Google Classroom
Different ways to get to Google Classroom
Navigate to
Open Google Chrome > Click on Google apps > Classroom
From the Links Page:
Creating a Class
Click on the
icon in the upper right corner of the Google Classroom Homepage > select Create class (If the Link & import from SIS window pops up, select Skip)
Enter a name for the Class and optionally a Section, Subject, and Room > select Create
Adding Students to a Class
Option 1: Have students join with the Class Code
The class code is found on the Class home page
Have students open Google Classroom > click Join class
Enter the class code
Option 2: Invite students
On the class page, select People
Click on the
icon next to Students
Enter student email address
Select the email from the list
Repeat steps 3-4 above to add additional students
Select Invite
Student will open Google Classroom and select Join
Creating Assignments
Select Classwork
Select Create
Select the appropriate assignment type
Give the assignment a name
Add an attachment
Assign the due date, and points
Select Assign
Grading Assignments
From the Class Page, click on Grades
Select the student to review their assignment
Select the assignment to open it to
Review the assignment
Enter a grade (and comment for the student if desired)
Select Post
Select Return
Select Return to confirm
Google Video and PDF Tutorials
Teacher Center | Google Classroom Training