Eschool / Subfinder
What is it?
It’s the absence creation for staff and robocaller for subs if applicable.
Important information: 815-828-4086 is the phone # to call into the system.
You’ll end up having:
a pin (numeric number only) which you’ll use to dial in and use the phone to create your absence;
a password (minimum 8 characters with at least 1 being a number or special character)
an access ID which is your username in the system – used for both the web and phone accessing.
How do I register myself?
After the temporary welcome email is sent to you (email comes from, so check your spam / junk if you don’t get it)
EXAMPLE email:
You’ll want to first register yourself:
Call the phone number – 815-828-4086
Enter in your Access ID followed by *
Enter in your pin # followed by *
Say your name followed by *
Enter 1 to accept your name or 2 to re-record your name.
After accepting your name, it’ll give you a location and job description - if this is incorrect in the system email to correct it.
Enter in your new desired PIN # (minimum 4 characters) followed by * when done.
Enter 1 to confirm your new pin or 8 to re-record your PIN # or 9 to exit the screen.
After accepting your new PIN, you’ll want to go validate your email address so you can then log into eschool via the web. An email will come after completing the phone setup.
Valdiating your email address
After registering yourself via a phone, you’ll want to validate your email address, so be on the lookout for an email that looks like this:
If it’s after the 5 minute time window, then you’ll want to go to our eschool login page –
Enter in your access ID.
Enter in your new Pin # .
It’ll then have you create a new web password – minimum of 8 characters, with at least 1 special character, 1 number and an alphanumeric / letter character).
Then you’ll want to log in using your access ID and new password.
Click validate your email address if you get this prompt.
Creating an Absence (via web) - Single Date
Log into eSchool / Subfinder -
Enter in your access ID
Enter in your password.
Click on Create an Absence in the blue bar.
Select the reason for the absence, an approval comment (if required), if a sub is required and the start and end date(s) of the absence.
If you’re reporting multiple days and they’re not consecutive to each other, you’ll want to uncheck the days from the weekly schedule.
Also, if everyday of the absence doen’t start and end at the same time, remeber to change the times on the weekly schedule.
In this example: I’m taking off 10/1/2021, which is a Friday, and I’m taking my entire workday off, where no sub is required.
Click contuine and it’ll send the email over to the principal / supervisior for approval.
NOTE: The minimum time to take off for the next day is a full 24 hour cycle.
In your email you’ll get an absence creation notice and then a follow up one if the absence has been approved or denied.
Creating an Absence (via web) - Multiple Days
Log into eSchool / Subfinder -
Enter in your access ID
Enter in your password.
Click on Create an Absence in the blue bar.
Select the reason for the absence, an approval comment (if required), if a sub is required and the start and end date(s) of the absence.
If you’re reporting multiple days and they’re not consecutive to each other, you’ll want to uncheck the days from the weekly schedule.
Also, if everyday of the absence doen’t start and end at the same time, remeber to change the times on the weekly schedule.
In this example: I’m taking off 10/4 and 10/5, which is a Monday and Tuesday, and I’m taking the AM off in the morning on Monday and the PM off on Tuesday.
6. Click contuine to preview your absence creation screen. Note, it’s not created until the Create Absence button is pressed, and where then it’ll email you a copy of the creation notice and send it to the approval of the principal / supervisior.When done, click “Create Absence” button.
NOTE: The minimum time to take off for the next day is a full 24 hour cycle.
Example email of what a multi day looks like: