composed of unit cubes, using repeated addition expressions or equations
Solves problems involving volumes of rectangular prisms within a real-world or mathematical context
Understands that a unit cube has sides of 1 unit in length and a volume of 1 cubic unit
Solves multi-step mass word problems involving whole numbers and conversion of metric units
Solves multi‑step weight word problems involving decimals or fractions and conversion of customary units
Reason with Shapes, Attributes, & Coordinate Plane
Describes the effect on area when dimensions of a rectangle are changed
Describes the effect on area when dimensions of a triangle are changed
Describes the effect on area when the radius or diameter of a circle is changed
Determines the area of circles, formula not provided
Determines the area of figures composed of polygons
Determines the area of parallelograms, formula not provided
Determines the area of quarter circles, semicircles, or three‑quarter circles
Determines the area of trapezoids, formula not provided
Determines the area of triangles, formula not provided
Determines the circumference given the area of a circle
Determines the radius or diameter given the area of a circle
Determines the ratio between areas of scaled figures
Solves problems involving areas of figures composed of polygons within a real-world or mathematical context
Solves problems involving areas of polygons and circles, quarter circles, semicircles, or three-quarter circles within a real-world or mathematical context
Coordinate Geometry
Determines the coordinates of missing vertices of geometric figures in the first quadrant given the other vertices plotted on the coordinate plane
Determines the coordinates of points in the first quadrant of a coordinate plane
Determines the perimeter or area of a rectangle given vertices with the same first or second coordinate
Plots the coordinates of points in the first quadrant of a coordinate plane
Identification and Classification of 2-D Shapes
Describes a set of shapes based on attributes, given pictures
Describes shapes using multiple categories based on attributes, given pictures
Identifies properties of a 2‑D shape, such as right angles, parallel sides, etc., given pictures
Identifies properties of a 2‑D shape, such as right angles, parallel sides, etc., without pictures given
Sorts shapes into a hierarchy, given pictures
Sorts shapes into categories based on attributes, given pictures
Understands the relationships among categories of shapes
Determines the circumference given the area of a circle
Determines the circumference of circles, formula not provided
Determines the radius or diameter given the circumference of a circle
Points, Lines, Segments, Rays, and Angles
Identifies perpendicular lines
Problem Solving with Units
Solves problems involving areas of figures composed of polygons within a real-world or mathematical context
Solves problems involving areas of polygons and circles, quarter circles, semicircles, or three-quarter circles within a real-world or mathematical context
Solves problems involving volumes of rectangular prisms within a real-world or mathematical context
Uses the net of a prism to solve surface area problems within a real-world or mathematical context
Applies scale factors to solve problems involving scale drawings of geometric figures
Applies scale factors to solve problems involving scale drawings, maps, and models
Relationships involving Lines, Angles, and Polygons
Applies the Triangle Angle-Sum Theorem to determine the measure of an unknown angle
Applies the Triangle Exterior Angle Theorem to determine the measure of an unknown angle
Applies the Triangle Inequality Theorem
Calculates unknown angle measures using the properties of complementary, supplementary, and vertical angles
Recognizes that the sum of the interior angles of a triangle is 180 degrees
Solves multi‑step problems by applying the Triangle Angle‑Sum Theorem
Solves multi‑step problems by applying the properties of supplementary, complementary, and vertical angles
Solves problems by applying multiple properties of angles, including interior and exterior angles of triangles; complementary, supplementary, and vertical angles; and angles created by perpendicular lines or parallel lines cut by a transversal
Solves problems involving parallel lines cut by a transversal
Applies scale factors to solve problems involving scale drawings of geometric figures
Applies scale factors to solve problems involving scale drawings, maps, and models
Spatial Concepts and Symmetry
Identifies 3-D shapes using cross-sections
Identifies the cross-sections of 3-D shapes
Surface Area
Determines the surface area of a prism given a net
Determines the surface area of rectangular prisms or cubes, formula not provided
Uses the net of a prism to solve surface area problems within a real-world or mathematical context
Determines the volume of rectangular prisms, formula not provided
Solves problems involving volumes of rectangular prisms within a real-world or mathematical context
RIT 251-260
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Represent and Solve Problems
Algebraic Expressions
Generates equivalent linear expressions by using the associative, commutative, and distributive properties, and by combining like terms
Generates equivalent linear expressions by using the associative, commutative, or distributive property
Identifies the mathematical components of an algebraic expression, including sum, product, quotient, term, and coefficient
Interprets equivalent linear expressions within a real-world context
Translates between verbal and algebraic expressions
Writes linear expressions in one variable to represent real-world or mathematical contexts
Determines whether a linear equation or inequality is true for a given value of the variable
Represents the solutions of a two-step linear inequality on a number line
Solves one-step linear inequalities with negative rational numbers
Solves two-step linear inequalities
Writes an inequality in the form x > c or x < c to represent a real-world or mathematical context
Writes and solves a two‑step linear inequality in one variable involving a real‑world or mathematical context
Linear Functions
Compares the rate of change between two proportional relationships represented in different ways
Writes an equation in the form y = mx to represent the relationship between real-world quantities given a graph
Writes an equation in the form y = mx to represent the relationship between real-world quantities given a simple scenario
Number Sentences/Equations/Equivalence
Determines whether a linear equation or inequality is true for a given value of the variable
Writes and solves a two-step linear equation in one variable involving a real-world or mathematical context
Numerical Expressions
Evaluates numerical expressions involving multiple operations with whole numbers and parentheses
Represents descriptions of calculations with numerical expressions or equations that include parentheses
Rate of Change/Slope
Compares the rate of change between two proportional relationships represented in different ways
Rational Numbers: Solve Real-World and Mathematical Problems
Solves real-world problems using appropriate problem-solving strategies and evaluates the reasonableness of the solutions
Whole Numbers: Represent and Solve Word Problems
Solves multi-step addition and subtraction word problems, whole numbers within 100
Number and Operations
Understand Place Value, Counting, and Cardinality
Whole Numbers: Place Value
Understands that the same digit, moved one place to the left, now represents 10 times the value
Measurement and Data
Geometric Measurement and Problem Solving
Determines the perimeter of rectangles given the area
Solves area word problems involving whole numbers and tiling rectangles with non-unit squares
Solves problems involving both area and perimeter of rectangles within a real-world or mathematical context
Completes conversions of metric units of capacity
Solves multi-step capacity word problems involving whole numbers and conversion of customary units
Conversion of Units
Completes conversions of metric units of capacity
Completes conversions of metric units of length
Solves multi-step capacity word problems involving whole numbers and conversion of customary units
Solves multi-step length word problems involving whole numbers and conversion of customary units
Solves multi‑step weight word problems involving decimals or fractions and conversion of customary units
Completes conversions of metric units of length
Solves multi-step length word problems involving whole numbers and conversion of customary units
Determines the perimeter of rectangles given the area
Solves problems involving both area and perimeter of rectangles within a real-world or mathematical context
Solves problems involving perimeters of rectangles within a real-world or mathematical context
Problem Solving with Units
Solves area word problems involving whole numbers and tiling rectangles with non-unit squares
Solves multi-step capacity word problems involving whole numbers and conversion of customary units
Solves multi-step length word problems involving whole numbers
Solves multi-step length word problems involving whole numbers and conversion of customary units
Solves multi‑step weight word problems involving decimals or fractions and conversion of customary units
Solves problems involving both area and perimeter of rectangles within a real-world or mathematical context
Solves problems involving perimeters of rectangles within a real-world or mathematical context
Solves problems involving volumes of rectangular prisms within a real-world or mathematical context
Determines the missing dimension of a rectangular prism composed of unit cubes given the volume and other dimensions
Determines the volume of figures composed of rectangular prisms
Recognizes situations which describe volume
Solves problems involving volumes of rectangular prisms within a real-world or mathematical context
Solves multi‑step weight word problems involving decimals or fractions and conversion of customary units
Reason with Shapes, Attributes, & Coordinate Plane
Describes the effect on area when dimensions of a rectangle are changed
Describes the effect on area when dimensions of a triangle are changed
Describes the effect on area when the radius or diameter of a circle is changed
Determines the area of circles, formula not provided
Determines the area of figures composed of polygons
Determines the area of quarter circles, semicircles, or three‑quarter circles
Determines the area of trapezoids, formula not provided
Determines the area of triangles, formula not provided
Determines the circumference given the area of a circle
Determines the ratio between areas of scaled figures
Solves problems involving areas of figures composed of polygons within a real-world or mathematical context
Solves problems involving areas of polygons and circles, quarter circles, semicircles, or three-quarter circles within a real-world or mathematical context
Coordinate Geometry
Determines the coordinates of missing vertices of geometric figures in the first quadrant given the other vertices plotted on the coordinate plane
Determines the coordinates of points in the first quadrant of a coordinate plane
Determines the perimeter or area of a rectangle given vertices with the same first or second coordinate
Identification and Classification of 2-D Shapes
Describes a set of shapes based on attributes, given pictures
Describes shapes using multiple categories based on attributes, given pictures
Sorts shapes into a hierarchy, given pictures
Understands the relationships among categories of shapes
Determines the circumference given the area of a circle
Determines the circumference of circles, formula not provided
Problem Solving with Units
Solves problems involving areas of figures composed of polygons within a real-world or mathematical context
Solves problems involving areas of polygons and circles, quarter circles, semicircles, or three-quarter circles within a real-world or mathematical context
Solves problems involving surface areas of prisms within a real-world or mathematical context
Solves problems involving volumes of rectangular prisms within a real-world or mathematical context
Uses the net of a prism to solve surface area problems within a real-world or mathematical context
Applies scale factors to solve problems involving scale drawings of geometric figures
Applies scale factors to solve problems involving scale drawings, maps, and models
Relationships involving Lines, Angles, and Polygons
Applies the Triangle Inequality Theorem
Calculates unknown angle measures using the properties of complementary, supplementary, and vertical angles
Solves problems by applying multiple properties of angles, including interior and exterior angles of triangles; complementary, supplementary, and vertical angles; and angles created by perpendicular lines or parallel lines cut by a transversal
Solves problems involving parallel lines cut by a transversal
Applies scale factors to solve problems involving scale drawings of geometric figures
Applies scale factors to solve problems involving scale drawings, maps, and models
Spatial Concepts and Symmetry
Identifies 3-D shapes using cross-sections
Identifies the cross-sections of 3-D shapes
Surface Area
Determines the surface area of a prism given a net
Determines the surface area of rectangular prisms or cubes, formula not provided
Solves problems involving surface areas of prisms within a real-world or mathematical context
Uses the net of a prism to solve surface area problems within a real-world or mathematical context
Determines the volume of rectangular prisms, formula not provided
Solves problems involving volumes of rectangular prisms within a real-world or mathematical context
RIT 261-270
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Represent and Solve Problems
Algebraic Expressions
Identifies the mathematical components of an algebraic expression, including sum, product, quotient, term, and coefficient
Interprets equivalent linear expressions within a real-world context
Translates between verbal and algebraic expressions
Writes linear expressions in one variable to represent real-world or mathematical contexts
Writes and solves a two‑step linear inequality in one variable involving a real‑world or mathematical context
Linear Functions
Graphs the equation of a line in the form y = mx
Writes an equation in the form y = mx to represent the relationship between real-world quantities given a simple scenario
Number Sentences/Equations/Equivalence
Writes and solves a two-step linear equation in one variable involving a real-world or mathematical context
Numerical Expressions
Evaluates numerical expressions involving multiple operations with whole numbers and parentheses
Rational Numbers: Solve Real-World and Mathematical Problems
Solves real-world problems using appropriate problem-solving strategies and evaluates the reasonableness of the solutions
Number and Operations
Understand Place Value, Counting, and Cardinality
Whole Numbers: Place Value
Understands that the same digit, moved one place to the left, now represents 10 times the value
Measurement and Data
Geometric Measurement and Problem Solving
Solves area word problems involving whole numbers and tiling rectangles with non-unit squares
Solves problems involving both area and perimeter of rectangles within a real-world or mathematical context
Solves problems involving both area and perimeter of rectangles within a real-world or mathematical context
Problem Solving with Units
Solves area word problems involving whole numbers and tiling rectangles with non-unit squares
Solves problems involving both area and perimeter of rectangles within a real-world or mathematical context
Solves problems involving volumes of rectangular prisms within a real-world or mathematical context
Recognizes situations which describe volume
Solves problems involving volumes of rectangular prisms within a real-world or mathematical context
Reason with Shapes, Attributes, & Coordinate Plane
Describes the effect on area when the circumference of a circle is changed
Describes the effect on area when the radius or diameter of a circle is changed
Determines the ratio between areas of scaled figures
Solves problems involving areas of figures composed of polygons within a real-world or mathematical context
Identification and Classification of 2-D Shapes
Describes a set of shapes based on attributes, given pictures
Understands the relationships among categories of shapes
Describes the effect on area when the circumference of a circle is changed
Solves problems involving perimeters of quarter circles, semicircles, or three-quarter circles within a real-world or mathematical context
Problem Solving with Units
Solves problems involving areas of figures composed of polygons within a real-world or mathematical context
Solves problems involving perimeters of quarter circles, semicircles, or three-quarter circles within a real-world or mathematical context
Solves problems involving surface areas of prisms within a real-world or mathematical context
Solves problems involving volumes of rectangular prisms within a real-world or mathematical context
Uses the net of a prism to solve surface area problems within a real-world or mathematical context
Applies scale factors to solve problems involving scale drawings, maps, and models
Relationships involving Lines, Angles, and Polygons
Applies the Triangle Inequality Theorem
Calculates unknown angle measures using the properties of complementary, supplementary, and vertical angles
Solves problems by applying multiple properties of angles, including interior and exterior angles of triangles; complementary, supplementary, and vertical angles; and angles created by perpendicular lines or parallel lines cut by a transversal
Applies scale factors to solve problems involving scale drawings, maps, and models
Spatial Concepts and Symmetry
Identifies 3-D shapes using cross-sections
Identifies the cross-sections of 3-D shapes
Surface Area
Determines the surface area of a prism given a net
Solves problems involving surface areas of prisms within a real-world or mathematical context
Uses the net of a prism to solve surface area problems within a real-world or mathematical context
Solves problems involving volumes of rectangular prisms within a real-world or mathematical context
RIT 271-280
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Represent and Solve Problems
Algebraic Expressions
Identifies the mathematical components of an algebraic expression, including sum, product, quotient, term, and coefficient
Translates between verbal and algebraic expressions
Linear Functions
Writes an equation in the form y = mx to represent the relationship between real-world quantities given a simple scenario
Rational Numbers: Solve Real-World and Mathematical Problems
Solves real-world problems using appropriate problem-solving strategies and evaluates the reasonableness of the solutions
Measurement and Data
Geometric Measurement and Problem Solving
Problem Solving with Units
Solves problems involving volumes of rectangular prisms within a real-world or mathematical context
Solves problems involving volumes of rectangular prisms within a real-world or mathematical context
Reason with Shapes, Attributes, & Coordinate Plane
Determines the area of figures composed of polygons and circles
Solves problems involving areas of figures composed of polygons within a real-world or mathematical context
Identification and Classification of 2-D Shapes
Understands the relationships among categories of shapes
Solves problems involving perimeters of quarter circles, semicircles, or three-quarter circles within a real-world or mathematical context
Problem Solving with Units
Solves problems involving areas of figures composed of polygons within a real-world or mathematical context
Solves problems involving perimeters of quarter circles, semicircles, or three-quarter circles within a real-world or mathematical context
Solves problems involving volumes of rectangular prisms within a real-world or mathematical context
Uses the net of a prism to solve surface area problems within a real-world or mathematical context
Applies scale factors to solve problems involving scale drawings, maps, and models
Relationships involving Lines, Angles, and Polygons
Applies the Triangle Inequality Theorem
Calculates unknown angle measures using the properties of complementary, supplementary, and vertical angles
Applies scale factors to solve problems involving scale drawings, maps, and models
Spatial Concepts and Symmetry
Identifies the cross-sections of 3-D shapes
Surface Area
Determines the surface area of a prism given a net
Uses the net of a prism to solve surface area problems within a real-world or mathematical context
Solves problems involving volumes of rectangular prisms within a real-world or mathematical context
RIT 281-290
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Represent and Solve Problems
Algebraic Expressions
Identifies the mathematical components of an algebraic expression, including sum, product, quotient, term, and coefficient
Measurement and Data
Geometric Measurement and Problem Solving
Problem Solving with Units
Solves problems involving volumes of rectangular prisms within a real-world or mathematical context
Solves problems involving volumes of rectangular prisms within a real-world or mathematical context
Reason with Shapes, Attributes, & Coordinate Plane
Solves problems involving perimeters of quarter circles, semicircles, or three-quarter circles within a real-world or mathematical context
Problem Solving with Units
Solves problems involving perimeters of quarter circles, semicircles, or three-quarter circles within a real-world or mathematical context
Solves problems involving volumes of rectangular prisms within a real-world or mathematical context
Uses the net of a prism to solve surface area problems within a real-world or mathematical context
Relationships involving Lines, Angles, and Polygons
Applies the Triangle Inequality Theorem
Spatial Concepts and Symmetry
Identifies the cross-sections of 3-D shapes
Surface Area
Uses the net of a prism to solve surface area problems within a real-world or mathematical context
Solves problems involving volumes of rectangular prisms within a real-world or mathematical context
RIT 291-300
Reason with Shapes, Attributes, & Coordinate Plane
Spatial Concepts and Symmetry
Identifies the cross-sections of 3-D shapes